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A recent new beginning
1. A recent new beginning
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. [kjv]
בראשיתבראאלהים … השמים … הארץ [he]
εν αρχη εποιησεν ο θεος τον ουρανον και την γην [lxx]
… principio … [v]
The word "
God" is taken to be the creator God of the universe and everything in it, as in Genesis 1:1.
The phrase "
a recent new beginning" uses words that, in
PIE (Proto Indo-European) languages, are related, as are all people going back in time.
In the Bible, some important "
new" beginnings are the following.
The creation.
After the flood.
The new covenant/testament.
After the resurrection.
2. In the big inning
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. [kjv]
בראשיתבראאלהים … השמים … הארץ [he]
εν αρχη εποιησεν ο θεος τον ουρανον και την γην [lxx]
… principio … [v]
… bigynnyng … [wy]
… begynnynge … [ty]

The phrase "
in the beginning" is
not when a baseball team scores a lot of runs.
Eve stole first.
Adam stole second.
Cain struck out Abel.
Then the Giants-Angels game was rained out (Nephilim and the Flood)
[sleeping student in class and basketball]
3. Other Biblical baseball
Noah took some bats in the Ark. Someone was always on deck.
Who did Noah have warming up in the bull pen?
Noah's game was rained out.
Rebekah took the pitcher to the well.
David struck out Goliath.
The prodigal son made a home run.
The Pharisees and Sadduces kept looking for (to steal) a sign.
Tennis: Joseph served in Pharaoh's court.
In Matthew, Jesus pitched the Sermon on the Mound.
4. Hebrew
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. [kjv]
בראשיתבראאלהים … השמים … הארץ [he]
εν αρχη εποιησεν ο θεος τον ουρανον και την γην [lxx]
… principio … [v]
… bigynnyng … [wy]
… begynnynge … [ty]
On to more "
beginnings". The Hebrew word
"בראשית" (ba-re-sheet) ≈ "In the beginning".

We will come back to the English words for "
beginning" as will the Russian word
"начале" (na-cha-le) ≈ "beginning".
5. New Testament
Luke 22:20 Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you. [kjv]
και το ποτηριον ωσαυτως μετα το δειπνησαι λεγων τουτο το ποτηριον η καινη διαθηκη εν τω αιματι μου το υπερ υμων εκχυννομενον [gnt]
… novum testamentum … [v]
At the Last Supper, Jesus speaks the words that give the name to the "
New Testament".
This "
New Testament" or "
New Covenant" (some ward in the
GNT (Greek New Testament)) is an interesting topic. This "
New Testament" does not replace all other "
6. Luke 22:20
KJV: Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.
Greek: ωσαυτως και το ποτηριον ωσαυτως μετα το δειπνησαι λεγων τουτο το ποτηριον η καινη διαθηκη εν τω αιματι μου το υπερ υμων εκχυνομενον εκχυννομενον
Latin: similiter et calicem postquam cenavit dicens hic est calix novum testamentum in sanguine meo quod pro vobis funditur
Wessex: Aend swa eac þanne calic; syððen he ge-eten hafde & cwaeð. Þes calic is niwe cyðnis on minen blode se beoð for eow agoten.
Tyndale: Lykewyse also when they had supped he toke the cup sayinge: This cup is the newe testament in my bloud which shall for you be shedde.
Luther: Desselbigengleichen auch den Kelch nach dem Abendmahl und sprach: Das ist der Kelch, das neue Testament in meinem Blut, das für euch vergossen wird.
Russian: Также и чашу после вечери, говоря: сия чаша есть Новый Завет в Моей крови, которая за вас проливается.
Spanish: De igual manera, después que hubo cenado, tomó también la copa, diciendo: Esta copa es el nuevo testamento en mi sangre, que por vosotros es derramada.
7. Testament and covenant
Here we are interested in the "
new". A general distinction is that testament and covenant are not the same.
testament - statement
covenant - contract
The English word
"new" "
new" is similar among many
PIE languages from the
PIE root
"*NEWOS" ≈ "new".
8. New
9. Diagram
10. Recent
11. Uniformitarianism
The geologic meaning of "
recent", from the Latin, was first used by
Charles Lyell (Scottish geologist) 1833.
