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Self-similarity and fractals
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Self-similarity and fractals
Fractals are self-similar objects, with fractional dimension, that model many parts of reality. Intrinsic topics include:

2. Romans 11:19 Fractions
Verse routeRomans 11:19 Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be graffed in. [kjv]
Verse routeερεις ουν εξεκλασθησαν κλαδοι ινα εγω εγκεντρισθω [gnt]
Verse routefractirami … [v]

The word "fractal" comes from the Latin "fractus" for "broken".

3. Romans 11:19
   Romans 11:19 
KJV: Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be graffed in.
Greek: ερεις ουν εξεκλασθησανοι κλαδοι ινα εγω εγκεντρισθω
Latin: dices ergo fracti sunt rami ut ego inserar

4. Luke 24:35 Fractions
Verse routeLuke 24:35 And they told what things were done in the way, and how he was known of them in breaking of bread. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι αυτοι εξηγουντο τα εν τη οδω και ως εγνωσθη αυτοις εν τη κλασει του αρτου [gnt]
Verse routefractione … [v]

Smooth "smooth" baked bread gets broken into "rough" bread, each getting a "fraction" of the loaf.

5. Luke 24:35
After the resurrection:
   Luke 24:35 
KJV: And they told what things were done in the way, and how he was known of them in breaking of bread.
Greek: και αυτοι εξηγουντο τα εν τη οδω και ως εγνωσθη αυτοις εν τη κλασει του αρτου
Latin: et ipsi narrabant quae gesta erant in via et quomodo cognoverunt eum in fractione panis

6. Fractals
A fractal is a self-similar object. What does it mean to be self-similar? In general:

7. Fractal tree and branches
Animated treeA tree branch looks like a little tree.

8. Clouds
A part of a cloud looks like a cloud.

9. Mountains
A part of a mountain looks like a mountain. To get a lake, just put a flat surface at a given elevation.

10. Lightning
Is it a lightning bolt? Is it fractal fog? Is it ocean waves? Related concepts include Brownian/random motion.

11. Ferns
A part of a fern looks like a fern. And so on.

12. Barnsley fern
The Barnsley fern uses IFS (Iterated Function Systems) to create realistic fractals.

The same techniques are the basis of fractal compression methods.

As one increases the detail, one can descend into the fractal - in what can appear like forever - infinite descent.

13. Fractal: Endless coastline
Koch descentFractals are self-similar objects. As one zooms in on a fractal, it can appear endless.

14. Mandelbrot set zoom
Where else do we see concepts of self-similarity?

15. Benoit Mandelbrot
Benoit Mandelbrot (1924-2010) discovered and popularized the concept of fractals, and coined the word from the Latin "fractus".

At the time he first introduced his work, many mathematicians did not consider his work mathematics.

16. Matthew 7:2
Verse routeMatthew 7:2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. [kjv]
Verse routeεν ω γαρ κριματι κρινετε κριθησεσθε και εν ω μετρω μετρειτε μετρηθησεται υμιν [gnt]
Verse routemensura mensi … [v]

Does it matter how things are measured? What about from a Biblical perspective? Explain.

Note: There is a difference between deciding what is right and wrong, communicating those ideas, and announcing/pronouncing and executing judgment on others.

17. Matthew 7:2
   Matthew 7:2 
KJV: For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
Greek: εν ω γαρ κριματι κρινετε κριθησεσθε και εν ω μετρω μετρειτεαντιμετρηθησεται μετρηθησεται υμιν
Latin: in quo enim iudicio iudicaveritis iudicabimini et in qua mensura mensi fueritis metietur vobis

18. The Fractal Geometry of Nature
The Fractal Geometry of NatureBenoit Mandelbrot's book, The Fractal Geometry of Nature (1983, revisions since), introduced me to the world of fractals.

Others, such as Lauren Carpenter took notice of his work.

19. Lauren Carpenter
Lauren Carpenter, then working for Boeing in Seattle, used the new fractal concepts to develop realistic animated natural scenery for flight simulators and marketing materials.

20. The force
He left to work at Lucasfilm's computer division to help develop animated landscapes, lave flows, etc.,

including animations for Star Wars, Star Trek, etc.

21. Lucasfilm
The Lucasfilm's computer division would become Pixar.

The rocket scene from Toy Story 1 shows animated trees in the background.

