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Groupthink: the Pharisees
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. The Pharisees
The Pharisees were a Jewish group at the time of Christ who had a lot of power in Jerusalem.

At least three groups: Pharisees, Sadducee's, Essenes

Like most groups, they tended to think in the same way. That is, they evidenced groupthink. Let us look at this groupthink in action.

2. John 3:1
Nicodemus is a member of the ruling class of Pharisees in Jerusalem at the time of Christ.
   John 3:1 
KJV: There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews:
Greek: ην δε ανθρωπος εκ των φαρισαιων νικοδημος ονομα αυτω αρχων των ιουδαιων
Latin: erat autem homo ex Pharisaeis Nicodemus nomine princeps Iudaeorum

3. John 3:2
Nicodemus, a Pharisee, came to Jesus at night so as not to draw attention to himself.
   John 3:2 
KJV: The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him.
Greek: ουτος ηλθεν προς τον ιησουν αυτον νυκτος και ειπεν αυτω ραββι οιδαμεν οτι απο θεου εληλυθας διδασκαλος ουδεις γαρ δυναται ταυτα τα σημειαδυναται ποιειν α συ ποιεις εαν μη η ο θεος μετ αυτου
Latin: hic venit ad eum nocte et dixit ei rabbi scimus quia a Deo venisti magister nemo enim potest haec signa facere quae tu facis nisi fuerit Deus cum eo
Wessex: þes com to hym on nyht. & cwaeð to hym. Rabbi þaet ys lareow. we witen þaet þu come fram gode. ne mayg nan man þas taken wyrcan þe þu wyrcst buton god beo mid hym.
Wycliffe: And he cam to Jhesu bi niyt, and seide to hym, Rabi, we witen, that thou art comun fro God maister; for no man may do these signes, that thou doist, but God be with hym.
Tyndale: The same cam to Iesus by nyght and sayde vnto him: Rabbi we knowe that thou arte a teacher whiche arte come from God. For no man coulde do suche miracles as thou doest except God were with him.
Luther: Der kam zu Jesu bei der Nacht und sprach zu ihm: Meister, wir wissen, daß du bist ein Lehrer, von Gott kommen; denn niemand kann die Zeichen tun, die du tust, es sei denn Gott mit ihm.
Slavonic: сей прииде ко Иисусу нощию и рече Ему: Равви, вем, яко от Бога пришел еси учитель: никтоже бо может знамений сих творити, яже Ты твориши, аще не будет Бог с ним.

4. Signs and miracles
Note the following for "miracles" in the KJV (King James Version). Note that a "miracle" is a "sign" but that there can be "signs" that are not "miracles" Fulfilled prophecies are "signs" but, by themselves, are not necessarily "miracles".

5. John 3:3
   John 3:3 
KJV: Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he can not see the kingdom of God.
Greek: απεκριθη ο ιησους και ειπεν αυτω αμην αμην λεγω σοι εαν μη τις γεννηθη ανωθεν ου δυναται ιδειν την βασιλειαν του θεου
Latin: respondit Iesus et dixit ei amen amen dico tibi nisi quis natus fuerit denuo non potest videre regnum Dei
Luther: Jesus antwortete und sprach zu ihm: Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage dir: Es sei denn, daß jemand von neuem geboren werde, kann er das Reich Gottes nicht sehen.
This verse is the origin of the phrase "born again" in terms of Christianity. In a Linux terminal session, one uses BASH - the Bourne Again Shell - a play on words when many still remembered Jimmy Carter being a born-again Christian.

We skip the following verses, including John 3:16, as they are not needed for this discussion.

6. Failed plot to take Jesus
At various times, the Pharisees have plans to take Jesus by force.

An interesting response from the Pharisees happens after one such group sent by the Pharisees to take Jesus return without Jesus.

7. John 7:47
The Pharisees cannot understand why the group sent to take Jesus did not do so.
   John 7:47 
KJV: Then answered them the Pharisees, Are ye also deceived?
Greek: απεκριθησαν ουν αυτοις οι φαρισαιοι μη και υμεις πεπλανησθε
Latin: responderunt ergo eis Pharisaei numquid et vos seducti estis
Wycliffe: Therfor the Farisees answeriden to hem, Whether ye ben disseyued also?
Luther: Da antworteten ihnen die Pharisäer: Seid ihr auch verführet?
Anyone who does not think the way they think must have something wrong with them - as in how they think.

