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Come quickly: sooner or later
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Come quickly: sooner or later
Many translations of Revelation indicate that the "things" described will happen "soon". The Greek, however, uses the word "quickly" that, depending on context, may mean "soon" but may mean that when it happens, it will happen "quickly".

The KJV (King James Version) usually translates the word as "quickly" but, when the "things" described are is concerned, it is translated as "soon".

There appear to be some unstated assumptions that the "things" in Revelation described were completed "soon" after Revelation was written.
Jesus is coming soonBumper sticker: Jesus is coming soon and boy is he mad!

This refers, of course, to the second coming of Jesus as the "Avenger of Blood".

Future topic Details are left as a future topic.

This could be one of the "things" described in Revelation as "soon" or "quickly". The current questions in the following. How soon is "soon"? What are the "things" that come to pass?

2. Revelation
Let us look at the verses in question in Revelation.
Verse routeRevelation 1:1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: [kjv]

3. Revelation 1:1
KJV: The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:
Greek: αποκαλυψις ιησου χριστου ην εδωκεν αυτω ο θεος δειξαι τοις δουλοις αυτου α δει γενεσθαι εν ταχει και εσημανεν αποστειλας δια του αγγελου αυτου τω δουλω αυτου ιωαννη
Latin: apocalypsis Iesu Christi quam dedit illi Deus palam facere servis suis quae oportet fieri cito et significavit mittens per angelum suum servo suo Iohanni
Wycliffe: Apocalips of Jhesu Crist, which God yaf to hym to make open to hise seruauntis, whiche thingis it bihoueth to be maad soone. And he signyfiede, sending bi his aungel to his seruaunt Joon,
Tyndale: The reuelacion of Iesus Christe which god gave vnto him for to shewe vnto his servauntes thinges which muste shortly come to passe. And he sent and shewed by his angell vnto his servaunt Ihon
Geneva: The Reuelation of Iesus Christ, which God gaue vnto him, to shewe vnto his seruants things which must shortly be done: which he sent, and shewed by his Angel vnto his seruant Iohn,
Luther: Dies ist die Offenbarung Jesu Christi, die ihm Gott gegeben hat, seinen Knechten zu zeigen, was in der Kürze geschehen soll; und hat sie gedeutet und gesandt durch seinen Engel zu seinem Knecht Johannes,
Slavonic: Апокалипсис Иисуса Христа, егоже даде Ему Бог, показати рабом Своим, имже подобает быти вскоре. И сказа, послав чрез Ангела Своего рабу Своему Иоанну,

4. Angel messenger
According to John, the message from God is actually through an angel or messenger.

In modern complex computer software systems, it is often better and easier to send a program through the code and data to look for and fix issues than it is to go through manually and try to identify and fix issues. Such software is sometimes refereed to as an agent.

A hardware version of this idea is in the idea of nano-technology whereby tiny robot-like systems look for and fix issues.

Some of these concepts are part of the medical field in that many medicines work this way.

Future topic Details are left as a future topic.

Before delving into the "quick" as "sooner" or "later", let us look at verse 1:3.

5. Revelation 1:3
KJV: Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.
Greek: μακαριος ο αναγινωσκων και οι ακουοντες τους λογους της προφητειας και τηρουντες τα εν αυτη γεγραμμενα ο γαρ καιρος εγγυς
Latin: beatus qui legit et qui audiunt verba prophetiae et servant ea quae in ea scripta sunt tempus enim prope est
Wycliffe: Blessid is he that redith, and he that herith the wordis of this prophecie, and kepith tho thingis that ben writun in it; for the tyme is niy.
Tyndale: Happy is he that redith and they that heare the wordes of the prophesy and kepe thoo thinges which are written therin. For the tyme is at honde.
Luther: Selig ist, der da lieset, und die da hören die Worte der Weissagung und behalten, was darinnen geschrieben ist; denn die Zeit ist nahe.
Spanish: Bienaventurado el que lee, y los que oyen las palabras de esta profecía, y guardan las cosas en ella escritas; porque el tiempo está cerca.

6. Blessed
Those who read are "blessed" as in "happy" or "content".

Information sign More: Matthew 5: A eulogy of some blessed words on being blissfully happy
Discussion question: How might one "keep those things which are written therein" since most of Revelation is prophetic in nature?

7. Greek for near
Verse routeRevelation 1:3 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. [kjv]
Verse routeμακαριος ο αναγινωσκων και οι ακουοντες τους λογους της προφητειας και τηρουντες τα εν αυτη γεγραμμενα ο γαρ καιρος εγγυς [gnt]

The Greek says that the "time is near" were "time" as in "season" and "near" is not specified.
Some early church fathers (omitted) indicate that the time that is near is (also) that of the reader and that their time is limited too.

Over the years, I have heard many people (military, government, industry, academia, etc.) refer to their situation as not the real world. It soon became apparent (to me) that the real world is where you are. As Lucy from the Peanuts cartoon strip said (paraphrased from memory, reference needed) about the real world to Charlie Brown: "then live in it!".

8. Strongs - Near

9. Greek for time as in season
Verse routeRevelation 1:3 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. [kjv]
Verse routeμακαριος ο αναγινωσκων και οι ακουοντες τους λογους της προφητειας και τηρουντες τα εν αυτη γεγραμμενα ο γαρ καιρος εγγυς [gnt]

The ancient Greek word "καιρός""measure, period of time, season". The ancient Greek word had a connotation of being the right moment, the critical moment, the opportune moment, etc.

The same modern Greek word often means "weather" as in the climate forecast for a given area. The modern Greek word "καιρός" (keh-ROS) ≈ "weather, time, events" as in "from time to time".

