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Romans 1: Paul, worship and human behavior
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Paul
Paul has some things to say about such veneration of objects, sin, and worship.

2. Romans 1:20
   Romans 1:20 
KJV: For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
Greek: τα γαρ αορατα αυτου απο κτισεως κοσμου τοις ποιημασιν νοουμενα καθοραται η τε αιδιος αυτου δυναμις και θειοτης εις το ειναι αυτους αναπολογητους
Latin: invisibilia enim ipsius a creatura mundi per ea quae facta sunt intellecta conspiciuntur sempiterna quoque eius virtus et divinitas ut sint inexcusabiles
Slavonic: невидимая бо Его, от создания мира твореньми помышляема, видима суть, и присносущная сила Его и Божество, во еже быти им безответным.
This invisible (atomic) nature of creation was not fully recognized until Einstein's paper on Brownian motion in 1906.

3. Romans 1:21
   Romans 1:21 
KJV: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
Greek: διοτι γνοντες τον θεον ουχ ως θεον εδοξασαν η ευχαριστησαν αλλ ηυχαριστησαν αλλα εματαιωθησαν εν τοις διαλογισμοις αυτων και εσκοτισθη η ασυνετος αυτων καρδια
Do we see vain imaginations today? Are there foolish hearts? Are they darkened?

4. Wise fools
Verse routeRomans 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, [kjv]
Verse routeφασκοντες ειναι σοφοι εμωρανθησαν [gnt]
Verse routesapientes stulti facti … [v]

The Greek «σοφοί» for "wise" and (noun) «μωρός» for "fool" (verb form is in this verse) is used to create the English word "sophomore" or, literally, "wise fool". At West Point, the term "yearling" is used instead of "sophomore".

The Latin word "stulta""stupid, foolish" and is from the Latin word "stultus""foolish, stupid" which is related to the English word "stupefied".

Is Paul talking about the past, present, future, or some or all of these?

Information sign More: A wise opportunity to be prudent

5. Romans 1:23
   Romans 1:23 
KJV: And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
Greek: και ηλλαξαν την δοξαν του αφθαρτου θεου εν ομοιωματι εικονος φθαρτου ανθρωπου και πετεινων και τετραποδων και ερπετων
Latin: et mutaverunt gloriam incorruptibilis Dei in similitudinem imaginis corruptibilis hominis et volucrum et quadrupedum et serpentium

6. Romans 1:24
   Romans 1:24 
KJV: Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
Greek: διο και παρεδωκεν αυτους ο θεος εν ταις επιθυμιαις των καρδιων αυτων εις ακαθαρσιαν του ατιμαζεσθαι τα σωματα αυτων εν εαυτοις αυτοις
Latin: propter quod tradidit illos Deus in desideria cordis eorum in inmunditiam ut contumeliis adficiant corpora sua in semet ipsis
Luther: Darum hat sie auch Gott dahingegeben in ihrer Herzen Gelüste, in Unreinigkeit, zu schänden ihre eigenen Leiber an sich selbst.
Slavonic: Темже и предаде их Бог в похотех сердец их в нечистоту, во еже сквернитися телесем их в себе самех.
How might one dishonor one's own body with others?

7. Romans 1:25
   Romans 1:25 
KJV: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
Greek: οιτινες μετηλλαξαν την αληθειαν του θεου εν τω ψευδει και εσεβασθησαν και ελατρευσαν τη κτισει παρα τον κτισαντα ος εστιν ευλογητος εις τους αιωνας αμην
Latin: qui commutaverunt veritatem Dei in mendacio et coluerunt et servierunt creaturae potius quam creatori qui est benedictus in saecula amen
Luther: Die Gottes Wahrheit haben verwandelt in die Lüge und haben geehret und gedienet dem Geschöpfe mehr denn dem Schöpfer, der da gelobet ist in Ewigkeit. Amen.
Slavonic: Иже премениша истину Божию во лжу, и почтоша и послужиша твари паче Творца, Иже есть благословен во веки, аминь.
Can the creature worshiped be man? Is this not the primary idea of socialism, man's attempt to worship and venerate mankind? (or human kind)

8. Romans 1:26
   Romans 1:26 
KJV: For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
Greek: δια τουτο παρεδωκεν αυτους ο θεος εις παθη ατιμιας αι τε γαρ θηλειαι αυτων μετηλλαξαν την φυσικην χρησιν εις την παρα φυσιν
Is this in the past tense referring to events past?

9. Romans 1:27
   Romans 1:27 
KJV: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Greek: ομοιως τε και οι αρρενες αρσενες αφεντες την φυσικην χρησιν της θηλειας εξεκαυθησαν εν τη ορεξει αυτων εις αλληλους αρσενες εν αρσεσιν την ασχημοσυνην κατεργαζομενοι και την αντιμισθιαν ην εδει της πλανης αυτων εν εαυτοις αυτοις απολαμβανοντες
Is this a sin? If so, should one condone it, embrace it, encourage it, participate in it? Where does one draw the line?

10. Romans 1:28
   Romans 1:28 
KJV: And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
Greek: και καθως ουκ εδοκιμασαν τον θεον εχειν εν επιγνωσει παρεδωκεν αυτους ο θεος εις αδοκιμον νουν ποιειν τα μη καθηκοντα
Can we rationalize behaviors and attitudes to fit what is convenient?

11. Context
What is Paul talking about?

Consider that Paul is writing in the 1st century AD. Is it something from the past, that present, or the future?

Is this is in the past? Could it be from before the flood of Noah? Does that make you feel better? Are these verses still relevant today?

12. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640