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David Hilbert
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. David Hilbert
David Hilbert (German mathematician) was an influential German mathematician. In 1928, he proposed finding a consistent mathematical system that will allow all possible truths to be decided. This would allow the automatic, or mechanical, proving of all possible mathematical truths. In 1931, Gödel proved that this could not be done.
Hilbert started the separation of mathematics from philosophers (opinion truth) and reality truth. Today, (pure) mathematics is a logical truth consisting of symbol manipulation with no direct connection with reality truth or opinion truth.

2. Meta-mathematics
Hilbert was proposing using mathematics to prove mathematics - what it could and could not do.

Hilbert is considered (by Chaitin and others) as the first meta-mathematician.
The book "Meta math!" by Gregory Chaitin has a good historical background of computability as will as his own basis for algorithmic information theory - the connection of randomness and information and computability and non-computability.

3. Hilbert curve
Hilbert curve animationHilbert invented/discovered the Hilbert curve, a monster curve that was not fully understood until the introduction of fractals a half-century later.

A monster curve is a curve that is infinite and space-filling (in the limit) but which is nowhere differentiable (smooth).

4. Mathematics
Mathematics is abstract and has no direct connection with reality. That was a goal of mathematicians at the start of the 20th century, motivated by the German mathematician Hilbert's 23 unsolved problems in mathematics, posed in 1900.

Any connection of mathematics with reality is left to others - philosophers, scientists, etc.

5. Mathematics since Hilbert
Hilbert started the separation of mathematics from philosophers (human truth) and reality truth. Today, (pure) mathematics is a logical truth -symbol manipulation with no direct connection with reality truth or human truth.

6. Hilbert's hotel paradox
Hilbert Hotel

Mathematician David Hilbert (1862-1943) invented the idea of an infinite hotel. In the abstract theory of the infinite, it is always possible to accommodate an infinite number of new guests. Give us tomorrow's bread/room today/now. Note: Instead of doubling, add one for one new guest. Then, reverse the logic.

Book: The cello suites
This is like making time to listen to a cello suite. There is always room for cello.

Unlike a guitar, with a violin, viola, cello, etc., there is nothing to fret about.

[give way, make room]

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7. Inns and dogs
There was "no room in the inn" or "no room in the guest room".

Like Hilbert's infinite hotel paradox (which never runs out of rooms), there is always room in the "dog house".

Give us tomorrow's bread/room today/now.

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8. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640