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Similar GNT words starting with omicron or omega
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Similar GNT words starting with omicron or omega
This page contains a list of related GNT (Greek New Testament) words that start with omicron or omega - according to the Strong's list of Greek words. Related Strongs words are also shown.

2. Omicron

The Greek word/letter "ο" (o) ≈ "omicron" is a "small o" or "micro o".

3. Omega

The Greek word/letter "ω" (o) ≈ "omega" is a "big o" or "mega o".

In some cases, the omega has a iota subscript below the omega. At one time, the "iota" modified the sound of the omega. This later disappeared and was moved below the omega to remind the reader that it once was there and once made a difference.

4. Iota subscript
Word usage per chapter Words: ιωτα=1

 ᾳ = α +  ͅ = ᾳ = ᾳ
 ῃ = η +  ͅ = ῃ = ῃ
 ῳ = ω +  ͅ = ῳ = ῳ
αι ᾳ α
ηι ῃ η
ωι ῳ ω

At one time in ancient Greek, the letter "ι" as English "iota", when following the Greek letters "α" (alpha), "η" (eta), and "ω" (omega), had a distinguishable sound.

Eventually, the sound difference disappeared but the iota was still written. Once learned, academics (scribes) never give up the complexity.

Sometimes this iota subscript analogy is used by pastors but this iota subscript did not exist in GNT or LXX (Septuagint) times.

Information sign More: Matthew 5:18 The true reality of jots and tittles

5. Sounds
In ancient Greek, these letters had different sounds. In modern Greek, they have the same sound (English long "o").

6. Strongs
The following shows the Strongs words that meet the above criteria.

A closure is done on all related words that are referenced in the Strongs definitions.

7. Strong G3739

8. Strong G1510

9. Strong G3708

10. Strong G3679

11. Strong G3710

12. Strong G3660

13. Strong G3666

14. Strong G3670

15. Strong G3618

16. Strong G3775

17. Strong G3738

18. Strong G3784

19. Strong G3687

20. Strong G3724

21. Strong G3656

22. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640