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Reflexive relationships in the Bible
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Reflexive property
Reflexive x and R
A relation R on set A is reflexive if for every x in A, x R x.

This can be written in mathematical form as follows.

Reflexive property
This is read as "for all x in (set) A, (condition) x R x (is true)"

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2. Universal quantification
For allUniversal quantification involves "for all" within a certain domain set.

The symbol "" is read as "for all".
An example is as follows. This is read as "for all x in the set 1, 3, 5, x is an odd number"

3. Reflexive laughing
Laugh at yourself

An example of a reflexive rule is the following. Have you heard that being able to laugh at yourself may help lengthen your life?

Here, the "laugh at" relation is applied reflexively to itself. That is, relating "laugh at" from "you" to "you".

4. Not reflexive laughing
Laugh at spouse

Have you heard that laughing at your spouse may help shorten your life?

Here, the "laugh at" relation is not applied reflexively.

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5. Laughing summary
Laugh at yourself and spouseHere is the diagram to summarize these laughing ideas. The relation R as "is the same sex/gender as" is reflexive, since Does a rule apply to itself? If so, the rule is reflexive.

6. Self reference
self ruleAre you the same sex or gender, whatever that is, as yourself?

Except for negation, most logical (not human) rules are reflexive.

Do some people apply rules to others but not to themselves?

7. Do as I say
others ruleWhenever someone says, "Do as I say, not as I do" they are applying a rule to others but not to them-self. That is, the rule, to them, is not a reflexive rule. In such a case, one might call the person a "hypocrite" using the modern sense of the word.

8. Everyone do this
everone ruleThe pattern becomes more clear with a diagram. The rule applies to everyone, which includes self. Negation results in interesting ideas.

9. Deuteronomy 34:5 Moses
Does Moses write reflexively about himself in this verse?

Verse routeDeuteronomy 34:5 So Moses the servant of the LORD died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the LORD. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι ετελευτησεν μωυσης οικετης κυριου εν γη μωαβ δια ρηματος κυριου [lxx]

10. Deuteronomy 34:5
KJV: So Moses the servant of the LORD died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the LORD.
Hebrew: וימת שם משה עבד יהוה בארץ מואב על פי יהוה׃
Greek: και ετελευτησεν μωυσης οικετης κυριου εν γη μωαβ δια ρηματος κυριου

11. Self-reference and recursion
2There is an entire field of self-reference having to do with self-similar objects call fractals and with recursive references of code to (smaller instances) of similar or the same code.

These topics are left for another time, though some examples here could be considered under that category. For example, "ditches" in "ditches".

12. Meta prefixes
The area of "meta" prefixes is covered at Have you ever met a prefix like this?.

Some topics related to this will be presented here.

13. Self-referential and reflexive
Here are some places where one might see self-referential and reflexive ideas (and which could fit as "meta" prefixes).

14. Silence
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. Dietrich Bonhoeffer (German Lutheran pastor, theologian and anti-Nazi dissident)

Information sign More: Dietrich Bonhoeffer

15. 1 Timothy 6:15 Repetitive phrase
Verse route1 Timothy 6:15 Which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords; [kjv]
Verse routeην καιροις ιδιοις δειξει ο μακαριος και μονος δυναστης ο βασιλευς των βασιλευοντων και κυριος των κυριευοντων [gnt]

Some phrases are repeated in a reflexive self-referential or "meta" way. This can be for emphasis. Could it be a reflexive reference in any way?

16. 1 Timothy 6:15
KJV: Which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords;
Greek: ην καιροις ιδιοις δειξει ο μακαριος και μονος δυναστης ο βασιλευς των βασιλευοντων και κυριος των κυριευοντων
Latin: quem suis temporibus ostendet beatus et solus potens rex regum et Dominus dominantium
Wycliffe: whom the blessid and aloone miyti king of kyngis and Lord of lordis schal schewe in his tymes.
Luther: welche wird zeigen zu seiner Zeit der Selige und allein Gewaltige, der König aller Könige, und Herr aller Herren,

17. Blind leading the blind
Verse routeMatthew 15:14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. [kjv]
Verse routeαφετε αυτους τυφλοι εισιν οδηγοι τυφλος δε τυφλον εαν οδηγη αμφοτεροι εις βοθυνον πεσουνται [gnt]

Blind leading the blindIn Matthew 15:14, Jesus uses the example of the "blind" leading the "blind".

