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A dogmatic opinion about dogmas
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. A dogmatic opinion about dogmas
The ancient Greek word "δόγμα""opinion, belief" is from the ancient Greek word "δοκέω""expect, think, suppose" which is from the ancient Greek word "δέχομαι""take, accept".

It appears that the modern Greek word "δόγμα" (THO-gma) ≈ "dogma, doctrine" has been influenced by the narrowing of the word in other languages and theological decisions.

2. Dogmatic
To clarify before starting, being "dogmatic" does not mean that you have a mat in front of your door for the dog! I like the mat that has the text on it "Hi. I'm Matt!". Of course, the mat should not be shiny but matte!

Something is "automatic" if it happens without doing anything. So "dogmatic" is similar but requires a dog for it to happen.

If you are dog-tired of these puns, let us move on.

3. Death by taxes
Certainty? In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.
Benjamin Franklin (American scientist, inventor, philosopher, statesman) .
Which gets worse over time? He does not possess wealth; it possesses him. Benjamin Franklin.

What does Jesus say about taxes (yokes of compulsion) by religious institutions?

Information sign More: Matthew 17:24-27 Tacky attacks on a senseless tax
Information sign More: Genesis 47:14-27 Joseph and taxes and enslavement
Information sign More: Benjamin Franklin

4. Luke 2:1
   Luke 2:1 
KJV: And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed.
Greek: εγενετο δε εν ταις ημεραις εκειναις εξηλθεν δογμα παρα καισαρος αυγουστου απογραφεσθαι πασαν την οικουμενην
Latin: factum est autem in diebus illis exiit edictum a Caesare Augusto ut describeretur universus orbis
Wessex: Exiit edictum a cesare augusto. Soðlice on þam dagen waes ge-worðen ge-bod fram þan caisere auguste. þaet eall ymb-hwyrft waere to-maercod.
Wycliffe: And it was don in tho daies, a maundement wente out fro the emperour August, that al the world schulde be discryued.
Tyndale: And it chaunced in thoose dayes: yt ther went oute a comaundment from Auguste the Emperour that all the woorlde shuld be taxed.
Gothic: warth than in dagans jainans, urrann gagrefts fram kaisara agustau, gameljan allana midjungard.
Luther: Es begab sich aber zu der Zeit, daß ein Gebot vom Kaiser Augustus ausging, daß alle Welt geschätzt würde.
Spanish: Y aconteció en aquellos días que salió un edicto de parte de Augusto César, que todo el mundo fuese empadronado.
Portuguese: Por aqueles dias, saiu um édito da parte de César Augusto para ser recenseada toda a terra.

5. Opinion
It appears that the primary meaning of the word is that of "opinion" or "belief".

With an absolute ruler, an "opinion" or "belief" takes on the practical connotation of a "decree" or "edict". This appears to be the case in the GNT (Greek New Testament) and LXX (Septuagint).

6. Mandate
The Middle English word "maundement""mandate" is from the Latin word "mandatum""commandment" which is the source of "Maundy" in "Maundy Thursday".

Information sign More: The mandate of Maundy Thursday

7. Edict
The Latin word "edico""declare, publish, announce" is the source of the English word "edict". It is from two Latin parts.

8. Strongs - edict

9. Acts 17:7
   Acts 17:7 
KJV: Whom Jason hath received: and these all do contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying that there is another king, one Jesus.
Greek: ους υποδεδεκται ιασων και ουτοι παντες απεναντι των δογματων καισαρος πραττουσιν πρασσουσιν βασιλεα λεγοντες ετερον λεγοντες ειναι ιησουν
Latin: quos suscepit Iason et hii omnes contra decreta Caesaris faciunt regem alium dicentes esse Iesum
Wycliffe: whiche Jason resseyuede. And these alle don ayens the maundementis of the emperour, and seien, that Jhesu is anothir king.
Tyndale: which Iason hath receaved prevely. And these all do contrary to the elders of Cesar affirmynge another kynge one Iesus.
Luther: die herberget Jason; und diese alle handeln wider des Kaisers Gebot, sagen, ein anderer sei der König, nämlich Jesus.
Spanish: A los cuales Jasón ha recibido; y todoséstos, hacen contrario a los decretos de César, diciendo que hay otro rey, Jesús.
Portuguese: e Jasão recebeu-os em sua casa. Todos eles estão em oposição aos éditos de César, pois afirmam que há outro rei, Jesus. »

