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Have you heard of the herd of swine? Did they sea it?
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Have you heard of the herd of swine? Did they sea it?
Swine are mentioned a few times in the Bible.

How is a pig related to a porpoise?

2. Porpoise as a pig fish
A "porpoise" appears to be a variation of a dolphin, though most claim them as distinct species. Would anyone be upset if I called a porpoise a "pig-fish" since it has a snout like a pig? What about a "sea hog"?

The word "porpoise" comes from the Old French "porpais" which means, through Latin, literally, "pig fish".
The French word appears to have come from the Germanic "mere-swin" or "sea hog" (swine).

Information sign More: Whales, dolphins, fish, etc.

3. Commitment and contribution
There is a difference between a commitment and a contribution. Consider the bacon and egg breakfast:

4. Matthew 8:27 Winds and the sea obey
The context is immediately after Jesus calms the wind and storms on the sea to save the disciples in the boat, and into which the swine will soon find their destruction.
Verse routeMatthew 8:27 But the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him! [kjv]
Verse routeοι δε ανθρωποι εθαυμασαν λεγοντες ποταπος εστιν ουτος οτι και οι ανεμοι και η θαλασσα αυτω υπακουουσιν [gnt]

After this verse, the story or parable of the herd of "swine" appears in Matthew 8. Mark 5 and Luke 8 have similar stories. Do the winds obey man?

Information sign More: An unlawful wind as an air of the spirit

5. Benjamin Franklin and his bamboo cane
The context is immediately after Jesus calms the wind and storms on the sea to save the disciples in the boat, and into which the swine will soon find their destruction.
Benjamin Franklin (American scientist, inventor, philosopher, statesman) had a bamboo cane with a hidden trigger and hollow body that he could use to dispense oil that would "calm" water in front of him to impress other people with that ability.

Information sign More: Benjamin Franklin

6. Matthew 8:27

   Matthew 8:27 
KJV: But the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him!
Greek: οι δε ανθρωποι εθαυμασαν λεγοντες ποταπος εστιν ουτος οτι και οι ανεμοι και η θαλασσα αυτω υπακουουσιν αυτω

7. Matthew 8:28-29
Verse routeMatthew 8:28 And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way. [kjv]
Verse route8:29 And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time? [kjv]

There are two men that are possessed.

It is not clear how many demons were in them.

8. Matthew 8:28
   Matthew 8:28 
KJV: And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way.
Greek: και ελθοντι αυτω ελθοντος αυτου εις το περαν εις την χωραν των γεργεσηνων γαδαρηνων υπηντησαν αυτω δυο δαιμονιζομενοι εκ των μνημειων εξερχομενοι χαλεποι λιαν ωστε μη ισχυειν τινα παρελθειν δια της οδου εκεινης

9. Matthew 8:29
   Matthew 8:29 
KJV: And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time?
Greek: και ιδου εκραξαν λεγοντες τι ημιν και σοι ιησου υιε του θεου ηλθες ωδε προ καιρου βασανισαι ημας

10. Matthew 8:30
Verse routeMatthew 8:30 And there was a good way off from them an herd of many swine feeding. [kjv]

There appears to be a time in the future, known by the demons, when they will be tormented. When might that be?

11. Matthew 8:30
   Matthew 8:30 
KJV: And there was a good way off from them an herd of many swine feeding.
Greek: ην δε μακραν απ αυτων αγελη χοιρων πολλων βοσκομενη
Latin: erat autem non longe ab illis grex porcorum multorum pascens
Wycliffe: And not fer fro hem was a flocke of many swyne lesewynge.
Tyndale: And ther was a good waye of fro them a greate heerd of swyne fedinge.
Luther: Es war aber ferne von ihnen eine große Herde Säue an der Weide.

12. Strongs - swine
  • *G5300 *1 ὗς (hoos) : apparently a primary word; a hog ("swine"):--sow.
  •  Usage 
    • υς
      •   2 Peter 2:22 ... vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.
  • *G5519 *12 χοῖρος (khoy'-ros) : of uncertain derivation; a hog:--swine.
  •  Usage 
    • χοιρων *6
      •   Matthew 7:6 ... your pearls before swine, lest they trample them ...
      •   Matthew 8:30 ... them an herd of many swine feeding.
      •   Matthew 8:31 ... to go away into the herd of swine.
      •   Mark 5:11 ... a great herd of swine feeding.
      •   Mark 5:16 ... to him that was possessed with the devil, and also concerning the swine.
      •   Luke 8:32 ... there an herd of many swine feeding on the mountain: ...
    • χοιρους *5
      •   Matthew 8:32 ... into the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down ...
      •   Mark 5:12 ... Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them.
      •   Mark 5:13 ... went out, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently ...
      •   Luke 8:33 ... the man, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently ...
      •   Luke 15:15 ... his fields to feed swine.
    • χοιροι
      •   Luke 15:16 ... with the husks that the swine did eat: and no man ...

