Upon serious investigation of the Bible, the language and historical importance and connections became apparent, both as to the interrelation of the languages of the world in general and the
PIE (Proto Indo-European) in particular as historical events unfolded over time.
From the table of nations in Genesis and the confusion of languages at the Tower of Babel, to the re-integration of languages at Pentecost (i.e., speaking in tongues), it becomes important to have some understanding of languages in general and
PIE languages in particular.
In the 1500 years since the New Testament was written, the Bible was translated into many
PIE languages. This can be important in determining the meaning of the original New Testament, and sometimes the Old Testament, and how that meaning might have been changed over time, as evidenced by the changed translations.
Egyptian records tend to be overstated, as each ruler seemed to want to extend the record of their own reign.
At one time, it was not known that there were two Egyptian kingdoms, the upper and lower (of the Nile). Sometimes the reigns of both were added together to get a much longer chronology that actually happened.