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Reflexive properties
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Reflexive property
Reflexive x and R
A relation R on set A is reflexive if for every x in A, x R x.

This can be written in mathematical form as follows.

Reflexive property
This is read as "for all x in (set) A, (condition) x R x (is true)"

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2. Universal quantification
For allUniversal quantification involves "for all" within a certain domain set. The symbol "" is read as "for all". The important question is the domain, as in "for all" what? What is included in the "for all".
An example is as follows. This is read as "for all x in the set 1, 3, 5, x is an odd number"

3. Reflexive laughing
Laugh at yourself

An example of a reflexive rule is the following. Have you heard that being able to laugh at yourself may help lengthen your life?

Here, the "laugh at" relation is applied reflexively to itself. That is, relating "laugh at" from "you" to "you".

4. Not reflexive laughing
Laugh at spouse

Have you heard that laughing at your spouse may help shorten your life?

Here, the "laugh at" relation is not applied reflexively.

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5. Laughing summary
Laugh at yourself and spouseHere is the diagram to summarize these laughing ideas. The relation R as "is the same sex/gender as" is reflexive, since Does a rule apply to itself? If so, the rule is reflexive.

6. Self reference
self ruleAre you the same sex or gender, whatever that is, as yourself?

Except for negation, most logical (not human) rules are reflexive.

Do some people apply rules to others but not to themselves?

7. Do as I say
others ruleWhenever someone says, "Do as I say, not as I do" they are applying a rule to others but not to them-self. That is, the rule, to them, is not a reflexive rule. In such a case, one might call the person a "hypocrite" using the modern sense of the word.

8. Everyone do this
everone ruleThe pattern becomes more clear with a diagram. The rule applies to everyone, which includes self. Negation results in interesting ideas.

9. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640