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Scrolls and books
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1. Clay tablets
Ten commandments

Thousands of years ago, man used scrolls to write down and preserve information in the code of language. At first, hardened clay bricks were used.

Information sign More: Exodus 20:1-26 The Ten Commandments

2. Scrolls

At some point, papyrus was used to create paper in the form of scrolls. Scrolls are a sequential access medium. To get to the end, one must go through the entire scroll.

If a communication is written as a scroll, put the author's identification at the beginning and not at the end.

Aside: protocol, from the Greek for "first glue" for a tag attached to the scroll.

3. Matthew 19:5 Glued together
Verse routeMatthew 19:5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? [kjv]
Verse routeκαι ειπεν ενεκα τουτου καταλειψει ανθρωπος τον πατερα και την μητερα και κολληθησεται τη γυναικι αυτου και εσονται οι δυο εις σαρκα μιαν [gnt]

Elmer's Glue-All
The ancient Greek word "κόλλα""glue, flower paste". The KJV (King James Version) translates as "cleave" the Greek word that means "joined" as in "glued". Some use the English word "cling" for "cleave". Barnabas makes the observation that one should not be "glued" to "sinners". Some translators, having the effect of providing reasons not to accept Barnabas, translate the word "glued" as "associate".
The English word "cleave" comes from the Middle English word "cleven""cleave, split" but could mean "adhere", "cling", "stick fast", etc.

Information sign More: Epistle of Barnabas
Information sign More: Matthew 5:27-28 Adulterated hearts
Information sign More: Matthew 19:1-12 Joined together

4. Books
Bible text

Eventually, the scrolls were cut into pages and bound into a codex or book. Books are a random access medium. One can quickly get to any part of the book. The idea of paper came from China.

A scroll (from the Old French escroe or escroue), is a roll of papyrus, parchment, or paper containing writing.

Who wants to go back to using scrolls?

A codex (Latin caudex for "trunk of a tree" or block of wood, book; plural codices) is a book made up of a number of sheets of paper, vellum, papyrus, or similar, with hand-written content,

5. Web page
Verse context Screen code
A web page is a scroll. There is no concept of a page is in a codex or book.
User interface guideline: Most users will not "scroll" down so put the important content such that it appears at the top.

6. Scrolls and books
The Latin word "librum""book"with base Latin word "liber""book" and also had the meaning of the inner bark of a tree, from which books were made. The Latin word is the source of the English word "library".

The German word "das Buch""book" and has an origin of a "beach" tree from which books were made and is the origin of the English word "book".

7. Diminutives
A diminutive is a word that as based on another word and refers to a smaller instance of whatever that word means.

Most languages have some way to create diminutive words from a word.

One way to create a diminutive word in Greek is to appropriately add the "-ιον" suffix to a word.

Information sign More: Diminutives

8. Revelation 5:5
Verse routeRevelation 5:5 And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι εις εκ των πρεσβυτερων λεγει μοι μη κλαιε ιδου ενικησεν ο λεων ο εκ της φυλης ιουδα η ριζα δαυιδ ανοιξαι το βιβλιον και τας επτα σφραγιδας αυτου [gnt]

9. Revelation 5:5
KJV: And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.
Greek: και εις εκ των πρεσβυτερων λεγει μοι μη κλαιε ιδου ενικησεν ο λεων ο ων εκ της φυλης ιουδα η ριζα δαβιδ δαυιδ ανοιξαι το βιβλιον και λυσαι τας επτα σφραγιδας αυτου
Latin: et unus de senioribus dicit mihi ne fleveris ecce vicit leo de tribu Iuda radix David aperire librum et septem signacula eius
Wycliffe: And oon of the eldre men seide to me, Wepe thou not; lo! a lioun of the lynage of Juda, the roote of Dauid, hath ouercomun to opene the book, and to vndon the seuene seelis of it.
Tyndale: And one of the elders sayde unto me: wepe not: Beholde a lion beinge of the tribe of Iuda the rote of Dauid hath obtayned to open the boke and to lose the vii. seales therof.
Luther: Und einer von den Ältesten spricht zu mir: Weine nicht! Siehe, es hat überwunden der Löwe, der da ist vom Geschlecht Judas, die Wurzel Davids, aufzutun das Buch und zu brechen seine sieben Siegel.