10. Matthew 26:18 Pass-code
Verse routeMatthew 26:18 And he said, Go into the city to such a man, and say unto him, The Master saith, My time is at hand; I will keep the passover at thy house with my disciples. [kjv]
Verse routeο δε ειπεν υπαγετε εις την πολιν προς τον δεινα και ειπατε αυτω ο διδασκαλος λεγει ο καιρος μου εγγυς εστιν προς σε ποιω το πασχα μετα των μαθητων μου [gnt]

When Jesus gives a "pass-code" there appears to be a play on words based on sound of "χ" (guttural "ch") and "κ" ("k") and similarity of the vowels.

11. Matthew 26:18
KJV: And he said, Go into the city to such a man, and say unto him, The Master saith, My time is at hand; I will keep the passover at thy house with my disciples.
Greek: ο δε ειπεν υπαγετε εις την πολιν προς τον δεινα και ειπατε αυτω ο διδασκαλος λεγει ο καιρος μου εγγυς εστιν προς σε ποιω το πασχα μετα των μαθητων μου

12. Greek for chronological time
Greek has another word for the chronological time. The English word "crony" was coined about 1660 at Cambridge University with the positive sense of "chum" and later acquired the negative sense of being involved with illegal activity.

13. Matthew 2:7
   Matthew 2:7 
KJV: Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared.
Greek: τοτε ηρωδης λαθρα καλεσας τους μαγους ηκριβωσεν παρ αυτων τον χρονον του φαινομενου αστερος
Latin: tunc Herodes clam vocatis magis diligenter didicit ab eis tempus stellae quae apparuit eis
Wycliffe: Thanne Eroude clepide pryueli the astromyens, and lernyde bisili of hem the tyme of the sterre that apperide to hem.
Tyndale: Then Herod prevely called the wyse men and dyligetly enquyred of them ye tyme of the starre that appered
Spanish: Entonces Herodes, llamando en secreto a los sabios, inquirió de ellos diligentemente el tiempo de la aparición de la estrella;

14. Strongs - time

15. Revelation 20:3
KJV: And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.
Greek: και εβαλεν αυτον εις την αβυσσον και εκλεισεν αυτον και εσφραγισεν επανω αυτου ινα μη πλανηση ετι τα εθνη ετι αχρι τελεσθη τα χιλια ετη και μετα ταυτα δει αυτον λυθηναι αυτον μικρον χρονον
Latin: et misit eum in abyssum et clusit et signavit super illum ut non seducat amplius gentes donec consummentur mille anni post haec oportet illum solvi modico tempore
Wycliffe: And he sente hym`in to depnesse, and closide on hym, that he disseyue no more the folkis, til a thousynde yeeris be fillid. Aftir these thingis it bihoueth hym to be vnboundun a litil tyme.
Tyndale: and cast him into the bottomlesse pit and he bounde him and set a seale on him yt he shuld desceaue the people no moare tyll the. M. yeares were fulfilled. And after yt he muste be loosed for a litell season.
Luther: Und warf ihn in den Abgrund und verschloß ihn und versiegelte oben darauf, daß er nicht verführen sollte die Heiden, bis daß vollendet würden tausend Jahre; und danach muß er los werden eine kleine Zeit.
Spanish: y lo arrojó al abismo, y lo encerró, y puso sello sobreél, para que no engañase más a las naciones, hasta que los mil años fuesen cumplidos; y después de esto es necesario que sea desatado un poco de tiempo.

16. Strongs - time, season

17. Things
The "things" in the KJV is absent in the Greek and is inferred from a general pronoun reference that can be translated as "what" as in "what will happen" without specifying exactly what is "what".

18. Matthew 18:19 Things
Verse routeMatthew 18:19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. [kjv]
Verse routeπαλιν αμην λεγω υμιν οτι εαν δυο συμφωνησωσιν εξ υμων επι της γης περι παντος πραγματος ου εαν αιτησωνται γενησεται αυτοις παρα του πατρος μου του εν ουρανοις [gnt]

Sometimes the KJV adds the word "things" where does not appear in the Greek. In the Greek, it is usually just an adjective with an implied connection to something (i.e., a real or abstract thing or entity).

There is a Greek word for "thing" or "things" as used in Matthew 18:19. The ancient Greek word "πρᾶγμα""deed, act, fact" or a thing in a concrete reality is from the ancient Greek word "πράσσω""to do" and is the source of the English "practical".

The modern Greek word "πράγμα" (PRA-gma) ≈ "thing, entity, object". The ancient Greek word "πραγματικός""active, versed in affairs" is the source of the English "pragmatic".

A physical "thing" is different from something "abstract" such as a meta-wish. That is, a "wish" or "prayer" should be about a "thing" and not, say, a "wish for a wish".

Information sign More: Have you ever met a prefix like this?

19. Things

Book: On formally undecidable propositions of principia mathematica and related systems
There is a difference between a thing and talking about a thing. Kurt Gödel (Austrian logician, mathematician, philosopher)

Information sign More: Kurt Gödel
Information sign More: Matthew 13:51-53 KP8 Parable of new and old codes

20. Matthew 18:19

KJV: Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
Greek: παλιν αμην λεγω υμιν οτι εαν δυο υμων συμφωνησωσιν εξ υμων επι της γης περι παντος πραγματος ου εαν αιτησωνται γενησεται αυτοις παρα του πατρος μου του εν ουρανοις

21. Strongs - thing
  • *G4229 *11 πρᾶγμα (prag'-mah) : from G4238; a deed; by implication, an affair; by extension, an object (material):--business, matter, thing, work.
  •  Usage 
    • πραγματων *4
      •   Luke 1:1 ... to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us,
      •   Hebrews 6:18 That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible ...
      •   Hebrews 10:1 ... the very image of the things, can never with ...
      •   Hebrews 11:1 ... the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
    • πραγμα *3
      •   Acts 5:4 ... why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? ...
      •   1 Corinthians 6:1 Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law ...
      •   James 3:16 ... and every evil work.
    • πραγματι *3
      •   Romans 16:2 ... her in whatsoever business she hath need of you: for ...
      •   2 Corinthians 7:11 ... to be clear in this matter.
      •   1 Thessalonians 4:6 ... his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger ...
    • πραγματος
      •   Matthew 18:19 ... earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done ...