10. Ephesians 2:15
KJV: Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace;
Greek: την εχθραν εν τη σαρκι αυτου τον νομον των εντολων εν δογμασιν καταργησας ινα τους δυο κτιση εν εαυτω αυτω εις ενα καινον ανθρωπον ποιων ειρηνην
Latin: legem mandatorum decretis evacuans ut duos condat in semet ipsum in unum novum hominem faciens pacem
Spanish: aboliendo en su carne las enemistades, la ley de los mandamientos contenidos en ordenanzas, para hacer en sí mismo de los dos un nuevo hombre, haciendo así la paz;

11. Commandments
If commandments are contained in ordinances (i.e., a proper subset, not the same set) than what is the difference between a commandment and an ordinance?

Might this be the difference from the letter of the law and the spirit of the law?

12. The legal truth table
Table illusion 2 Levels of truth


13. Strongs - commandments

14. Colossians 2:14
KJV: Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;
Greek: εξαλειψας το καθ ημων χειρογραφον τοις δογμασιν ο ην υπεναντιον ημιν και αυτο ηρκεν εκ του μεσου προσηλωσας αυτο τω σταυρω
Latin: delens quod adversum nos erat chirografum decretis quod erat contrarium nobis et ipsum tulit de medio adfigens illud cruci
Spanish: rayendo el manuscrito de las ordenanzas que había contra nosotros, que nos era contrario, quitándolo de en medio y clavándolo en la cruz;

15. Handwriting
The modern Greek word "χειρόγραφο" (hee-RO-gra-fo) ≈ "manuscript" from the modern Greek word "χειρός" (hee-ROS) ≈ "hand" and the modern Greek word "γράφος" (GHRA-fos) ≈ "writing".

The Latin word "chirographum""manuscript, handwriting".

16. Hieroglyph
This is different than the Egyptian writing called a "hieroglyph" which means "sacred writing" and which is a back-formation in 1726 from the ancient Greek word "ἱερογλυφικός""sacred writing".

The word "hieroglyphics" from the Greek meaning "holy writing", is a word not found in the Bible.

Information sign More: Rosetta stone

17. Strongs - handwriting

18. Written form
It appears that it is usual to have "ordinances", or "dogmas" in Greek, in written form.

Most edicts of rulers appear to be put into some written form - unless, say, they are to be done immediately without any intermediaries.

19. Colossians 2:20
KJV: Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances,
Greek: ει ουν απεθανετε συν τω χριστω απο των στοιχειων του κοσμου τι ως ζωντες εν κοσμω δογματιζεσθε

20. LXX
The Greek word for "dogma" is used in one verse in Esther and 12 verses in Daniel. Note that parts of Daniel are in Aramaic and not in Hebrew.

For comparison, the time period of the story of Esther, about 480 B.C., is the approximate time frame as the (ending) time of Daniel, after 540 BC when Persia conquered Babylon.

21. Esther 3:9
   Esther 3:9 
KJV: If it please the king, let it be written that they may be destroyed: and I will pay ten thousand talents of silver to the hands of those that have the charge of the business, to bring it into the king's treasuries.
Hebrew: אם על המלך טוב יכתב לאבדם ועשרת אלפים ככר כסף אשקול על ידי עשי המלאכה להביא אל גנזי המלך׃
Greek: ει δοκει τω βασιλει δογματισατω απολεσαι αυτους καγω διαγραψω εις το γαζοφυλακιον του βασιλεως αργυριου ταλαντα μυρια
Latin: si tibi placet decerne ut pereat et decem milia talentorum adpendam arcariis gazae tuae
Wycliffe: If it plesith thee, `deme thou that it perisch, and Y schal paie ten thousynde of talentis to the keperis of thi tresour.
Luther: Gefällt es dem Könige, so schreibe er, daß man es umbringe; so will ich zehntausend Zentner Silbers darwägen unter die Hand der Amtleute, daß man es bringe in die Kammer des Königs.
Spanish: Si place al rey, escríbase que sean destruidos; y yo pesaré diez mil talentos de plata en manos de los que manejan la hacienda, para que sean traídos a los tesoros del rey.

