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Church history and linear combinations
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Church history and linear combinations
The book of Revelation has the letters to the seven churches right after the introduction.

One view of these letters is that they have a secondary meaning as a prophecy of some two thousand years of church history.

This idea can be better seen as linear combinations over time rather than having distinct beginnings and ends for each period.

2. Historical interpretation of church history
Churches in Revelation Beatitudes
Kingdom parables The probability that all three would be ordered together is 1 in 5040*5040*5040 or 1 in 128,024,064,000128 billion.
Some people prefer to just use church history to help remember the order of the churches, parables and beatitudes.

The horizontal scale is time. The vertical scale is the proportion that history evidences the traits of those verses. The historical interpretation is like a linear combination in mathematics in that what the verses say is more valid in some time periods than other time periods.

The probability that any 7 objects would be ordered at random in a given order is 7! = 7*6*5*4*3*2*1 or 1 in 5040. Note that there were many more possible churches or parables or beatitudes than used by Jesus.

3. Historical interpretation of church history
* Churches Parables Beatitudes Church ages
1 Ephesus Sower Poor in Spirit Jesus and the Good News
2 Smyrna Weeds They that mourn Roman persecutions
3 Pergamus Mustard Meek inherit Roman acceptance
4 Thyatira Leaven Hunger and thirst Catholic Church
5 Sardis Treasure Merciful and alms Protestant Reformation
6 Philadelphia Pearl Pure in heart Great Awakenings
7 Laodicea Harvest Peacemakers Apostate church age

Time periodsIf you do not like the historical interpretation, as prophecy, just use the model to remember the order of the Churches, Parables and Beatitudes.

[spread spectrum communication]
[self-similar like fractals]

4. Historical interpretation of church history

 1   2   3   4   +   -   ▶ 

☐ Literal ☐ Christian living
☐ Figurative ☐ Heresies over time
☐ Historical ☐ Prophetic details

[spread spectrum communication]
[self-similar like fractals]
[linear combinations]
Note that the time of Roman persecutions was that of the universal church as a collection of small "mustard seeds" while the time of Roman acceptance was that of the universal church as "tree with birds making a home in the branches".

5. Letters to churches in Revelation
Churches in RevelationInterpretations:

6. Kingdom parables
Kingdom parablesInterpretations:

7. Beatitudes

8. Controversy
If in fact these letters to the seven churches have such a prophetic meaning, then some of the controversy between "quickly" and "soon" is resolved since that church history had already started so that would be very "soon" indeed.

Information sign More: Come quickly: sooner or later

9. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640