22. Usage - thing
*G4229 *11 πρᾶγμα (prag'-mah) : from G4238; a deed; by implication, an affair; by extension, an object (material):--business, matter, thing, work.
Word usage per chapter Words: πραγμα=3 πραγματι=3 πραγματος πραγματων=4

23. Greek
The ancient Greek word "ταχύς""quick, rapid, soon" where the "soon" appears to require a context for the "quick".

The modern Greek word "ταχέως" (ta-KHEH-os) ≈ "quickly, rapidly".

24. Sooner or later
In Greek, the English phrase "sooner or later" is expressed in the opposite order.

The modern Greek phrase "αργά ή γρήγορα" (ar-GA EE GHREE-go-ra) ≈ "sooner or later" and which is, literally, "later or sooner".

25. Greek for later
Argon The Greek word for "later" is from "not working" as in "lacking energy" and is the source of the name for argon gas (chemical element number 18).

Information sign More: The actual potency and inner workings of energy

26. Strongs - idle

27. Greek for sooner
This last Greek word come from related words in ancient Greek. These words are often translated in the KJV as "awaken", "watchful", etc. The English name "Gregory" comes from the ancient Greek word "Γρηγόριος""watchful, vigilant".

Future topic Details are left as a future topic.

28. Matthew 24:42
KJV: Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
Greek: γρηγορειτε ουν οτι ουκ οιδατε ποια ωρα ημερα ο κυριος υμων ερχεται
Latin: vigilate ergo quia nescitis qua hora Dominus vester venturus sit
Wessex: Wakieð witodlice forþan þe ge nyton on hwilcere tyde eower hlaford cuman wile.
Wycliffe: Therfor wake ye, for ye witen not in what our the Lord schal come.
Tyndale: Wake therfore because ye knowe not what houre youre master wyll come.
Luther: Darum wachet! Denn ihr wisset nicht, welche Stunde euer Herr kommen wird.
Spanish: Velad, pues, porque no sabéis a que hora ha de venir vuestro Señor.

29. The hour
The "hour" is not known, whether in is "sooner" or "later".

Discussion question: Does this idea fit into the Revelation question of "sooner" or "later"?

30. Strongs - watch

31. Sooner or later
Sooner or later, everyone will meet Jesus.

In Revelation, the question is the following. Does "quickly" mean sooner or later (or both or neither or something else)?

32. Oklahoma Sooners
The state of Oklahoma is known as the Sooner state because, when the border was opened (having previously been Indian territory) there were many "sooners" who snuck in early to claim their parcel of land.

The Oklahoma Sooners football mascot, logos, etc., come from that idea.

33. Tacky tachometer
The word "tachometer", which "meters" the "quickness" of the engine, comes from the ancient Greek word "ταχύς""quick, rapid, soon"
If you do not like the appearance of a tachometer, as in not having a classy appearance, you might say it appears "tacky". This word "tacky" comes from 1888 meaning "in poor taste" or "of low quality". Words from an earlier time that had about the same meaning were "shabby" or "seedy".

34. Ticky tacky coffin baskets
In the 1960's Malvina Reynolds coined the term "ticky tacky" to refer to low quality material used to make something, such as cheap houses, etc.

The term is often used to refer to the linings in coffins from a song "Little Boxes" by the "Weeds" with lyrics including the following. "Little coffins on the hillside. Little coffins made of ticky tacky and they all look just the same...".
Verse routeΜατθαίον 14:20 και εφαγον παντες και εχορτασθησαν και ηραν το περισσευον των κλασματων δωδεκα κοφινους πληρεις [gnt]
Verse route16:9 Do ye not yet understand, neither remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many baskets ye took up? [kjv]
Verse routeουπω νοειτε ουδε μνημονευετε τους πεντε αρτους των πεντακισχιλιων και ποσους κοφινους ελαβετε [gnt]

The Greek word translated as "baskets" went through Latin to become the English word "coffin". How many "coffins", I mean "baskets", did they take up?

Information sign More: Matthew 16: Basket cases

35. Tic tac
tic tac breath mintsTic tac, usually written in lowercase as tic tac, is a brand of breath mints, started in 1969, from the Italian company Ferrero.

36. Matthew 14:20
KJV: And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the fragments that remained twelve baskets full.
Greek: και εφαγον παντες και εχορτασθησαν και ηραν το περισσευον των κλασματων δωδεκα κοφινους πληρεις
Latin: et manducaverunt omnes et saturati sunt et tulerunt reliquias duodecim cofinos fragmentorum plenos

37. Matthew 16:9
   Matthew 16:9 
KJV: Do ye not yet understand, neither remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many baskets ye took up?
Greek: ουπω νοειτε ουδε μνημονευετε τους πεντε αρτους των πεντακισχιλιων και ποσους κοφινους ελαβετε

38. Tachyon
In particle physics, a "tachyon" is a (mythical) particle that travels faster than light. It is quite "quick" (if it existed).

