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Chiasmus patterns
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Chiasmus patterns
Greek letter Chiasm 0
Example start pattern: Then ending pattern:
The English word "chiasmus" is from the Latin word "chiasmus""chiasmus" and is from the ancient Greek word "χιασμός""crossing" which is from "χιάζω""mark with a chi, shape like a chi".
In general, a "chiasm" consists of an intersection or crossing of two series that can be interpreted as the form of the letter "X". By contrast, a "chiasmus" is a literary device whereby there is an inversion of the elements of phrases that do not use the same words. A "antimetabole" is similar but may repeat the same word or words.

There is a deceptive relationship between a chiasmus and the following.

2. Chiasmus
A "chiasm" can be created or detected in many ways.

3. Chiasmus
Example chiasmus patterns:

4. Chiasmus by words
Take the following two ideas.

5. Recursively running back again with the palindromes
A palindrome can be considered a chiasmus at the letter level.

The English word "palindrome" is a word whose letters are the same forward and backwards. Sometimes phrases are used where the blanks and other punctuation are ignored.
The English word "palindrome" comes from the ancient Greek word "παλίνδρομος""running back again" and comes from two ancient Greek words. The word "palindrome" was coined in 1638 by English poet and writer Henry Peacham. The idea appeared much earlier in history. Palindromes are found in the DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) code.
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6. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640