The leading
NLP group is at Stanford University, at Their software is summarized and available from
Here is an example sentence and the parse output from the Standford parser.
This article contains a discussion of the history of commercial and academic efforts to automate patent classifications.…
(NP (DT This) (NN article))
(VP (VBZ contains)
(NP (DT a) (NN discussion))
(PP (IN of)
(NP (DT the) (NN history))
(PP (IN of)
(UCP (JJ commercial)
(CC and)
(JJ academic))
(NNS efforts))))))
(VP (TO to)
(VP (VB automate)
(NP (NN patent) (NNS classifications))))))
(. .)))
det(article-2, This-1)
nsubj(contains-3, article-2)
root(ROOT-0, contains-3)
det(discussion-5, a-4)
nsubj(automate-15, discussion-5)
det(history-8, the-7)
prep_of(discussion-5, history-8)
amod(efforts-13, commercial-10)
conj_and(commercial-10, academic-12)
amod(efforts-13, academic-12)
prep_of(history-8, efforts-13)
aux(automate-15, to-14)
xcomp(contains-3, automate-15)
nn(classifications-17, patent-16)
dobj(automate-15, classifications-17)
(NP (PRP It))
(ADVP (RB also))
(VP (VBZ suggests)
(NP (JJ new) (NNS approaches))
(PRN (-LRB- -LRB-)
(VP (VBG adding)
(NP (JJ additional) (JJ structured) (NN language))
(PP (TO to)
(NP (DT the) (NN text))))
(-RRB- -RRB-))
(WHNP (WDT that))
(PRN (-LRB- -LRB-)
(NP (PRP it))
(VP (VBZ asserts)))
(-RRB- -RRB-))
(VP (VBP lead)
(PP (TO to)
(ADJP (RB statistically) (JJ meaningful))
(NNS improvements))))))))
(. .)))
nsubj(suggests-3, It-1)
advmod(suggests-3, also-2)
root(ROOT-0, suggests-3)
amod(approaches-5, new-4)
dobj(suggests-3, approaches-5)
nsubj(lead-20, approaches-5)
dep(approaches-5, adding-7)
amod(language-10, additional-8)
amod(language-10, structured-9)
dobj(adding-7, language-10)
det(text-13, the-12)
prep_to(adding-7, text-13)
nsubj(asserts-18, it-17)
parataxis(lead-20, asserts-18)
rcmod(approaches-5, lead-20)
advmod(meaningful-23, statistically-22)
amod(improvements-24, meaningful-23)
prep_to(lead-20, improvements-24)