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A bishop to visit and oversee the flock
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. A bishop to visit and oversee the flock
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The ancient Greek word "ἐπίσκοπος""oversee, visit" and become the Christian "bishop". A "bishop" as a "sheep dog" can be contrasted with a "wolf dog".

Thus a "bishop" is someone whose "purpose" or "objective" is "over" something - such as a church or group of churches. The "Episcopal" church from 1752 is governed by bishops.

Progression: "e-pi-sko-pos" to "pi-sko-pos" to "bi-skop" to "bi-shop" .

German pun: Refer to the "Bischof" as a "Biss Schaf" (sheep that bites)

Information sign More: Sheep dogs and wolf dogs

2. Unicode
Chess pieces ♗  The white chess bishop character in Unicode is U+2657 or ♗.
Chess pieces ♝  The black chess bishop character in Unicode is U+265D or ♝.

3. Scope of the bishop
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The ancient Greek word "ἐπίσκοπος""oversee, visit" and become the Christian "bishop".
Bishop in scopePaul uses the Greek word for "scope" (and related words) often in the book of Philippians where he takes the "bishops" (church leadership) to task.

Information sign More: Philippians
Information sign More: Sheep dogs and wolf dogs

4. Greek
The modern Greek word "επισκοπής" (eh-pee-sko-PEES) ≈ "bishop".

5. Office of a bishop
Verse route1 Timothy 3:1 This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. [kjv]

Note that the "office of" is not actually in the Greek but is inferred as the Bishop being an "overseer" of a group of churches.

6. 1 Timothy 3:1
KJV: This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.
Greek: πιστος ο λογος ει τις επισκοπης ορεγεται καλου εργου επιθυμει
Latin: fidelis sermo si quis episcopatum desiderat bonum opus desiderat
Wycliffe: A feithful word. If ony man desirith a bishopriche, he desirith a good werk.
Gothic: triggw thata waurd: jabai hvas aipiskaupeins gairneith, godis waurstwis gairneith.

7. Gothic
The Gothic word "aipiskaupeins""bishop" appears to be a transliteration of the Greek, or Latin since the Latin is a transliteration of the Greek.

8. Scope
The ancient Greek word "σκοπός""watcher, target" and is the source of the English word "scope".

ScopeThe Greek word for "scope" can mean "matter" as in "concern" or what one has as an "objective".

Verse route1 Peter 4:15 But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men's matters. [kjv]

9. 1 Peter 4:15
   1 Peter 4:15 
KJV: But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men's matters.
Greek: μη γαρ τις υμων πασχετω ως φονευς η κλεπτης η κακοποιος η ως αλλοτριοεπισκοπος αλλοτριεπισκοπος
Latin: nemo enim vestrum patiatur quasi homicida aut fur aut maledicus aut alienorum appetitor
Wycliffe: But no man of you suffre as a mansleere, ethir a theef, ether cursere, ethir a disirere of othere mennus goodis;

10. Sound changes
How is the English word "bishop" related to the Greek word? Linguistically, the following are common changes over time (though not predictable beforehand). Thus, over time, the Greek, through Latin and then French turned, for example, from Note: This is just an example. It can be difficult to determine the exact sequence. See the following PIE (Proto Indo-European) root.

11. PIE roots
The PIE root "*spek""to observe" is the root of many English words, such as the following.

12. Episcopal
The "Episcopal" church is from 1752 as a church that is governed by bishops. The Episcopal Church began as an American replacement of the Anglican Church - the official church of Great Britain from whom the Colonies were succeeding.

Note: The Amish have a similar form of bishops, as does the Methodist Church (e.g., United Methodist).

13. German bishop
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The German word "Bischof""Bishop".
Church members (even Bishops) are often characterized as sheep. So a German pun was to call the "Bischof" (not to his face) a "Biss Schaf" (sheep that bites or someone that bites the sheep)

A "biting" sheep is different than a "bleating" sheep.

Information sign More: Punishment by punny puns

14. Sheep dogs and wolf dogs
Dogs are known as man's best friend. The dog breed is related to the wolf breed and can interbreed. Two dogs may appear similar, but one may be a sheep dog and another a wolf dog.
Verse routeMatthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. [kjv]
Verse routeπροσεχετε απο των ψευδοπροφητων οιτινες ερχονται προς υμας εν ενδυμασιν προβατων εσωθεν δε εισιν λυκοι αρπαγες [gnt]

Jesus warns of this. It might be important and useful to distinguish these types of dogs.

Information sign More: Interbreeding
Information sign More: Matthew 10: 28-31 Taking care of the sparrows
Information sign More: Sheep dogs and wolf dogs

15. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640