Anything that travels faster than light would violate Einstein's special and general theories of relativity.

Aside: Cherenkov radiation comes from particles that travel faster in a medium (e.g., water) than light can travel in that medium. That is, for a very short period of time until that radiation slows down.

39. Science fiction
The "tachyon" as a mythical particle was introduced into science fiction in 1970 by James Blish's Star Trek novel "Spock must die!".

The idea is often used in science fiction writing when faster-than-light communication or transportation is needed.

40. Matrix
QuickThe essential issue can be put into a form of a matrix. There does not appear to be anyone who would argue that quick means slower rather than faster. However, there is disagreement over whether quick means sooner or later (even when some or all of the context in known).

41. Sooner or later
There are many trade-offs when deciding to do things "sooner" or "later".

42. Eager and lazy evaluation
The best way is often to delay decisions until they have to be made. In functional language terms, this is called lazy evaluation. The lazy method waits until it is known that something will be needed to work on it. The eager method keeps busy working on things that might never be needed.

Information sign More: Eager and lazy evaluation

43. Procrastination
Never put off till tomorrow, what you can do the day after tomorrow.
Mark Twain (Author and Humorist, alias Samuel Clemens)
Modern saying: I used to crastinate. I got so good at it I decided to go pro.

Information sign More: Mark Twain - Samuel Clemens

44. Senses
One sense of the word in Revelation is that it is not known when this will happen, but when it happens, it will happen quickly.

Another sense is that it should happen soon in time but, when it happens, it will happen quickly.

Thus, quickly appears to be always part of the definition. The issue is, then, the following.

45. Delay in events happening
Book: The Apostolic FathersClement, an early church father, in Clement 1, part 23.5 has the following (underline added) in a section explaining why the things described have not yet happened. Here is the translation by Holmes (underline added).
English: Truly his purpose will be accomplished quickly and suddenly, just as the scripture also testifies. "He will come quickly and not delay; and the Lord will come suddenly into his temple, even the Holy One whom you expect."
Greek: επ αληθειας ταχυ και εξαιφνης τελειωθησεται το βουλημα αυτου, συνεπιμαρτυρουσης και της γραφης οτι ταχυ ηξει και ου χρονιει, και εξαιφνης ηξει ο κυριος εις τον ναον αυτου, και ο αγιος ον υμεις προσδοκατε.
Holmes, M. (2007). The Apostolic Fathers. 3rd Ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, p. 79.

Information sign More: Book: Apostolic Fathers

46. Jesus and Judas
Sometimes the context can help decide if it is sooner or later, slower or faster. In John 13:27, Jesus has a message for Judas who has made plans to betray Jesus.

47. John 13:27
   John 13:27 
KJV: And after the sop Satan entered into him. Then said Jesus unto him, That thou doest, do quickly.
Greek: και μετα το ψωμιον τοτε εισηλθεν εις εκεινον ο σατανας λεγει ουν αυτω ο ιησους ο ποιεις ποιησον ταχιον ταχειον
Latin: et post buccellam tunc introivit in illum Satanas dicit ei Iesus quod facis fac citius
Wessex: & þa aefter þam bite sathanas eode on hyne. Ða cwaeð se haelend to hym. do raþe þaet þu don wylt;
Wycliffe: And aftir the mussel, thanne Sathanas entride in to hym. And Jhesus seith to hym, That thing that thou doist, do thou swithe.
Tyndale: And after the soppe Satan entred into him. Then sayd Iesus vnto him: that thou dost do quickly.
Gothic: jah afar thamma hlaiba than galaith in jainana satana. qath than du imma iesus: thatei taujis, tawei sprauto.
Luther: Und nach dem Bissen fuhr der Satan in ihn. Da sprach Jesus zu ihm: Was du tust, das tue bald.
Slavonic: И по хлебе тогда вниде в онь сатана. Глагола убо ему Иисус: еже твориши, сотвори скоро.
Russian: И после сего куска вошел в него сатана. Тогда Иисус сказал ему: что делаешь, делай скорее.
Spanish: Y tras el bocado Satanás entró enél. Entonces Jesús le dijo: Lo que vas a hacer, hazlo pronto.

48. Urgency
There is a sense of urgency here that is associated with "quickly". It should be done soon, as in now, and quickly, with a sense of urgency.

Greek has a word for a sense of urgency, but it is not used here nor elsewhere with the word "quickly".

Information sign More: 2 Timothy 2:15 An urgent focused priority to do diligent study

49. Palm Sunday
At Palm Sunday, Jesus sends disciples to get a colt. Should they do it "quickly", "soon", "straightway", etc.?

50. Matthew 21:3
   Matthew 21:3 
KJV: And if any man say ought unto you, ye shall say, The Lord hath need of them; and straightway he will send them.
Greek: και εαν τις υμιν ειπη τι ερειτε οτι ο κυριος αυτων χρειαν εχει ευθεως ευθυς δε αποστελει αυτους
Latin: et si quis vobis aliquid dixerit dicite quia Dominus his opus habet et confestim dimittet eos
Wycliffe: And if ony man seie to you ony thing, seie ye, that the Lord hath nede to hem; and anoon he schal leeue hem.
Tyndale: And if eny man saye ought vnto you saye ye yt the lorde hath neade of them: and streyght waye he will let them go.
Luther: Und so euch jemand etwas wird sagen, so sprechet: Der Herr bedarf ihrer; sobald wird er sie euch lassen.