10. Revelation 6:14
Verse routeRevelation 6:14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι ο ουρανος απεχωρισθη ως βιβλιον ελισσομενον και παν ορος και νησος εκ των τοπων αυτων εκινηθησαν [gnt]

11. Revelation 6:14
KJV: And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
Greek: και ο ουρανος απεχωρισθη ως βιβλιονειλισσομενον ελισσομενον και παν ορος και νησος εκ των τοπων αυτων εκινηθησαν
Latin: et caelum recessit sicut liber involutus et omnis mons et insulae de locis suis motae sunt
Wycliffe: And heuene wente awei, as a book wlappid in; and alle munteyns and ilis weren mouyd fro her placis.
Tyndale: And heven vanysshed awaye as a scroll whe it is rolled togedder. And all mountayns and yles were moved oute of their places.
Luther: Und der Himmel entwich wie ein eingewickelt Buch; und alle Berge und Inseln wurden bewegt aus ihren Örtern.
Spanish: Y el cielo se apartó como un pergamino que es enrollado; y toda montaña y toda isla fue movida de su lugar.

12. Greek
The modern Greek word "βίβλος" (VEE-vlos) ≈ "book" is the origin of the English word "bible" and originates from the Greek city where books were made. This city is mentioned four times in the Old Testament: Joshua 13:5, 1 Kings 5:18, Psalm 83:7, Ezekiel 27:9, sometimes with the name "Gebal", the Hebrew name for the city. גבל - Gebal, Biblos

13. Joshua 13:5
Verse routeJoshua 13:5 And the land of the Giblites, and all Lebanon, toward the sunrising, from Baal-gad under mount Hermon unto the entering into Hamath. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι πασαν την γην γαβλι φυλιστιιμ και παντα τον λιβανον απο ανατολων ηλιου απο γαλγαλ υπο το ορος το αερμων εως της εισοδου εμαθ [lxx]

14. Joshua 13:5
   Joshua 13:5 
KJV: And the land of the Giblites, and all Lebanon, toward the sunrising, from Baal-gad under mount Hermon unto the entering into Hamath.
Hebrew: והארץ הגבלי וכל הלבנון מזרח השמש מבעל גד תחת הר חרמון עד לבוא חמת׃
Greek: και πασαν την γην γαβλι φυλιστιιμ και παντα τον λιβανον απο ανατολων ηλιου απο γαλγαλ υπο το ορος το αερμων εως της εισοδου εμαθ

15. Ezekiel 27:9
Verse routeEzekiel 27:9 The ancients of Gebal and the wise men thereof were in thee thy calkers: all the ships of the sea with their mariners were in thee to occupy thy merchandise. [kjv]
Verse routeοι πρεσβυτεροι βυβλιων και οι σοφοι αυτων ησαν εν σοι ουτοι ενισχυον την βουλην σου και παντα τα πλοια της θαλασσης και οι κωπηλαται αυτων εγενοντο σοι επι δυσμας δυσμων [lxx]
Verse routeBiblos… [wy]

16. Ezekiel 27:9
   Ezekiel 27:9 
KJV: The ancients of Gebal and the wise men thereof were in thee thy calkers: all the ships of the sea with their mariners were in thee to occupy thy merchandise.
Hebrew: זקני גבל וחכמיה היו בך מחזיקי בדקך כל אניות הים ומלחיהם היו בך לערב מערבך׃
Greek: οι πρεσβυτεροι βυβλιων και οι σοφοι αυτων ησαν εν σοι ουτοι ενισχυον την βουλην σου και παντα τα πλοια της θαλασσης και οι κωπηλαται αυτων εγενοντο σοι επι δυσμας δυσμων
Latin: senes Bibli et prudentes eius habuerunt nautas ad ministerium variae supellectilis tuae omnes naves maris et nautae earum fuerunt in populo negotiationis tuae
Wycliffe: The elde men of Biblos, and the prudent men therof, hadden schipmen to the seruyse of thi dyuerse araye of houshold; alle the schippis of the see, and the schip men of tho, weren in the puple of thi marchaundie.

17. Tome
The English word "tome" is "one in a series of volumes" as in a "large scholarly work" and not usually for casual reading. The word comes from the Latin word "tomus""section of a larger work" which comes from the ancient Greek word "τόμος""section, roll of papyrus" and which comes from "τέμνω""I cut, separate".