22. Toy Story
Movie: Toy StoryToy Story trivia: How might a programmer create hundreds of trees and millions of leaves?

23. Ecclesiastes 1:15
Verse routeEcclesiastes 1:15 That which is crooked cannot be made straight: and that which is wanting cannot be numbered. [kjv]
Verse routeδιεστραμμενον ου δυνησεται του επικοσμηθηναι και υστερημα ου δυνησεται του αριθμηθηναι [lxx]

CoastlineCan we smooth out a fractal and still have a fractal? Do we try to smooth out crooked things?

Can we go "beyond infinity"?

Information sign More: Infinity beyond experience

24. Koch coastline development

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A fractal is a self-similar object (i.e., with fractional dimension).

25. Step 0
Koch coastline #0Start with a straight line as the base case.

26. Step 1
Koch coastline #0 #1Divide the line segment in into three parts.

27. Step 2
Koch coastline #0 #1 #2Extend the middle segment. Here are the base and step cases. The fractional dimension in log(4/3).

28. Step 3
Koch coastline #0 #1 #2 #3Now do the same for the step case to get the next step case.

29. Step 4
Koch coastline #0 #1 #2 #3 #4Continue in the same manner.

30. Step 5
Koch coastline #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5Continue in the same manner.

31. Step 6
Koch coastline #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6Continue in the same manner.

32. Step 7
Koch coastline #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7Continue in the same manner.

33. Step 8
Koch coastline #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8In the limit, the length of the coastline is infinite, continuous (connected), but nowhere differentiable (smooth), what mathematicians call a "monster curve". Note: A simple recursive procedure can draw the entire curve.

34. Length of fractals
The length of a fractal is infinite. In practice, one stops at a certain point.

The measured length of coastlines has varied depending on measurement scale.

35. Koch coastline
Koch coastlinesDo you remember the Koch coastline?

What happens if we change the step case, at each step, to add some randomness?

To do so, flip a coin.

36. Randomized coastline
Randomized Koch coastlineImagine this as a coastline. More real looking, right. You can see the inlets and protruding islands. Simple to generate. That's the beauty of fractals.

37. Realistic coastline
Randomized and colored Koch coastlineColor shading makes the computer-generated coastline look more realistic.

38. Koch islands
Here are four variations of a simple Koch island.

This one randomization at each step results in a somewhat realistic island outline.

In practice, many parameters can be varied and randomized. Koch coastline

39. Regular coastline

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40. Randomized coastline

 1   2   3   4   5   6   +   -   ▶ 

41. Combined fractal coastline build

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42. Fractal tree animation
I always liked programming, so here are some attempts at programming fractal trees (from November 2010). I started them after watching a video on Fractals with my son who afterwards started seeing fractal landscapes in his Bionicle movies. These images are in reverse order as I "improve" the original code. The code was written in PostScript and improved over time.

Here is an animated GIF image which put together the concepts from the previous trees (below).

43. Fractal tree animation
Fractal tree animated

44. Four seasons
Here are the four seasons. Clockwise: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn. I used a seed for the random number generator to get the same tree branch layout each time (with extra random calls where needed depending on the season). Different seeds produce slightly different trees. Fractal treesHere are the trees for each of four seasons.

45. Without leaves
Fractal treeI created it with a small PostScript program in a few minutes.

46. With leaves
Fractal treeHere is the tree after a request to add leaves. The leaves are non-fractal for now.

47. Autumn tree
Fractal treeOn request, here is the autumn tree.

48. Nonrandom
Fractal treeHere is the same tree before I added the randomness to the angles and branch lengths.

49. Future improvements
Possible future improvements:

50. Fractal: Giuseppe Peano curve
The Peano curve was the first space-filling curve to be discovered. Such a curve is called a "monster curve",

51. Pythagoras fractal tree
Here is a Pythagoras fractal tree.

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52. Fractal: Hilbert curve
Hilbert curve animation

Mathematician David Hilbert invented what is called the "Hilbert curve".

53. Fractal: Hilbert curve
Hilbert curve degree 0 Hilbert curve degree 1 Hilbert curve degree 2
Hilbert curve degree 3 Hilbert curve degree 4

The Hilbert (fractal) curve has been used as a model for the packing of certain body tissues (intestines, lungs, etc.).

Such "monster curves" are finite in area, infinite in length, continuous (connected) but nowhere differentiable (smooth).

54. Sierpinski Christmas tree
Christmas Gasket

55. Fractal antennas
Fractal antennas, in cell phones, are based on ideas found in the fractal curves.

Nathan Cohen created (and patented) the first fractal antenna in 1988.

56. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640