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Sayings of the dog and the sow
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Sayings of the dog and the sow
Verse route2 Peter 2:22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire. [kjv]
Verse routeσυμβεβηκεν αυτοις το της αληθους παροιμιας κυων επιστρεψας επι το ιδιον εξεραμα και υς λουσαμενη εις κυλισμον βορβορου [gnt]
Verse routecanisvomitumlotaluti [v]
Verse routehoundcastyngsowefenne. [wy]

It is often said that "one cannot teach on old dog new tricks". Over history there have been many sayings that involve animals such as dogs and pigs.

In some sense, both "dogs" and "pigs" return to their old ways. Like in Hebrew proverbs, Peter repeats the same idea twice to avoid confusion of meaning.

2. 2 Peter 2:22
   2 Peter 2:22 
KJV: But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.
Greek: συμβεβηκεν δε αυτοις το της αληθους παροιμιας κυων επιστρεψας επι το ιδιον εξεραμα και υς λουσαμενη εις κυλισμα κυλισμον βορβορου
Latin: contigit enim eis illud veri proverbii canis reversus ad suum vomitum et sus lota in volutabro luti
Wycliffe: For thilke very prouerb bifelde to hem, The hound turnede ayen to his castyng, and a sowe is waischun in walwyng in fenne.
Luther: Es ist ihnen widerfahren das wahre Sprichwort: Der Hund frisset wieder, was er gespeiet hat, und: Die Sau wälzet sich nach der Schwemme wieder im Kot.

3. Strongs - sow
Word usage per chapter Words: υς

4. Strongs - vomit
Word usage per chapter Words: εξεραμα

5. Strongs - mire
Word usage per chapter Words: βορβορου

6. Dog and vomit
The first part of this verse is found in Proverbs 26:11.

Verse routeProverbs 26:11 As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly. [kjv]
Verse routeωσπερ κυων οταν επελθη επι τον εαυτου εμετον και μισητος γενηται ουτως αφρων τη εαυτου κακια αναστρεψας επι την εαυτου αμαρτιαν εστιν αισχυνη επαγουσα αμαρτιαν και εστιν αισχυνη δοξα και χαρις [lxx]
Verse routeAs when a dog goes to his own vomit, and becomes abominable, so is fool who returns in his wickedness to his own sin. [There is a shame that brings sin: and there is a shame that is glory and grace.] [bs3]
Verse routecanisvomitum … [v]

7. Proverbs 26:11
KJV: As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.
Hebrew: ככלב שב על קאו כסיל שונה באולתו׃
Greek: ωσπερ κυων οταν επελθη επι τον εαυτου εμετον και μισητος γενηται ουτως αφρων τη εαυτου κακια αναστρεψας επι την εαυτου αμαρτιαν εστιν αισχυνη επαγουσα αμαρτιαν και εστιν αισχυνη δοξα και χαρις
Latin: sicut canis qui revertitur ad vomitum suum sic inprudens qui iterat stultitiam suam

8. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640