Consider the existence of
"A" and
"B" where there are some similarities and differences between
"A" and
"B". What is the relationship between
"A" and
The general idea is that of
abstraction. The
four obvious ways are as follows.
0 or 00. They came about independently.
1 or 01. "B" came from "A" .
2 or 10. "A" came from "B".
3 or 11. Both "A" and "B" came from a common source "Q", using the German word "Quelle" ≈ "source".
Note that there are more complicated combinations of these four basic ways.
From where did the idea of a seven (7) day week arise?
From where did the idea of a seven (7) day creation week arise?
Note that the Q Source hypothesis has a common (undiscovered) source for some of the Synoptic Gospels. This idea is trivially true if one takes Q to be Jesus himself as the source of the other Gospels.
The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect. 2020. Judea Pearl. ISBN: 978-1541698963.
A Turing Award-winning computer scientist and statistician shows how understanding causality has revolutionized science and will revolutionize artificial intelligence (as of 2025-03-04)
Judea Pearl paraphrase:
... to solve a problem, one needs a language to describe the problem (and possible solutions) ... Book of Why. (ref to be added). Judea Pearl developed a language and models for describing and addressing
causation. Traditional statistics can only describe and address
... more to be added ...
Details are left as a future topic.
The English word
"function" comes, through French, from the Latin word
"functio" ≈ "performance, execution". A (simple)
mathematical function takes a value and returns one and only one value.
y = f(x) = ... formula using x ...
In computer
programming, a
function takes one or more values and returns one or more values (in various ways).
imperative language: can have side effects
(pure) functional language: no side effects
natural language terms, a
function is something that is done by something. For example, the (primary) function of a hammer is to do something like a nail.
In mathematical terms, a
functional is a function that takes, as an argument, another function.
In his book
The lost world of Genesis, the author, John Walton, uses the word
function and/or
functional to mean what in computer science is called
declarative. A specification is
declarative if it says what is done, or logic, rather than how it is done, or control.