13. Usage - swine
*G5300 *1 ὗς (hoos) : apparently a primary word; a hog ("swine"):--sow.
*G5519 *12 χοῖρος (khoy'-ros) : of uncertain derivation; a hog:--swine.
Word usage per chapter Words: υς χοιροι χοιρους=5 χοιρων=6
The ancient Greek word "αγελη""herd, flock" as in a group of animals. In Greek, the same word is used for both "herd" and "flock". Wycliffe uses the phrase "flocke of many swyne".

14. Strongs - herd

15. Usage - herd
*G34 *7 ἀγέλη (ag-el'-ay) : from G71 (compare G32); a drove:--herd.
Word usage per chapter Words: αγελη=6 αγελην

16. Demons
Verse routeMatthew 8:31 So the devils besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go away into the herd of swine. [kjv]
Verse routeοι δε δαιμονες παρεκαλουν αυτον λεγοντες ει εκβαλλεις ημας αποστειλον ημας εις την αγελην των χοιρων [gnt]

For some reason, when the demons are thrown out of the man by Jesus, they seek some embodiment in other living beings, such as the herd of swine.

17. Matthew 8:31
   Matthew 8:31 
KJV: So the devils besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go away into the herd of swine.
Greek: οι δε δαιμονες παρεκαλουν αυτον λεγοντες ει εκβαλλεις ημας επιτρεψον ημιν απελθειν αποστειλον ημας εις την αγελην των χοιρων
Latin: daemones autem rogabant eum dicentes si eicis nos mitte nos in gregem porcorum
Wessex: þa deofle soðlice hine baeden þus cweðende. gif þu us ut-adrifst äsend us on þas swina heordan.
Wycliffe: And the deuelis preyeden hym, and seiden, If thou castist out vs fro hennes, sende vs in to the droue of swyne.
Tyndale: Then ye devyles besought him sayinge: if thou cast vs out suffre vs to go oure waye in to the heerd of swyne.
Luther: Da baten ihn die Teufel und sprachen: Willst du uns austreiben, so erlaube uns, in die Herde Säue zu fahren.

18. Devil

19. Accuser
The Hebrew word "שטן" (satan) ≈ "satan". שטן - satan
The Greek used in the above verse, however, is not "devil" but "demon".

20. Demon
A demon is an evil and supernatural malicious spirit.

21. Strongs - demon

22. Usage - demon
*G1142 *1 δαίμων (dah'-ee-mown) : from daio (to distribute fortunes); a dæmon or supernatural spirit (of a bad nature):--devil.
Word usage per chapter Words: δαιμονες

23. Matthew 8:32 Herd of swine
Verse routeMatthew 8:32 And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι ειπεν αυτοις υπαγετε οι δε εξελθοντες απηλθαν εις τους χοιρους και ιδου ωρμησεν πασα η αγελη κατα του κρημνου εις την θαλασσαν και απεθανον εν τοις υδασιν [gnt]

Swine into the seaThe above situation can be depicted with a diagram.

The "devil" or "demon" leads the "swine" to the "water" into which they "perish".

Perhaps the "swine" thought they were being "suffocated" living on land and breathing air and wanted to return to being "fish".

Information sign More: Psalms 1: Here come the pigs

It is not clear whether the "demons" were sufficient to be a one-for-one matching with the pigs in the herd. or whether they went into selected swine in the herd.

24. Matthew 8:32

   Matthew 8:32 
KJV: And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters.
Greek: και ειπεν αυτοις υπαγετε οι δε εξελθοντες απηλθον απηλθαν εις την αγελην των χοιρων τους χοιρους και ιδου ωρμησεν πασα η αγελη των χοιρων κατα του κρημνου εις την θαλασσαν και απεθανον εν τοις υδασιν
Latin: et ait illis ite at illi exeuntes abierunt in porcos et ecce impetu abiit totus grex per praeceps in mare et mortui sunt in aquis
Wycliffe: And he seide to hem, Go ye. And thei yeden out, and wenten in to the swyne; and loo! in a greet bire al the droue wente heedlyng in to the see, and thei weren deed in the watris.
Tyndale: And he sayd vnto the: go youre wayes. Then wet they out and departed into ye heerd of swyne And beholde ye whoale heerd of swyne was caryed wt violence hedlinge in to the see and perisshed in ye water.
Luther: Und er sprach: Fahret hin! Da fuhren sie aus und fuhren in die Herde Säue. Und siehe, die ganze Herde Säue stürzete sich mit einem Sturm ins Meer und ersoffen im Wasser.
Slavonic: И рече им: идите. Они же изшедше идоша в стадо свиное: и се, (абие) устремися стадо все по брегу в море, и утопоша в водах.
Russian: И Он сказал им: идите. И они, выйдя, пошли в стадо свиное. И вот, все стадо свиней бросилось с крутизны в море и погибло в воде.
Spanish: Y Él les dijo: Id. Y ellos saliendo, se fueron a aquel hato de puercos; y he aquí, todo el hato de puercos se precipitó en el mar por un despeñadero, y perecieron en las aguas.

