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A place outside the camp
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Sun shining
Verse routeMatthew 17:2 And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light. [kjv]
Verse routeMark 13:24 But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, [kjv]

There are many verses and hymns that talk about the sun, light, shining, etc.
There are a few verses that talk about where the sun does not shine. And not northern Alaska or Finland in the winter. Are there any hymns? Some verses talk about "false lights".

2. Matthew 17:2
   Matthew 17:2 
KJV: And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light.
Greek: και μετεμορφωθη εμπροσθεν αυτων και ελαμψεν το προσωπον αυτου ως ο ηλιος τα δε ιματια αυτου εγενετο λευκα ως το φως

3. Mark 13:24
   Mark 13:24 
KJV: But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light,
Greek: αλλ αλλα εν εκειναις ταις ημεραις μετα την θλιψιν εκεινην ο ηλιος σκοτισθησεται και η σεληνη ου δωσει το φεγγος αυτης

4. End result
Verse routePhilippians 3:1 Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe. [kjv]
Verse routeτο λοιπον αδελφοι μου χαιρετε εν κυριω τα αυτα γραφειν υμιν εμοι μεν ουκ οκνηρον υμιν δε ασφαλες [gnt]
Verse routeceteropigrumnecessarium [v]

In the end, it is "necessary" that we move on to aspects of the Greek word for "colon" and remove any extra parts not needed (the other meaning of a similar word).

5. Necessary
Verse routePhilippians 3:1 Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe. [kjv]
Verse routeτο λοιπον αδελφοι μου χαιρετε εν κυριω τα αυτα γραφειν υμιν εμοι μεν ουκ οκνηρον υμιν δε ασφαλες [gnt]
Verse routeceteropigrumnecessarium [v]

The Latin word "necessarium""unavoidable, inevitable, required" and is the source of the English word "necessary". An older meaning of the English (and Medieval Latin word in monasteries) was that of an "outhouse" where one did "unavoidable business".

6. Philippians 3:1
KJV: Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe.
Greek: το λοιπον αδελφοι μου χαιρετε εν κυριω τα αυτα γραφειν υμιν εμοι μεν ουκ οκνηρον υμιν δε ασφαλες
Latin: de cetero fratres mei gaudete in Domino eadem vobis scribere mihi quidem non pigrum vobis autem necessarium

7. Numbers 2:1-34 Algorithms and the camp of Israel
Verse routeNumbers 2:4 And his host, and those that were numbered of them, were threescore and fourteen thousand and six hundred. [kjv]

Camp of Israel by tribe groups Ten commandments
The book of Numbers is named for the detailed census appearing in Numbers 2. The details can be boring but are part of an "algorithm" provided by God for their camp in the desert.
If the Israelites in the desert had followed the "algorithm" provided by God as how to precisely camp, their camp would have been laid out in the shape of a cross from the point of view of the "rising sun" in the morning.

Notice the top-down nature of the reporting with the summary totals first and then the details.

Information sign More: Numbers 2:1-34 Algorithms and the camp of Israel

8. A necessary place
Verse routeDeuteronomy 23:12 Thou shalt have a place also without the camp, whither thou shalt go forth abroad: [kjv]
Verse routeκαι τοπος εσται σοι εξω της παρεμβολης και εξελευση εκει εξω [lxx]
Verse route23:13 And thou shalt have a paddle upon thy weapon; and it shall be, when thou wilt ease thyself abroad, thou shalt dig therewith, and shalt turn back and cover that which cometh from thee: [kjv]
Verse routeκαι πασσαλος εσται σοι επι της ζωνης σου και εσται οταν διακαθιζανης εξω και ορυξεις εν αυτω και επαγαγων καλυψεις την ασχημοσυνην σου εν αυτω [lxx]

Camp of Israel by tribe groups
Like the "Methodists" who were named for having a "method" or "rule" for everything, so did the Camp of Israel have a "place" for everything in the Wilderness. [canoe]

Information sign More: Numbers 2:1-34 Algorithms and the camp of Israel

9. Deuteronomy 23:12
KJV: Thou shalt have a place also without the camp, whither thou shalt go forth abroad:
Hebrew: ויד תהיה לך מחוץ למחנה ויצאת שמה חוץ׃
Greek: και τοπος εσται σοι εξω της παρεμβολης και εξελευση εκει εξω

10. Deuteronomy 23:13
KJV: And thou shalt have a paddle upon thy weapon; and it shall be, when thou wilt ease thyself abroad, thou shalt dig therewith, and shalt turn back and cover that which cometh from thee:
Hebrew: ויתד תהיה לך על אזנך והיה בשבתך חוץ וחפרתה בה ושבת וכסית את צאתך׃
Greek: και πασσαλος εσται σοι επι της ζωνης σου και εσται οταν διακαθιζανης εξω και ορυξεις εν αυτω και επαγαγων καλυψεις την ασχημοσυνην σου εν αυτω

11. Deuteronomy 23:14
KJV: For the LORD thy God walketh in the midst of thy camp, to deliver thee, and to give up thine enemies before thee; therefore shall thy camp be holy: that he see no unclean thing in thee, and turn away from thee.
Hebrew: כי יהוה אלהיך מתהלך בקרב מחנך להצילך ולתת איביך לפניך והיה מחניך קדוש ולא יראה בך ערות דבר ושב מאחריך׃
Greek: οτι κυριος ο θεος σου εμπεριπατει εν τη παρεμβολη σου εξελεσθαι σε και παραδουναι τον εχθρον σου προ προσωπου σου και εσται η παρεμβολη σου αγια και ουκ οφθησεται εν σοι ασχημοσυνη πραγματος και αποστρεψει απο σου

12. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640