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1. Music
  • Music: amusing music
  •  Music (this page)
  • Music background
  • Jazz and music
  • Caroling and hymns
  • Horns and trumpets and tubas
  • Music: Anacrusis and knocking
  • Church music issues

  • 2. Praise music
    There are many verses in the Bible that talk about "praise" in terms of music.

    Information sign More: A dark and enigmatic praise

    3. Musical praise
    We see terms of musical praise using instruments Psalms 150, the last chapter of the Psalms.

    Verse routePsalms 150:3 Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp. [kjv]
    Verse routeαινειτε αυτον εν ηχω σαλπιγγος αινειτε αυτον εν ψαλτηριω και κιθαρα [lxx]
    Verse routebucinaepsalteriocithara [v]
    Verse routetrumpesautreharpe. [wy]
    Verse route150:4 Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs. [kjv]
    Verse routeαινειτε αυτον εν τυμπανω και χορω αινειτε αυτον εν χορδαις και οργανω [lxx]
    Verse routetympanochorocordisorgano [v]
    Verse routetympanequeerstrenegisorgun. [wy]

    4. Psalms 150:3

       Psalms 150:3 
    KJV: Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp.
    Hebrew: הללוהו בתקע שופר הללוהו בנבל וכנור׃
    Greek: αινειτε αυτον εν ηχω σαλπιγγος αινειτε αυτον εν ψαλτηριω και κιθαρα
    Latin: laudate eum in clangore bucinae laudate eum in psalterio et cithara
    Wycliffe: Herie ye hym in the soun of trumpe; herie ye hym in a sautre and harpe.

    5. Psalms 150:4

       Psalms 150:4 
    KJV: Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs.
    Hebrew: הללוהו בתף ומחול הללוהו במנים ועוגב׃
    Greek: αινειτε αυτον εν τυμπανω και χορω αινειτε αυτον εν χορδαις και οργανω
    Latin: laudate eum in tympano et choro laudate eum in cordis et organo
    Wycliffe: Herie ye hym in a tympane and queer; herie ye hym in strenegis and orgun.

    6. Drums
    The English word "timpani", as in a drum, comes from the Latin word "tympanum""drum" which comes from the ancient Greek word "τύμπανον""drum" which comes from the ancient Greek word "τύπτω""beat, strike".
    Verse routePsalms 150:4 Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs. [kjv]
    Verse routeαινειτε αυτον εν τυμπανω και χορω αινειτε αυτον εν χορδαις και οργανω [lxx]
    Verse routetympano … [v]
    Verse routetympane … [wy]

    7. Stupid drums
    A cognate is the Latin word "stupeo""stunned, dazed" which is related to the Latin word "stupidus""struck senseless, amazed" and is the source of the English word "stupid".
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    8. Organ
    Music: SP-UM organAn organ in a church has many parts that do work, much like the organs of the body do work.

    The ancient Greek word "ὄργανον""instrument, implement" and often meant a musical instrument.
    Verse routePsalms 150:4 Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs. [kjv]
    Verse routeαινειτε αυτον εν τυμπανω και χορω αινειτε αυτον εν χορδαις και οργανω [lxx]
    Verse routetympanochorocordisorgano [v]
    Verse routetympanequeerstrenegisorgun. [wy]

    Information sign More: An opus on the workings of work

    9. Bucina
    Verse routeExodus 19:19 And when the voice of the trumpet sounded long, and waxed louder and louder, Moses spake, and God answered him by a voice. [kjv]
    Verse routeהשופר … [he]
    Verse routebucinae … [v]

    The ancient Greek word "σάλπιγξ""war trumpet" and appears to be pre-Greek in origin. The Latin word "bucina""curved bugle" as in a war trumpet and comes from two Latin words and is the source of the English word "bugle".

    Information sign More: Horns and trumpets and tubas

    10. Guitar
    The ancient Greek word "κιθαρα""stringed instrument" is the source of the English word "guitar" through Spanish through Arabic through Latin through Greek. In the Bible, the word means a string instrument, which can be a harp, lyre or other instrument.

    The ancient Greek word "λύρα""lyre" and is the source of the English word "lyre". The word "harp" is of Germanic origin. The German word "Harfe""harp". The English word "chord" is related to the "cords" as strings on the instrument.