25. Strongs - sea

26. Usage - sea
*G2281 *91 θάλασσα (thal'-as-sah) : probably prolonged from G251; the sea (genitive case or specially):--sea.
Word usage per chapter Words: θαλασσα=6 θαλασσαν=43 θαλασση=13 θαλασσης=30

27. Exodus 15:1
Verse routeExodus 15:1 Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the LORD, and spake, saying, I will sing unto the LORD, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea. [kjv]

Soldiers into the seaCan an analogy be made to the destruction of the soldiers in the crossing of the Red Sea by Moses and the Israelites? This event is commemorated by a song n Exodus.

28. Exodus 15:1
   Exodus 15:1 
KJV: Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the LORD, and spake, saying, I will sing unto the LORD, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea.
Hebrew: אז ישיר משה ובני ישראל את השירה הזאת ליהוה ויאמרו לאמר אשירה ליהוה כי גאה גאה סוס ורכבו רמה בים׃
Greek: τοτε ησεν μωυσης και οι υιοι ισραηλ την ωδην ταυτην τω θεω και ειπαν λεγοντες ασωμεν τω κυριω ενδοξως γαρ δεδοξασται ιππον και αναβατην ερριψεν εις θαλασσαν
Note that the song talks about being "thrown into the sea" but the story itself has the horses and riders going into the sea which then beats on them to their destruction.

The analogy is somewhat similar to the parable of the house built on sand where the water (not a flood) beats on the house (human organization of horses and riders).

Information sign More: Song: I will sing unto the Lord

29. Genesis 49:17 Horse and rider
Verse routeGenesis 49:17 Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι γενηθητω δαν οφις εφ οδου εγκαθημενος επι τριβου δακνων πτερναν ιππου και πεσειται ο ιππευς εις τα οπισω [lxx]

There are many interesting aspects of horses and riders.

Future topic Details are left as a future topic.

30. Genesis 49:17
KJV: Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.
Hebrew: יהי דן נחש עלי דרך שפיפן עלי ארח הנשך עקבי סוס ויפל רכבו אחור׃
Greek: και γενηθητω δαν οφις εφ οδου εγκαθημενος επι τριβου δακνων πτερναν ιππου και πεσειται ο ιππευς εις τα οπισω

31. Further analogy
Sheep into the seaCan a further analogy be made with wolves, or a wolf as in a werewolf, and sheep?

32. Matthew 7:15
Verse routeMatthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. [kjv]
Verse routeπροσεχετε απο των ψευδοπροφητων οιτινες ερχονται προς υμας εν ενδυμασιν προβατων εσωθεν δε εισιν λυκοι αρπαγες [gnt]
Verse routeoviumlupi … [v]

33. Matthew 7:15
   Matthew 7:15 
KJV: Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Greek: προσεχετε δε απο των ψευδοπροφητων οιτινες ερχονται προς υμας εν ενδυμασιν προβατων εσωθεν δε εισιν λυκοι αρπαγες
Latin: adtendite a falsis prophetis qui veniunt ad vos in vestimentis ovium intrinsecus autem sunt lupi rapaces
Wycliffe: Be ye war of fals prophetis, that comen to you in clothingis of scheep, but withynneforth thei ben as wolues of raueyn;

34. Acts 20:29
Verse routeActs 20:29 For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. [kjv]
Verse routeεγω οιδα οτι εισελευσονται μετα την αφιξιν μου λυκοι βαρεις εις υμας μη φειδομενοι του ποιμνιου [gnt]
Verse routelupigregi [v]

35. Acts 20:29
   Acts 20:29 
KJV: For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.
Greek: εγω γαρ οιδα τουτο οτι εισελευσονται μετα την αφιξιν μου λυκοι βαρεις εις υμας μη φειδομενοι του ποιμνιου
Latin: ego scio quoniam intrabunt post discessionem meam lupi graves in vos non parcentes gregi

36. Destruction
Swine into the sea Soldiers into the sea Birds pigs and fish
Sheep into the sea Mountain into the sea The sea contains all the fish - good and bad. The sea represents destruction for those who have not become sheep. Faith can throw a mountain into the sea (or just move it).

There are interesting connections:
  • Jesus and the demons taking the swine into the sea
  • Pharaoh's army going into the sea
  • A wolf dog impersonating a sheep dog taking the sheep into the sea
  • Faith moving a mountain into the sea.

37. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640