All formations, whether igneous or aqueous, which can be shown by any such proofs to be of a date posterior to the introduction of man, will be called Recent. Charles Lyell in
Principles of Geology (1833).
Lyell's argument called "
uniformitarianism" was that "
the formation of Earth's crust took place through countless small changes occurring over vast periods of time, all according to known natural laws".
12. Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 Nothing new
Ecclesiastes 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. [kjv]
τι το γεγονος αυτο το γενησομενον και τι το πεποιημενον αυτο το ποιηθησομενον και ουκ εστιν παν προσφατον υπο τον ηλιον [lxx]
1:10 Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us. [kjv]
ος λαλησει και ερει ιδε τουτο καινον εστιν ηδη γεγονεν εν τοις αιωσιν τοις γενομενοις απο εμπροσθεν ημων [lxx]
… sole novum … recens … [v]
Wycliffe, which follows the Latin, and the Latin, move the "
there is no new thing under the sun" to the next verse.
The Latin Vulgate uses "
recens" as fresh or new instead of the word "
13. Ecclesiastes 1:9
KJV: The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
Hebrew: מה שהיה הוא שיהיה ומה שנעשה הוא שיעשה ואין כל חדש תחת השמש׃
Greek: τι το γεγονος αυτο το γενησομενον και τι το πεποιημενον αυτο το ποιηθησομενον και ουκ εστιν παν προσφατον υπο τον ηλιον
Luther: Was ist's, das geschehen ist? Eben das hernach geschehen wird. Was ist's, das man getan hat? Eben das man hernach wieder tun wird; und geschieht nichts Neues unter der Sonne.
Russian: Что было, то и будет; и что делалось, то и будет делаться, и нет ничего нового под солнцем.
14. Ecclesiastes 1:10
KJV: Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us.
Hebrew: יש דבר שיאמר ראה זה חדש הוא כבר היה לעלמים אשר היה מלפננו׃
Greek: ος λαλησει και ερει ιδε τουτο καινον εστιν ηδη γεγονεν εν τοις αιωσιν τοις γενομενοις απο εμπροσθεν ημων
Latin: nihil sub sole novum nec valet quisquam dicere ecce hoc recens est iam enim praecessit in saeculis quae fuerunt ante nos
Wycliffe: No thing vndir the sunne is newe, nether ony man may seie, Lo! this thing is newe; for now it yede bifore in worldis, that weren bifore vs.
Luther: Geschieht auch etwas, davon man sagen möchte: Siehe, das ist neu? Denn es ist zuvor auch geschehen in vorigen Zeiten, die vor uns gewesen sind.
Russian: Бывает нечто, о чем говорят: смотри, вот это новое; но это было уже в веках, бывших прежде нас.
15. Romans 12:2
Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. [kjv]
και μη συσχηματιζεσθε τω αιωνι τουτω αλλα μεταμορφουσθε τη ανακαινωσει του νοος εις το δοκιμαζειν υμας τι το θελημα του θεου το αγαθον και ευαρεστον και τελειον [gnt]
… reformamini … novitate sensus … [v]
To make "
new" again is "
16. Romans 12:2
KJV: And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Greek: και μη συσχηματιζεσθε τω αιωνι τουτω αλλα μεταμορφουσθε τη ανακαινωσει του νοος υμων εις το δοκιμαζειν υμας τι το θελημα του θεου το αγαθον και ευαρεστον και τελειον
Latin: et nolite conformari huic saeculo sed reformamini in novitate sensus vestri ut probetis quae sit voluntas Dei bona et placens et perfecta
Wycliffe: And nyle ye be confourmyd to this world, but be ye reformed in newnesse of youre wit, that ye preue which is the wille of God, good, and wel plesynge, and parfit.
Tyndale: And fassion not youre selves lyke vnto this worlde: But be ye chaunged in youre shape by the renuynge of youre wittes that ye maye fele what thynge that good yt acceptable and perfaycte will of god is.
Luther: Und stellet euch nicht dieser Welt gleich, sondern verändert euch durch Erneuerung eures Sinnes, auf daß ihr prüfen möget, welches da sei der gute, der wohlgefällige und der vollkommene Gotteswille.
