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False dilemma
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. False dilemma

 1   2   3   4   +   -   ▶ 

A "false dilemma" is a logical fallacy whereby only a few of all possible choices are presented as being "collectively exhaustive". In some cases, the choices presented are not "mutually exclusive".

Information sign More: Sets: Mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive

2. Sets: Mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive
Items in a set can be partitioned into categories in many ways. Yes or noGiven a set:

Information sign More: Matthew 5:33-37 Reasoning about oaths - yes no
Information sign More: Matthew 6:24 A wealth of logical ideas on mammon
Information sign More: Equivalence relations: race
Information sign More: Sets: Mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive

3. False dilemma 1
False dilemma 1
A "false dilemma" fallacy is when only some choices are provided.

4. False dilemma 2
False dilemma 2
Often, the choices presented are not "mutually exclusive". That is, they overlap.

Information sign More: Sets: Mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive

5. False dilemma 3
False dilemma 3
Often, there are other choices that are not presented. The choices are not "collectively exhaustive" in that they do not cover all possible choices.

Information sign More: Sets: Mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive

6. False dilemma 4
False dilemma 4
Often, the choices presented are not "mutually exclusive" and are not "collectively exhaustive".

Information sign More: Sets: Mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive

7. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640