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Minor prophets
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Minor prophets
The "minor prophets" group of books in the OT (Old Testament) are prophets who did not write that much. These books are ordered not by chronological order but by the approximate size of their writings. That order varies somewhat between the Bibles of Protestant, Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches.

29. Hosea 32. Obadiah 35. Nahum 38. Haggai
30. Joel 33. Jonah 36. Habakkuk 39. Zechariah
31. Amos 34. Micah 37. Zephaniah 40. Malachi
These minor prophets are sometimes called "the twelve", in contrast to the "four" major prophets.

Major Prophets
24. Isaiah 26. Lamentations 28. Daniel
25. Jeremiah 27. Ezekiel
Note that Lamentations is the short form of the longer "Lamentations of Jeremiah".

2. Minor prophets
There are 16 prophets at the end of the OT (Protestant Bible). The first 4 are called major prophets and the last 12 are called minor prophets.

Note that Lamentations is the short form of the longer "Lamentations of Jeremiah".
Saint Augustine (Early Christian father) appears to be the first person to make this division.

Information sign More: Augustine of Hippo

3. Amos

4. Zechariah

by RS : 1024 x 640