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Mondegreens: misheard lyrics
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Mondegreens: misheard lyrics
A mondegreen is pun consisting of a misheard lyric or verse that sounds like something other than what was written.
The term was coined by Sylvia Wright in 1954 who as a child had heard the poem line "laid him on the green" as "Lady Mondegreen".

Here are some hymn titles or lines that are mondegreens.

2. Confirmation bias
The misheard lyric, or mondegreen, is a form of confirmation bias in that people tend to hear things they have heard before.

3. Confirmation bias
Confirmation biasA confirmation bias is a bias of accepting only facts that agree with what you have already decided is true and ignoring other facts.
That is, one accepts only new information that confirms what one already believes or has heard, etc. You can ignore facts that you do not know about (ignorance of the law) or ignore things in order to deceive others (and yourself).

Cherry pick 2A confirmation bias can be encouraged by the use of "cherry picking" information to view or accept.

Information sign More: Selective evidence fallacy: Cherry picking
Information sign More: Confirmation bias

4. Whisper chain
A misheard lyric is similar to a "whisper chain" as part of a "whisper game" as a sequence of misheard whispers which can be quite amusing.

5. Whisper game
Whisper chainThe "whisper game" is a way whereby a message is passed from person to person and tends to change with each retelling - especially when whispering where one cannot clearly hear what is being said.

Most cultures have some name for this type of game which is often popular with children - of all ages.

Information sign More: Whisper game

6. Andy walks with me
The refrain of the song "I come to the garden alone" is the source of a "mondegreen" which is a misheard lyric.

The joke is that Andy is another name for Jesus.

7. Four calling birds
The original "Twelve days of Christmas" had "four colly birds" where "colly" meant "black". That is "four black birds" where "colly" meant "coal".

In "A midsummer night's dream", Shakespeare uses the phrase "brief as the lightning in the collied night".

The phrase "four colly birds" had become "four calling birds" in the 1909 Frederic Austin version.

8. A monk swimming
Book: A monk swimmingThe title of the book "A monk swimming" by Maclachy McCourty comes from mishearing, as a child, a Catholic rosary prayer. Instead of "amongst women" he heard "a monk swimmin'".

Book: A monk swimming, Maclachy McCourty, 1999, Hyperion, ‎ 978-0786884148.

9. Lonesome sea
The written work "The golden vanity" has the following line. Since the phrase "lowland sea" is not familiar to many people, this is often misheard as the following.

10. Mondegreen
Grape cliuster Grape stems
A mondegreen for "Amazing grace" is "A maze of grapes, how sweet and round".
What happens if grape vines get too much sun and not enough water?

Information sign More: Song: Amazing grace

11. Keep thou my way
To "bear the cross" of Jesus brings to mind the song "Keep thou my way" by Fanny Crosby and the cross-eyed bear called "Gladly" (verse 3).
Keep Thou my all, O Lord, Hide my life in Thine;
O let Thy sacred light O'er my pathway shine;
Kept by Thy tender care, Gladly the cross I'll bear
Hear Thou and grant my pray'r, Hide my life in Thine.

Information sign More: Revelation 13:1 Hunt for a monstrous beast

12. Can't unsee it

lol : LOL
laughing out loud
The idea that once someone sees something, they "can't unsee it" is part of what known as the "frequency illusion" or "Baader-Meinhof phenomenon".
What fast food does Jesus give to you?

13. Can't unhear it: mondegreens
Mondegreens are misheard song lyrics that, once heard, are not easily forgotten.

14. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640