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City: Colossae
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1. City: Colossae

The ancient Greek city "Κολοσσαί""Colossae" was in Phrygia in Asia Minor in what is now Turkey. A letter from Paul was written to this city - notable for its angel cult - which Paul mentions.

From Colossae:

2. Colossus of Rhodes and Colossians

Paul's letter to the church at Colossae, called Colossians, is not related to the name of the Colossus of Rhodes, about the height of the Statue of Liberty (not including the base) and one of the seven wonders of the ancient (Greek-centered) world.

There are many ideas of the origin of the city name of "Κολοσσαί""Colossae".

3. Colossus of Rhodes
The ancient Greek word "ὁ Κολοσσὸς Ῥόδιος""Colossus of Rhodes". The large statue there became the basis of the English word "colossal" through the ancient Greek word "κολοσσός""large statue". The origin of this name is not known.
It is not clear if the Greek name "Colossus" is related to "κόλον""intestine, food, fodder" or "κόλος""parts or extremities removed".

Information sign More: A colonoscopy of an annoying and disturbing difficulty

4. Acropolis and temple

Like many cities, Colossae had an acropolis - a (high) point at the end of a mountain ridge.

Colossae had a theater, temple, etc.

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