17. PIE relationships
18. Cenozoic
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. [kjv]
λεγει αυτω ιησους εγω ειμι η οδος και η αληθεια και η ζωη ουδεις ερχεται προς τον πατερα ει μη δι εμου [gnt]
… via … veritas … vita … [v]
The Cenozoic (or Kainozoic) period from archeology is from the modern Greek word
"κοινός" (kee-NOS) ≈ "new" (discussed above) and the modern Greek word
"ζωή" (zo-EE) ≈ "life" from which we get words such as "
zoo", "
zoology", etc.
19. John 14:6 Way truth and life
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. [kjv]
λεγει αυτω ιησους εγω ειμι η οδος και η αληθεια και η ζωη ουδεις ερχεται προς τον πατερα ει μη δι εμου [gnt]
… via … veritas … vita … [v]
Jesus is the
"truth" and
In Latin, these three words start with "
"veritas" and
"vita". The Greek and Hebrew words for
"truth" have to do with "
reality" and
not "
logic" or "
opinion". Thus, Jesus is the
"way" (opinion as in glory), the
"truth" (reality as in science) and the
"life" (logic as in information).
20. John 14:6
KJV: Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Greek: λεγει αυτω ο ιησους εγω ειμι η οδος και η αληθεια και η ζωη ουδεις ερχεται προς τον πατερα ει μη δι εμου
Latin: dicit ei Iesus ego sum via et veritas et vita nemo venit ad Patrem nisi per me
21. English
22. Matthew 24:8
KJV: All these are the beginning of sorrows.
Greek: παντα δε ταυτα αρχη ωδινων
Latin: haec autem omnia initia sunt dolorum
Wessex: Ealle þas þing synt þare sare anginne.
Wycliffe: and alle these ben bigynnyngis of sorewes.
Tyndale: All these are the beginninge of sorowes.
Russian: все же это-начало болезней.
23. Greek and Latin
24. Mark 13:4
Mark 13:4 Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled? [kjv]
Following the Latin Vulgate, the Wessex Gospels and Wycliffe use "
begin" and "
end" rather than "
25. Mark 13:4
KJV: Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled?
Greek: ειπε ειπον ημιν ποτε ταυτα εσται και τι το σημειον οταν μελλη παντα ταυτα συντελεισθαι παντα
Latin: dic nobis quando ista fient et quod signum erit quando haec omnia incipient consummari
Wessex: Sege us hwaenne þas þing ge-wurðen. & hwilc taken beoð þanne ealle þas þing ge-wurðe sculen. & hwilc tacen byð þanne ealle þas þing on-ginneð. & beon sculen ge-ended.
Wycliffe: Seie thou to vs, whanne these thingis schulen be don, and what tokene schal be, whanne alle these thingis schulen bigynne to be endid.
Tyndale: tell vs when shall these thinges be? And what is ye signe whe all these thinges shalbe fulfilled?
26. Sound changes
The hard "g" sound is related to the hard "ch" sound (which can soften, as in Russian), and is related to the "k" sound.
Thus, the "ginnan" in Old and Middle English, as in "gin" of "begin" of modern English, is related to the "cens" (with hard "c") in Latin "recens" (for "recent") is related to the "καινός" in Greek.
27. Russian
A more distant connection (with more ending consonant change) is the Russian "начало" or "нача́ть" (both meaning "begin") where the original "n" morphed into the "t" or "l" sound.
28. English
There is an Middle/Old English word "gin" that means to "begin" as a shortened form of "beginnen" or "ginnen".
However, the phrase to "gin up" appears to come from the "gin" that is a shortened form of "engine" that was used, for example, to refer to the "cotton gin".
29. Begin the Beguine
The popular song "Begin the Beguine" was written by Cole Porter in 1935 while on a cruise in the Pacific. It become more poplar after the 1940 musical movie "Broadway Melody" where Fred Astaire and Elanor Powell danced to the song. Since that time, many musicians and performers have recorded that song.
The Beguine was a dance (and music) from the 1930's Pacific islands, sometimes described as a "slow rhumba".
30. End of page