    The ancient Greek word appears to be related to the Proto-Hurro-Uratian word "*kinnar" for "lyre" or "harp".

    11. Modern Greek

    12. Guitar
    The modern Greek word "κιθάρα" (kee-THA-ra) ≈ "guitar" is the source, through Latin and Arabic and Spanish, of the English word "guitar" and appears many times in the Bible. Linguistic diagram of guitar

    13. Psalms 81:2
       Psalms 81:2 
    KJV: Take a psalm, and bring hither the timbrel, the pleasant harp with the psaltery.
    Hebrew: שאו זמרה ותנו תף כנור נעים עם נבל׃
    Greek: λαβετε ψαλμον και δοτε τυμπανον ψαλτηριον τερπνον μετα κιθαρας
    Latin: adsumite carmen et date tympanum citharam decoram cum psalterio

    14. Paul
    In the context of his discussion on speaking in tongues, Paul uses a musical analogy in 1 Corinthians 14:7.

    15. 1 Corinthians 14:7
    KJV: And even things without life giving sound, whether pipe or harp, except they give a distinction in the sounds, how shall it be known what is piped or harped?
    Greek: ομως τα αψυχα φωνην διδοντα ειτε αυλος ειτε κιθαρα εαν διαστολην τοις φθογγοις μη δω πως γνωσθησεται το αυλουμενον η το κιθαριζομενον
    Latin: tamen quae sine anima sunt vocem dantia sive tibia sive cithara nisi distinctionem sonituum dederint quomodo scietur quod canitur aut quod citharizatur
    Tyndale: Moreover whe thinges with out lyfe geve sounde: whether it be a pype or an harpe: except they make a distinccion in the soundes: how shall it be knowen what is pyped or harped?
    Luther: Hält sich's doch auch also in den Dingen, die da lauten und doch nicht leben, es sei eine Pfeife oder eine Harfe; wenn sie nicht unterschiedliche Stimmen von sich geben, wie kann man wissen, was gepfiffen oder geharfet ist?

    16. Strongs

    17. Harp guitar
    A harp guitar is a combination of a harp and a guitar.

    18. Harp
    One word for what appears to be a harp-like instrument is the ancient Greek word "κινύρα""harp" which comes from the Hebrew word "כנוך" (kinnor) ≈ "wailing" which is a defective spelling of the Hebrew word "כינור" (kinnor) ≈ "wailing".

    Future topic Details are left as a future topic.

    19. 2 Chronicles 20:28
    KJV: And they came to Jerusalem with psalteries and harps and trumpets unto the house of the LORD.
    Hebrew: ויבאו ירושלם בנבלים ובכנרות ובחצצרות אל בית יהוה׃
    Greek: και εισηλθον εις ιερουσαλημ εν ναβλαις και εν κινυραις και εν σαλπιγξιν εις οικον κυριου
    Latin: ingressique sunt Hierusalem cum psalteriis et citharis et tubis in domum Domini
    Wycliffe: And thei entriden in to Jerusalem with sawtrees, and harpis, and trumpis, in to the hows of the Lord.
    Luther: Und zogen gen Jerusalem ein mit Psaltern, Harfen und Trommeten zum Hause des Herrn.
    Spanish: Y vinieron a Jerusalén, a la casa de Jehová, con salterios, arpas, y trompetas.

    20. Strongs

    21. Dance
    The ancient Greek word "χορός""dance" and is the source of the English word "chorus" which today is a vocal group rather than a dance group.
    Verse routePsalms 150:4 Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs. [kjv]
    Verse routeαινειτε αυτον εν τυμπανω και χορω αινειτε αυτον εν χορδαις και οργανω [lxx]
    Verse routechoro … [v]
    Verse routequeer… [wy]

    The Middle English word "queer""dance" was used much later, in the 1800's, to refer to sexual orientation. The connection to "dance" appears to be an earlier meaning of "off-center" and "turning" or "twisting" as such movements are associated with dancing.

    22. Queer torque torture
    In that sense, the word "queer" (from Germanic) is related to the word "torque" (from Latin) via the PIE (Proto Indo-European) root "*TERK""turn, twist, wind".

    The words "torment" and "torture" are related in that they derive from instrument for inflicting pain that involved turning and twisting.

    23. End of page

    by RS : 1024 x 640