22. Latin
The Latin word "decerno""decide, settle".

The word is related to the Latin word "discernoe""discerne" and is the source, through French, of the English word "discerne". Divide into two parts

23. Strongs - write

24. Daniel 2:13
   Daniel 2:13 
KJV: And the decree went forth that the wise men should be slain; and they sought Daniel and his fellows to be slain.
Hebrew: ודתא נפקת וחכימיא מתקטלין ובעו דניאל וחברוהי להתקטלה׃
Greek: και το δογμα εξηλθεν και οι σοφοι απεκτεννοντο και εζητησαν δανιηλ και τους φιλους αυτου ανελειν
Latin: et egressa sententia sapientes interficiebantur quaerebaturque Danihel et socii eius ut perirent
Wycliffe: And bi the sentence goon out, the wise men weren slayn; and Danyel and hise felows weren souyt, that thei schulden perische.
Luther: Und das Urteil ging aus, daß man die Weisen töten sollte. Und Daniel samt seinen Gesellen ward auch gesucht, daß man sie tötete.
Spanish: Y se publicó el decreto, de que los sabios fueran llevados a la muerte; y buscaron a Daniel y a sus compañeros para matarlos.
Portuguese: A decisão foi publicada e o massacre dos sábios começou. Procuraram Daniel e os companheiros para os matar também.

25. Strongs - sentence

26. Den of lions
The Greek word "dogma" for "decree" appears again (many times) in the story of the lion's den. And I would not be a "lying" to you!

27. Daniel 6:9
   Daniel 6:9 
KJV: Wherefore king Darius signed the writing and the decree.
Hebrew: כל קבל דנה מלכא דריוש רשם כתבא ואסרא׃
Greek: τοτε ο βασιλευς δαρειος επεταξεν γραφηναι το δογμα
Latin: porro rex Darius proposuit edictum et statuit
Wycliffe: Forsothe Darius, the kyng, settide forth, and confermyde the decree.

28. Writing and decree
What might be the difference between the "writing" and the "decree"?

29. Strongs - writing

30. Strongs - decree

31. Handwriting
The handwriting idea appears in Daniel 5 in the handwriting on the wall incident.

32. Daniel 5:5
   Daniel 5:5 
KJV: In the same hour came forth fingers of a man's hand, and wrote over against the candlestick upon the plaister of the wall of the king's palace: and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote.
Hebrew: בה שעתה נפקו אצבען די יד אנש וכתבן לקבל נברשתא על גירא די כתל היכלא די מלכא ומלכא חזה פס ידה די כתבה׃
Greek: εν αυτη τη ωρα εξηλθον δακτυλοι χειρος ανθρωπου και εγραφον κατεναντι της λαμπαδος επι το κονιαμα του τοιχου του οικου του βασιλεως και ο βασιλευς εθεωρει τους αστραγαλους της χειρος της γραφουσης
Latin: in eadem hora apparuerunt digiti quasi manus hominis scribentis contra candelabrum in superficie parietis aulae regiae et rex aspiciebat articulos manus scribentis
Wycliffe: In the same our fyngris apperiden, as of the hond of a man, writynge ayens the candilstike, in the pleyn part of the wal of the kyngis halle; and the kyng bihelde the fyngris of the hond writynge.
Luther: Eben zur selbigen Stunde gingen hervor Finger, als einer Menschenhand, die schrieben, gegenüber dem Leuchter, auf die getünchte Wand in dem königlichen Saal. Und der König ward gewahr der Hand, die da schrieb.
Spanish: En aquella misma hora salieron unos dedos de mano de hombre, y escribían delante del candelero sobre lo encalado de la pared del palacio real, y el rey veía la palma de la mano que escribía.
Portuguese: Neste momento, apareceram dedos de mão humana que escreviam defronte do candelabro, sobre o reboco da parede do palácio real. O rei, à vista da mão que escrevia,

33. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640