8. Deception
The Pharisees ask the officers sent to bring back Jesus if they are "deceived".

9. Planets as wandering stars
Verse routeMatthew 24:5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. [kjv]
Verse routeπολλοι γαρ ελευσονται επι τω ονοματι μου λεγοντες εγω ειμι ο χριστος και πολλους πλανησουσιν [gnt]

Planets in ancient times True goal False goal
How does a "sheep" know if it has gone or is going "astray"?
The ancient Greek word "πλάνη""wandering, roaming" and, figuratively, "going astray" or "in error". as in wandering off-target. The English word "planet" comes from this Greek word as a shortened form of "wandering star" since planets were considered wandering stars. The modern Greek word "πλανήτης" (pla-NEE-tees) ≈ "planet".

Discuss: Consider the billions of people throughout the ages. Are the "many" a few insurrectionists from the first century or so who led a few thousand followers?

Information sign More: Planets as wandering stars

10. John 7:48
The Pharisees believe that none of them would believe Jesus.
   John 7:48 
KJV: Have any of the rulers or of the Pharisees believed on him?
Greek: μη τις εκ των αρχοντων επιστευσεν εις αυτον η εκ των φαρισαιων

11. John 7:49
They then criticize any one of the people who might believe on Jesus.
   John 7:49 
KJV: But this people who knoweth not the law are cursed.
Greek: αλλ αλλα ο οχλος ουτος ο μη γινωσκων τον νομον επικαταρατοι επαρατοι εισιν
Note: The Pharisees have gotten themselves into thinking inside a box. They do not really know nor understand the full law. Therefore, they are pronouncing judgment on themselves (reflexively). Thus, they are, in effect, cursing themselves.

12. John 7:50
Nicodemus then tries to politely interject some reason into the group, using their own laws.
   John 7:50 
KJV: Nicodemus saith unto them, (he that came to Jesus by night, being one of them, )
Greek: λεγει νικοδημος προς αυτους ο ελθων νυκτος προς αυτον προτερον εις ων εξ αυτων

13. John 7:51
Nicodemus, using their own law, asks whether they should abide by their own laws.
   John 7:51 
KJV: Doth our law judge any man, before it hear him, and know what he doeth?
Greek: μη ο νομος ημων κρινει τον ανθρωπον εαν μη ακουση πρωτον παρ αυτου προτερον και γνω τι ποιει

14. John 7:52
   John 7:52 
KJV: They answered and said unto him, Art thou also of Galilee? Search, and look: for out of Galilee ariseth no prophet.
Greek: απεκριθησαν και ειπον ειπαν αυτω μη και συ εκ της γαλιλαιας ει ερευνησον εραυνησον και ιδε οτι προφητης εκ της γαλιλαιας προφητης ουκ εγηγερται εγειρεται
Their sarcastic tone is actually mistaken here.

15. Galilee
There were several prophets from Galilee, Jonah being one (sent to prophecy outside of Israel).

And reasoning that no prophet has come out of Galilee does not mean that no prophet can ever come out of Galilee.

If they meant "the prophet" as in the "Messiah" than they do not consider Jesus "the prophet".

Since the Pharisees do not know the law, nor history, they have (reflexively) pronounced a curse on themselves.

John uses the Greek word «εγειρεται» in which the "raising up" has connotations of "resurrection" - something in common between Jonah and Jesus .

Interestingly, the prophet Jonah from Galilee, evidences an important "sign" (or "miracle").

16. Matthew 12:39
KJV: But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:
Greek: ο δε αποκριθεις ειπεν αυτοις γενεα πονηρα και μοιχαλις σημειον επιζητει και σημειον ου δοθησεται αυτη ει μη το σημειον ιωνα του προφητου

17. Matthew 12:40
KJV: For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
Greek: ωσπερ γαρ ην ιωνας εν τη κοιλια του κητους τρεις ημερας και τρεις νυκτας ουτως εσται ο υιος του ανθρωπου εν τη καρδια της γης τρεις ημερας και τρεις νυκτας

18. John 7:53
This group of Pharisees appears not to be open to rational thought - even using their own laws and history.
   John 7:53 
KJV: And every man went unto his own house.
Greek: και επορευθη και επορευθησαν εκαστος εις τον οικον αυτου
So it appears to be back to life and business as usual - so they think.

19. Groupthink, history, and prophecy
Throughout history, when groups appear to forsake rational thought for what would otherwise appear obvious, one can ask the question, "Was there a higher purpose for this blinding of rational thought and reason?".

Jesus is the Messiah and King. In Bible times, many were looking for Messiah and King and especially the King part. Today, many emphasize the Messiah part but mostly ignore the King part.

20. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640