51. Acts 9:11 Street called straight
Verse routeActs 9:11 And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the street which is called Straight, and enquire in the house of Judas for one called Saul, of Tarsus: for, behold, he prayeth, [kjv]
Verse routeο δε κυριος προς αυτον αναστα πορευθητι επι την ρυμην την καλουμενην ευθειαν και ζητησον εν οικια ιουδα σαυλον ονοματι ταρσεα ιδου γαρ προσευχεται [gnt]

There is a Greek word for "directly" as in a "straight line" and comes from that idea of geometry. The ancient Greek word "εὐθέως""immediately, at once, straightway" and can, depending on context, mean shortly or soon.

The city of Damascus had a street named "straight" which still exists today. It was part of the main Roman road through that area, used for commerce, troop movement, etc. It was about a mile long (1500 meters). Paul stayed in a house on this street.

Information sign More: Streets: Flowing after a path into a plaza

52. Latin
The Latin word "cito""quickly, speedily" and, yet, starting in the Middle Ages, the meaning is changed to "soon". It is interesting that a secondary meaning is "soon" as in "before long" or "within a short time". It appears that, even though it had about 1500 years since it was written, the meaning of "soon" was used - both in the Luther German and the various English versions - which started 500 years earlier with the "soon" in the Wessex Gospels.

The English word "velocity" comes from the Latin word "velocitas""speed, swiftness" (and is used in some of the above verses) and comes from the Latin word "velox""swift, quick".

53. Velociraptor
Verse routeLuke 18:11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. [kjv]
Verse routeο φαρισαιος σταθεις ταυτα προς εαυτον προσηυχετο ο θεος ευχαριστω σοι οτι ουκ ειμι ωσπερ οι λοιποι των ανθρωπων αρπαγες αδικοι μοιχοι η και ως ουτος ο τελωνης [gnt]
Verse routeraptores … [v]

The dinosaur named "velociraptor", made famous by the movie Jurassic Park, comes from the Latin word "velox""swift" and the Latin word "raptor""thief" which is related to the English word "rapture".
The word used as "extortioner" is the ancient Greek word "ἁρπάζω""snatch away, carry off". A better word might be "racketeering" where the organization itself manipulates the rules against others and uses force only when needed.

Information sign More: Tartarus and the bottomless pit
Information sign More: Crying wolf for the search and seizure of the rapture

54. Ravens
Book: The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe
One etymology of the English word "raven" is that it comes, through French, from the Latin word "rapina""plundering, loot" which comes from the Latin word "rapere""seize, plunder, abduct".
The famous poem "The Raven" is by American writer and poet Edgar Allen Poe (1809-1949). In the poem, the raven says one thing, "nevermore". Poe failed as a cadet at West Point and turned his attention to literary endeavors.

55. Luke 18:11

   Luke 18:11 
KJV: The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.
Greek: ο φαρισαιος σταθεις ταυτα προς εαυτον ταυτα προσηυχετο ο θεος ευχαριστω σοι οτι ουκ ειμι ωσπερ οι λοιποι των ανθρωπων αρπαγες αδικοι μοιχοι η και ως ουτος ο τελωνης
Latin: Pharisaeus stans haec apud se orabat Deus gratias ago tibi quia non sum sicut ceteri hominum raptores iniusti adulteri vel ut etiam hic publicanus

56. Soon
The English word "soon" comes from the Middle English word "soone""soon" which comes from the Old English word "sona""immediately, at once".

57. Strongs - Quickly

58. Revelation 2:5
Verse routeRevelation 2:5 Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. [kjv]

The "quickly" in the previous verse is not is some Greek manuscripts.

59. Revelation 2:5
KJV: Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.
Greek: μνημονευε ουν ποθεν εκπεπτωκας πεπτωκες και μετανοησον και τα πρωτα εργα ποιησον ει δε μη ερχομαι σοι ταχ ει και κινησω την λυχνιαν σου εκ του τοπου αυτης εαν μη μετανοησης

60. Revelation 2:16
KJV: Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.
Greek: μετανοησον ουν ει δε μη ερχομαι σοι ταχυ και πολεμησω μετ αυτων εν τη ρομφαια του στοματος μου
Latin: similiter paenitentiam age si quo minus venio tibi cito et pugnabo cum illis in gladio oris mei
Luther: Tu Buße; wo aber nicht, so werde ich dir bald kommen und mit ihnen kriegen durch das Schwert meines Mundes.

61. Rabbit trail
Let us take a rabbit trail following "quick" to "quicksilver", "Mercury", the "caduceus" to "Asclepius", etc.

62. The quick and the dead
The Apostle's Creed contains the phrase "to judge the living and the dead" which comes from 1 Peter 4:5 and 2 Timothy 4:1 and Acts 10:42.

Verse route1 Peter 4:5 Who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead. [kjv]
Verse routeοι αποδωσουσιν λογον τω ετοιμως κρινοντι ζωντας και νεκρους [gnt]

The quick are those that are living. So, the phrase the "quick and the dead" refers to the "living and the dead".

Information sign More: Wholesome and healthy sanctified saints

63. Quicksilver
The English word "quicksilver" can refer to chemical element number 80 known as Mercury which has the appearance of silver but is very fluid at room temperatures.

At one time, mercury or quicksilver was called "hydrargrum", from which the chemical abbreviation "Hg" derives.

Hydrargrum as mercury is from the Latin word "hydragrum""mercury" which comes from the ancient Greek word "ὑδράργυρος""mercury".
ThermometerHydrargrum as mercury is from the Latin word "hydragrum""mercury" which comes from the ancient Greek word "ὑδράργυρος""mercury" and which literally means "water silver" which is from two ancient Greek words.. Mercury thermometers contain small amounts of Mercury. Mercury is poisonous in various ways.

