Notice the progression in the poem fragment by Aquinas.
... Your Blood, one drop of which can heal the entire world of all its sins.
Aquinas states a "
potentiality" and does not take it to an "
actuality". That is, it "
could" do so is all that is stated.
You may have heard:
One drop of Jesus's blood was sufficient to cover the sins of all humanity for all of time. Let it cover us.
Was one drop of blood sufficient?
Was the cross necessary?
Some pastors (and others) take the "
potentiality" (by Aquinas) and change it to an "
actuality" to be a given fact that has already happened.
The same logical errors are made when Jesus provides an analogy as that something is "
like" something else. Soon, sermons are given as if the analogy has actually happened in reality.
Discuss: Is making such logical leaps without any apparent logical validity deceptive?