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Attractive refrigerator magnet sermons
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Attractive refrigerator magnet sermons

2. Colossians 2: False reasoning
The ancient Greek word "παραλογίζομαι""reason falsely" is used often by Aristotle in his work On sophistic refutations. Paul uses this word in Colossians - a book that uses many Aristotelian words. Apparently "false reasoning" in "teaching" was a problem at the church at Colossae.
Verse routeColossians 2:4 And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with enticing words. [kjv]
Verse routeτουτο λεγω ινα μηδεις υμας παραλογιζηται εν πιθανολογια [gnt]
Verse routedecipiatsubtilitate sermonum [v]

The Latin for "enticing words" is "subtle sermons".

One meaning: Beware lest anyone use false reasoning on you with subtle sermons.

Information sign More: Colossians 2:1-23 Philosophy and false reasoning through subtle sermons
Information sign More: Aristotle

3. User error
Warning Warning

In the technology field, end-users will often do things you never thought possible. This can be a source of frustration for IT (Information Technology) support workers. The most common error by the user is sometimes called an "id-ten-t" error by people in the field.

You might find the setting # user=Id-Ten-T in a config file. The term "id-ten-t" is short for "id10t" and can be written as "ID10T". This lets other technicians know the source of the problem.

Information sign More: Not thinking about an idiot being a layperson

4. Attractive refrigerator magnet sermons
A "refrigerator magnet sermon" is a sermon that is quite "attractive" but contains little meaningful content. Such sermons can be preached in any church. A euphemism for a "refrigerator magnet sermon" is ARMS (Attractive Refrigerator Magnet Sermons).

Church of open ARMS ARMS Coming soon: Open Arms Cafe

When someone asks you what you thought of the church or sermon, you can say: Note: A "refrigerator magnet sermon" not of the polarity of the congregation is "repulsive" unlike actual magnets where opposite poles attract.

5. Sermons
Slippery slope

A "refrigerator magnet sermon" may use personal details to make points rather than the scripture itself. Such is a slippery slope.

6. Inns and dogs
There was "no room in the inn" or "no room in the guest room".

Like Hilbert's infinite hotel paradox (which never runs out of rooms), there is always room in the "dog house".

Give us tomorrow's bread/room today/now.

7. Carnival mirror sermons
A "refrigerator magnet sermon" can be contrasted with a "carnival mirror sermon".

Carnival mirror
A "mirror" is a device that reflects an image that is seen.

A "carnival mirror" is a mirror that distorts what is seen. Other names include the "fun-house mirror" or "distorting mirror".
A "carnival mirror sermon" is here defined as a sermon that distorts the meaning in the Bible. A complete "carnival mirror sermon" is a sermon that appears to promote the exact opposite of what, on careful analysis, the Bible actually says.

A related topic might be "smoke and mirrors".

Information sign More: Carnival mirror sermons

8. Matthew 5:13 Review
Verse routeMatthew 5:13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. [kjv]
Verse routeυμεις εστε το αλας της γης εαν δε το αλας μωρανθη εν τινι αλισθησεται εις ουδεν ισχυει ετι ει μη βληθεν εξω καταπατεισθαι υπο των ανθρωπων [gnt]

pigs Pig sheep Sheep
bad salt
black pearls
good salt
white pearls
Paraphrase: You are the salt/fruit/harvest of the earth. But if the salt/fruit/harvest is a bad bloom, how will it be salted? It is not effective. But if it is not thrown out (cut off), it is trodden down by men (pigs).
The "pigs" are recruited to be "leaders" and "influence" others to achieve the goals of the "birds".

9. ARMS paraphrase
Here is as ARMS (tongue-in-cheek) paraphrase. Think Monty Python.

You are the refrigerator magnet sermons of the earth. But if the refrigerator magnet sermon is not attractive, how will it stay on the refrigerator? It is not worth it's salt. But if it is not thrown out, it will fall off the refrigerator and be trodden down by others, perhaps causing men to slip and have a great fall (like the house built on attractive but not solid sand).

Advice: Before you pick up those refrigerator magnet sermons off the floor, make sure they are not bird droppings.

Information sign More: Matthew 5:13: Salt of the earth

10. Ideas for refrigerator magnet sermons
Church of open ARMS
The rest of the content here consists of ideas for "refrigerator magnet sermons" to help your church have "open" ARMS.

More ideas will be added as they are encountered.
Some related topics include the following.

11. Luke 19:1-11 A short discussion on stature
Verse routeLuke 19:3 And he sought to see Jesus who he was; and could not for the press, because he was little of stature. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι εζητει ιδειν τον ιησουν τις εστιν και ουκ ηδυνατο απο του οχλου οτι τη ηλικια μικρος ην [gnt]
Verse routeturbastatura pusillus … [v]

You must be this tall to ride Whisper chain age to height Whisper chain
The word slide is from "young" "age" in Greek to "short" "height" in through Latin and then into English.

The Greek "crowd" changed to Latin "turmoil" or "mob".
Discuss: What important parts of the story can be easily omitted by focusing on "short height" as part of a "refrigerator magnet sermon"?

Information sign More: Whisper game
Information sign More: Luke 19:1-11 A short discussion on stature

12. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640