64. Hermes and the Caduceus
The name of the chemical mercury comes from the Roman god Mercury who was a speedy messenger for the gods, particularly the main god Jupiter.

The Greek name for the Roman god Mercury is Hermes. Hermes is known as the god of commerce, oratory, deception, marketing, etc.

The Roman god Mercury or the Greek god Hermes travels around and carries the caduceus consisting of two snakes around a pole.

65. Hermes
The Roman god Mercury is the Greek god Hermes from the ancient Greek word "Ἑρμῆς""Hermes, Mercury" the messenger of the gods who is related to commerce, deception, etc. The modern Greek word "Ερμής" (EHr-MEES) ≈ "Hermes, Mercury".

Hermes is considered the inventor of language and speech - as both an interpreter and a deceiver. Such language could lead to truths or to non-truths.
A folk etymology is that it is related to the ancient Greek word "ἑρμηνεύς""interpreter" as to the meaning of something and was used by Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834 )to coin the word "hermeneutics" as the study of the meaning of words and texts.

Aristotle wrote a work the ancient Greek work "Περὶ Ἑρμηνείας""On Interpretation" which has the Latin name "De Interpretatione""On Interpretation". This work defined the technical Greek word "ἑρμηνεία""interpretation, meaning".

This and related words appears often in the GNT (Greek New Testament).

This word appears to be pre-Greek so there may be some unknown connection between this word and the word for "Hermes".

Information sign More: Folk etymology

66. Doctors
Interestingly, the symbol used by doctors is the caduceus. Note that doctors (are supposed to) take the Hippocratic Oath (seriously) in protecting the patient. In modern times, however, the insurance companies take no such oath.

67. Nurses
The symbol used by nurses is that of Asclepius, the healing snake around a pole.

68. Asclepius
Interestingly, the Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, etc., had a healing snake (on a pole).

69. Healing snake
Serpent on the poleOne such healing serpent, or snake, appeared with Moses in the desert.

Jesus reminds Nicodemus about this in John 3:14-15.

70. John 3:14
   John 3:14 
KJV: And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:
Greek: και καθως μωσης μωυσης υψωσεν τον οφιν εν τη ερημω ουτως υψωθηναι δει τον υιον του ανθρωπου
Latin: et sicut Moses exaltavit serpentem in deserto ita exaltari oportet Filium hominis
Wessex: aend swa swa moyses þa neddre up ä-hof on þam westene. swa ge-bereð þaet mannes sunu beo up a-hafen.
Wycliffe: And as Moises areride a serpent in desert, so it bihoueth mannys sone to be reisid,
Tyndale: And as Moses lifte vp the serpent in the wyldernes even so must the sonne of man be lifte vp
Spanish: Y como Moisés levantó la serpiente en el desierto, así es necesario que el Hijo del Hombre sea levantado;

71. Adders and nadders
Verse routeJohn 3:14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: [kjv]
Verse routeκαι καθως μωυσης υψωσεν τον οφιν εν τη ερημω ουτως υψωθηναι δει τον υιον του ανθρωπου [gnt]
Verse routeneddre … [wes]

The Old English word "naeddre" was a "snake". The leading "n" dropped off to yield "adder" as a snake. That is, "a nadder" became "an adder". We see this use of "an neddre" to "an adder" starting in the Wessex Gospels in John 3:14.

Information sign More: Adding and dropping letters

72. John 3:14

   John 3:14 
KJV: And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:
Greek: και καθως μωσης μωυσης υψωσεν τον οφιν εν τη ερημω ουτως υψωθηναι δει τον υιον του ανθρωπου
Latin: et sicut Moses exaltavit serpentem in deserto ita exaltari oportet Filium hominis
Wessex: aend swa swa moyses þa neddre up ä-hof on þam westene. swa ge-bereð þaet mannes sunu beo up a-hafen.
Wycliffe: And as Moises areride a serpent in desert, so it bihoueth mannys sone to be reisid,
Tyndale: And as Moses lifte vp the serpent in the wyldernes even so must the sonne of man be lifte vp
Spanish: Y como Moisés levantó la serpiente en el desierto, así es necesario que el Hijo del Hombre sea levantado;

73. John 3:15
   John 3:15 
KJV: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
Greek: ινα πας ο πιστευων εις αυτον μη αποληται αλλ εν αυτω εχη ζωην αιωνιον

74. Barnabas and Paul
Planets in ancient timesIn Acts 14:11-12, the people attribute god-like attributes to Barnabas and Paul. These important gods were used as names of planets.

Information sign More: Planets as wandering stars

75. Jupiter
The Greek god Zeus in Latin is Jupiter or, literally "Zeus father" which is very similar linguistically to Japheth, the son of Noah whose generations span much of what is today the area of PIE (Proto Indo-European) languages.

Future topic Details are left as a future topic.

76. Acts 14:11
   Acts 14:11 
KJV: And when the people saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voices, saying in the speech of Lycaonia, The gods are come down to us in the likeness of men.
Greek: οι δε τε οχλοι ιδοντες ο εποιησεν ο παυλος επηραν την φωνην αυτων λυκαονιστι λεγοντες οι θεοι ομοιωθεντες ανθρωποις κατεβησαν προς ημας

77. Mercury
Mercury was the messenger and spokesperson for the gods so Paul gets this association.

78. Acts 14:12
   Acts 14:12 
KJV: And they called Barnabas, Jupiter; and Paul, Mercurius, because he was the chief speaker.
Greek: εκαλουν τε τον μεν βαρναβαν δια τον δε παυλον ερμην επειδη αυτος ην ο ηγουμενος του λογου

79. Mecurial
Mecurial software logoIn the software engineering field, Mecurial is a distributed version control system. The logo uses the idea of mercury as quicksilver.