18. Tome
In Isaiah 8:1 there is mention of a "tome" as a "roll", "scroll", "book".

Verse routeIsaiah 8:1 Moreover the LORD said unto me, Take thee a great roll, and write in it with a man's pen concerning Maher–shalal–hash–baz. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι ειπεν κυριος προς με λαβε σεαυτω τομον καινου μεγαλου και γραψον εις αυτον γραφιδι ανθρωπου του οξεως προνομην ποιησαι σκυλων παρεστιν γαρ [lxx]
Verse routelibrum … [v]
Verse routeAnd the Lord said to me, Take to yourself a volume of a great new book, and write in it with a man's pen concerning the making a rapid plunder of spoils; for it is near at hand. [bs3]

The Latin word "librum""book" and is the source of the English word "library".

19. Isaiah 8:1

   Isaiah 8:1 
KJV: Moreover the LORD said unto me, Take thee a great roll, and write in it with a man's pen concerning Maher–shalal–hash–baz.
Hebrew: ויאמר יהוה אלי קח לך גליון גדול וכתב עליו בחרט אנוש למהר שלל חש בז׃
Greek: και ειπεν κυριος προς με λαβε σεαυτω τομον καινου μεγαλου και γραψον εις αυτον γραφιδι ανθρωπου του οξεως προνομην ποιησαι σκυλων παρεστιν γαρ
Brenton: And the Lord said to me, Take to yourself a volume of a great new book, and write in it with a man's pen concerning the making a rapid plunder of spoils; for it is near at hand.
Latin: et dixit Dominus ad me sume tibi librum grandem et scribe in eo stilo hominis Velociter spolia detrahe Cito praedare

20. Deuteronomy 24:1-2
Verse routeDeuteronomy 24:1 When a man hath taken a wife, and married her, and it come to pass that she find no favour in his eyes, because he hath found some uncleanness in her: then let him write her a bill of divorcement, and give it in her hand, and send her out of his house. [kjv]
Verse routeεαν δε τις λαβη γυναικα και συνοικηση αυτη και εσται εαν μη ευρη χαριν εναντιον αυτου οτι ευρεν εν αυτη ασχημον πραγμα και γραψει αυτη βιβλιον αποστασιου και δωσει εις τας χειρας αυτης και εξαποστελει αυτην εκ της οικιας αυτου [lxx]
Verse route24:2 And when she is departed out of his house, she may go and be another man's wife. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι απελθουσα γενηται ανδρι ετερω [lxx]

The Greek word for "married" is that of, literally, "(in the) same house". The "bill" is the Greek word that will become "book" or "Bible".

Notice that Jesus uses a different and more general Greek word for "separation" or "divorce" than is used in the LXX (Septuagint). This allows a double or extended meaning beyond the literal meaning.

It is easy to get diverted (i.e., red herring deception) on technical differences between "put away" and "divorce" using modern or ancient Hebrew terms. Instead, it might be better to focus on the Greek words used and the any double meanings associated with the meanings of those words.

Information sign More: Matthew 5:31-32 Cutout the adultery and divorce

21. Matthew 13:52 Scribes
Verse routeMatthew 13:52 Then said he unto them, Therefore every scribe which is instructed unto the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old. [kjv]
Verse routeο δε ειπεν αυτοις δια τουτο πας γραμματευς μαθητευθεις τη βασιλεια των ουρανων ομοιος εστιν ανθρωπω οικοδεσποτη οστις εκβαλλει εκ του θησαυρου αυτου καινα και παλαια [gnt]

Is everyone a "scribe"? Is this information only needed by an "academic"?

Unlike many other nouns that have code word definitions, any code word definition for "scribe" must be inferred/guessed except that it relates to "householder".

A "scribe" works with letters and words and meanings of words. A (classic security) code works with words and meanings.

The English word "scribe" comes from the Latin word "scriba""secretary" which comes from the ancient Greek word "γραμματεύς""scribe, secretary". Matthew was a "scribe" in his job as a tax collector.

This Greek word was used in the LXX to translate the Hebrew word "סופר" (sofer) ≈ "writer, scholar" which is the verb form of the Hebrew word "ספר""book, writing".

Information sign More: Matthew 13: Eighth kingdom parable: treasure of new and old codes
... more to be added ...

22. End of page

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