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Photos for 2024-08-18
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Photos for 2024-08-18
... more to be added ...

2. Fairs

3. Fair food stand about 2002
Fair food stand about 2002

4. Bingo at the fair about 2002
Bingo at the fair about 2002

5. Bubbles at the fair
Bubbles at the fair

6. Face painting at the fair
Face painting at the fair

7. Lineup at the fair
Lineup at the fair

8. House about 2002
House about 2002

9. Elizabethtown Community Fair

When was the first Elizabethtown Community Fair?
Where was the first Elizabethtown Community Fair held?

10. Organizers

11. Elizabethtown Fair trivia
Fair tent

For all intents, it was a good fair. Some would say it was a fair fair.
When was the Elizabethtown Community Fair renamed to the Elizabethtown Fair?
Which historical fair (in England) was held for 500 years and known for rowdiness and violence?
[amusement, Mr. Gish and ice cream stand]

12. Donnybrook Fair

13. All you need is LoVE TV
All you need is LoVE-TV

14. MASH Hawkeye and Father Mulcahy
Here is a dialog from the TV series M*A*S*H (1972-1983) that, essentially, misrepresents the Bible and what Jesus says to, as was often done in that show, make fun of Christians in a subtle way while promoting certain political and/or social and/or humanistic views.
Notice how Father Mulcahy does not really know (making him look stupid) as he gives an incorrect (but partially correct and deceptive) answer. The correct answer is "sinners who do not repent" since "all have sinned". Jesus also talks about "innocent bystanders" (e.g., the tower of Siloam in Luke 13:4-5).

Discuss: Is it appropriate for a pastor to use this dialog in a sermon without pointing out the inaccuracies or misleading parts? Does doing so rise to the level of outright deception on the part of the pastor? Would it constitute "idle words" which, if not "accounted for" rise to the level of the "unpardonable sin"?

Note: MASH is an acronym for Mobile Army Surgical Hospital.

Information sign More: Matthew 12:30-37 Pardon the idle word counting
Information sign More: Acronyms: modern and ancient
Information sign More: Everything and all things: But wait, there's more

15. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640