Mercurial is a free, distributed source control management tool. It efficiently handles projects of any size and offers an easy and intuitive interface. From the Mecurial web site at (as of 2022-01-31).

80. Revelation
The Roman god Mercury (or Greek god Hermes) traveled quickly, but let us return quickly (and soon as in right now) to Revelation and the issue of "quickly" versus "soon".

81. Revelation 3:11
KJV: Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
Greek: ιδου ερχομαι ταχυ κρατει ο εχεις ινα μηδεις λαβη τον στεφανον σου
Greek today: Ιδου, ερχομαι ταχεως κρατει εκεινο το οποιον εχεις, δια να μη λαβη μηδεις τον στεφανον σου.
Latin: venio cito tene quod habes ut nemo accipiat coronam tuam
Wycliffe: Lo! Y come soone; holde thou that that thou hast, that no man take thi coroun.
Tyndale: Beholde I come shortly. Holde that which thou haste that no man take awaye thy croune
Luther: Siehe, ich komme bald! Halte, was du hast, daß niemand deine Krone nehme!
Slavonic: Се, гряду скоро: держи, еже имаши, да никтоже приимет венца твоего.
Russian: Се, гряду скоро; держи, что имеешь, дабы кто не восхитил венца твоего.
Spanish: He aquí, yo vengo pronto; retén lo que tienes, para que ninguno tome tu corona.
The Spanish word "pronto""quickly".

The German word "bald""soon, near in time".

The Russian word "скоро""soon".

The Russian word "скорый""fast, quick, rapid".

82. Revelation 11:14
KJV: The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly.
Greek: η ουαι η δευτερα απηλθεν ιδου η ουαι η τριτη ερχεται ταχυ
Latin: vae secundum abiit ecce vae tertium veniet cito
Wycliffe: The secounde wo is gon, and lo! the thridde wo schal come soone.
Tyndale: The seconde woo is past and beholde ye thyrd woo wyll come ano
Luther: Das andere Wehe ist dahin; siehe, das dritte Wehe kommt schnell!
Slavonic: Горе второе отиде: се, горе третие грядет скоро.
Spanish: El segundo ay es pasado; he aquí, el tercer ay viene pronto.

83. Revelation 22:6
KJV: And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done.
Greek: και ειπεν μοι ουτοι οι λογοι πιστοι και αληθινοι και ο κυριος ο θεος των αγιων πνευματων των προφητων απεστειλεν τον αγγελον αυτου δειξαι τοις δουλοις αυτου α δει γενεσθαι εν ταχει
Greek today: Και ειπε προς εμε Ουτοι οι λογοι ειναι πιστοι και αληθινοι και Κυριος ο Θεος των αγιων προφητων απεστειλε τον αγγελον αυτου, δια να δειξη εις τους δουλους αυτου τα οσα πρεπει να γεινωσι ταχεως.
Latin: et dixit mihi haec verba fidelissima et vera sunt et Dominus Deus spirituum prophetarum misit angelum suum ostendere servis suis quae oportet fieri cito
Wycliffe: And he seide to me, These wordis ben moost feithful and trewe. And the Lord God of spiritis of prophetis sente his aungel, to schewe his seruauntis, what thingis it bihoueth to be don soone.
Luther: Und er sprach zu mir: Diese Worte sind gewiß und wahrhaftig. Und Gott, der Herr der heiligen Propheten, hat seinen Engel gesandt, zu zeigen seinen Knechten, was bald geschehen muß.

84. Revelation 22:7
KJV: Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book.
Greek: και ιδου ερχομαι ταχυ μακαριος ο τηρων τους λογους της προφητειας του βιβλιου τουτου
Latin: et ecce venio velociter beatus qui custodit verba prophetiae libri huius

85. Revelation 22:12
KJV: And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.
Greek: και ιδου ερχομαι ταχυ και ο μισθος μου μετ εμου αποδουναι εκαστω ως το εργον εστιν αυτου εσται
Latin: ecce venio cito et merces mea mecum est reddere unicuique secundum opera sua

86. Revelation 22:20
KJV: He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
Greek: λεγει ο μαρτυρων ταυτα ναι ερχομαι ταχυ αμην ναι ερχου κυριε ιησου
Greek today: Λεγει ο μαρτυρων ταυτα Ναι, ερχομαι ταχεως. Αμην, ναι, ερχου, Κυριε Ιησου.
Latin: dicit qui testimonium perhibet istorum etiam venio cito amen veni Domine Iesu

87. Shortly
The primary issue appears to be at the beginning of Revelation in 1:1 and at the end of Revelation chapter 22 verse 6 as "shortly" and verses 7, 13 and 20 as "quickly". The two primary verses, then, at issue are the following, at the beginning and end of Revelation.
Verse routeRevelation 1:1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: [kjv]

Verse route22:6 And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done. [kjv]

The following excerpts show the essential words.

88. Word slide
SnareIn Revelation, the Greek word for "quickly" when through Latin and eventually became "shortly". One explanation goes as follows.

The Greek word "ταχύς" for "quickly" and, depending on context, could sometimes mean "soon" was translated to the Latin word "cito" which could mean "quickly" or "soon", more so than the Greek. Other languages used this idea to use the word "soon" rather than "quickly".

89. Red flag
Red flagOne red flag is that many modern Greek translations change the word for "quickly" to the word for "shortly" even though the original Greek word has not changed meaning nor spelling - just ending inflections.

90. Other languages
That this happened in other languages (e.g., Old Church Slavonic to modern Russian) tends to indicate that some "confirmation bias" was involved in that the meaning of these passages had already been assumed.

91. Confirmation bias
Confirmation biasA confirmation bias is a bias of accepting only facts that agree with what you have already decided is true and ignoring other facts.
That is, one accepts only new information that confirms what one already believes or has heard, etc. You can ignore facts that you do not know about (ignorance of the law) or ignore things in order to deceive others (and yourself).

Cherry pick 2A confirmation bias can be encouraged by the use of "cherry picking" information to view or accept.

Information sign More: Selective evidence fallacy: Cherry picking
Information sign More: Confirmation bias

92. Prophesy of church history
The book of Revelation has the letters to the seven churches right after the introduction.

One view of these letters is that they have a secondary meaning as a prophecy of some two thousand years of church history.

Future topic Details are left as a future topic.

Linear combinationsKeep in mind that this prophecy (if valid) is like a linear combination approximation in mathematics (or fuzzy logic approximation) in that all of the letters to the churches are valid at all times, but some letters tend to have more realization in certain periods of time than others. If in fact these letters to the seven churches have such a prophetic meaning, then some of the controversy between "quickly" and "soon" is resolved since that church history had already started so that would be very "soon" indeed.

93. Genesis 1:1 Declarative models and causal reasoning
Verse routeGenesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. [kjv]
Verse routeבראשיתבראאלהיםהשמיםהארץ [he]
Verse routeεν αρχη εποιησεν ο θεος τον ουρανον και την γην [lxx]

Genesis 1 is a declarative model of creation and not a procedural or imperative model of creation. It says what happened but not exactly how it happened.

94. Revelation as a declarative model
The book of Revelation appears to have many characteristics of a declarative model in general and a declarative constraint model in particular.

Thus, unless clear from context, it may not be wise to assume time orderings on the events described.

Even when John says something to the effect that "then this happened" may not mean that the events have a time ordering as written. One must study the text and the context very carefully.

95. How soon is quick?
The phrase "τάχει" (TA-khee) ≈ "quickly, soon?" appears in Rev 1:1. Does it mean "quickly" or "soon" or something else?

96. Philippians 2:24
KJV: But I trust in the Lord that I also myself shall come shortly.
Greek: πεποιθα δε εν κυριω οτι και αυτος ταχεως ελευσομαι
The KJV translates as "I trust" what might be better translated as "I am confident" as in a firm belief. The word translated here as "shortly" can be misleading.

97. Acts 24:4
   Acts 24:4 
KJV: Notwithstanding, that I be not further tedious unto thee, I pray thee that thou wouldest hear us of thy clemency a few words.
Greek: ινα δε μη επι πλειον σε εγκοπτω παρακαλω ακουσαι σε ημων συντομως τη ση επιεικεια

98. 2 Peter 1:14
   2 Peter 1:14 
KJV: Knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath shewed me.
Hebrew: באשר ידעתי כי מהר יעתק משכני כאשר גם גלה לי אדנינו ישוע המשיח׃
Greek: ειδως οτι ταχινη εστιν η αποθεσις του σκηνωματος μου καθως και ο κυριος ημων ιησους χριστος εδηλωσεν μοι
Latin: certus quod velox est depositio tabernaculi mei secundum quod et Dominus noster Iesus Christus significavit mihi
Wycliffe: that the putting awei of my tabernacle is swift, bi this that oure Lord Jhesu Crist hath schewid to me.
Luther: Denn ich weiß, daß ich meine Hütte bald ablegen muß, wie mir denn auch unser HErr JEsus Christus eröffnet hat.
The ancient Greek word "σκηνώματι" (skee-NO-ma-tee) ≈ "body as in live-in tent" is a combination of tent and body.

The modern Greek word "σκηνώματα" (skee-NO-ma-ta) ≈ "sketch".

The modern Greek word "δήλωση" (THEE-lo-see) ≈ "declaration" is similar in meaning to ancient Greek.

99. Peter and time
It has been almost 2,000 years since Revelation was written. If the events have not happened yet, is that "soon".

Peter has something to say about time as viewed by man and as viewed by God.

100. 2 Peter 3:8
   2 Peter 3:8 
KJV: But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
Greek: εν δε τουτο μη λανθανετω υμας αγαπητοι οτι μια ημερα παρα κυριω ως χιλια ετη και χιλια ετη ως ημερα μια

101. God and time
God is eternal and outside of time and the constraints of time as we know it.

The idea of "soon", as in a few days from God's point of view could be thousands of years from man's point of view.

Peter then indicates that God wants to provide enough time so that no one is without excuse.

102. 2 Peter 3:9 Make way for repentance
Peter tells us that the Lord is not "slow" but will delay coming to give all a chance to "make way" to "repent" as in an "after thought". When it happens, it will happen "quickly".
Verse route2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. [kjv]
Verse routeου βραδυνει κυριος της επαγγελιας ως τινες βραδυτητα ηγουνται αλλα μακροθυμει εις υμας μη βουλομενος τινας απολεσθαι αλλα παντας εις μετανοιαν χωρησαι [gnt]

The ancient Greek word "βραδύνω""make slow, delay" which comes from "βραδύς""slow" and which is the opposite of "ταχύς""quick" which, depending on context, might mean "soon".

The ancient Greek word "χωρέω""give way, make way". Those described should "give way" or "make way" for "repentance". The Greek word for "repentance" means, literally, to "think after" what one is doing. "Repentance" starts in the mind. There is another Greek word for "change what you are doing".

Information sign More: Think after what you heard and repent
Information sign More: John 21:24-25 Giving way to the gospel writing style of John
Information sign More: Luke 18:1-8 Parable of the unjust judge

103. End of page

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