This is an example of a reflexive relationship since the blind are leading both others who are blind and themselves who are blind.

Information sign More: Blind leading the blind

18. Exodus 3:14
At the time that Moses asks God to identify himself, Moses receives the following reply.

Verse routeExodus 3:14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι ειπεν ο θεος προς μωυσην εγω ειμι ο ων και ειπεν ουτως ερεις τοις υιοις ισραηλ ο ων απεσταλκεν με προς υμας [lxx]

What exactly might the saying "I am that I am" mean?

Is this similar or different to a saying of the cartoon character "Popeye"? "I yam what I yam and that's all what I yam" is the saying of Popeye the sailor man.

19. Exodus 3:14
   Exodus 3:14 
KJV: And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.
Hebrew: ויאמר אלהים אל משה אהיה אשר אהיה ויאמר כה תאמר לבני ישראל אהיה שלחני אליכם׃
Greek: και ειπεν ο θεος προς μωυσην εγω ειμι ο ων και ειπεν ουτως ερεις τοις υιοις ισραηλ ο ων απεσταλκεν με προς υμας
Latin: dixit Deus ad Mosen ego sum qui sum ait sic dices filiis Israhel qui est misit me ad vos
Wycliffe: The Lord seide to Moises, Y am that am. The Lord seide, Thus thou schalt seie to the sones of Israel, He that is sente me to you.
Luther: Gott sprach zu Mose: Ich werde sein, der ich sein werde. Und sprach: Also sollst du den Kindern Israel sagen: Ich werd's sein, der hat mich zu euch gesandt.
Spanish: Y respondió Dios a Moisés: YO SOY EL QUE SOY. Y dijo: Así dirás a los hijos de Israel: YO SOY me ha enviado a vosotros.

20. An actor as a hypocrite is not real
Many times Jesus appears to rebuke the Pharisees as "hypocrites", in the modern sense, because the apply rules to others but not to themselves, reflexively. On closer inspection, and using the definition of "hypocrite" at the time, this is not quite what is happening.

The ancient Greek word "ὑποκριτής""actor, pretender" and comes from "ὑποκρίνομαι""answer, interpret, play a part as an actor" and comes from two Greek words. The meaning went from "separate" to "answer" to "answer" an actor on stage to "play a part" as in "acting" or "pretending".

The modern definition of "hypocrite" appears to come from a misinterpretation of what Jesus says in Matthew 7:3-5 (plank or splinter in the eye).

When Jesus says "You hypocrites", instead of the modern sense, it might be better read as "You actors" as in "You pretenders" or "Get real" or "Get in touch with reality" or "Get in touch with the truth". Substituting "actors" or "pretenders" might make for a better translation than "hypocrites".

Information sign More: An actor as a hypocrite is not real

21. Matthew 7:1-2 Here comes the judge, but just barley
Verse routeMatthew 7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged. [kjv]
Verse route7:2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. [kjv]

Barley is a cereal grain, known from ancient times, that has many uses. The usual process is to seed it, grow it, harvest it, break it up, and winnow to separate the grain (fruit) from the chaff so that the grain can be used.
The ancient Greek word "κρίνω""separate" appears to be the related to "κριθή""barley" in that the grain needed to be separated to be used - allowing a play on words "κριθήτε""judged" as used by Jesus. The "separation" is related to the English word "rinse" and the Latin word "discernere""separate, divide, distinguish, discern" which is the source of the English word "discern". The Latin word is from the Latin word "cernere""to separate".

Since separation is an important and sometimes misunderstood part of the three-step judgment process (separation of guilt or innocence, sentence, punishment) the connections can be interesting in, say, the context of Matthew 7.

Information sign More: Matthew 7:1-2 Here comes the judge, but just barley

22. Thou shalt not murder
Verse routeExodus 20:13 Thou shalt not kill. [kjv]
Verse routeלא … [he]
Verse routeου φονευσεις [lxx]

Ten commandmentsOne of the 10 commandments has to do with killing or murder. The Hebrew appears to be against unlawful killing resulting in a blood guilt.

The Hebrew word "לא תרצח" (lo tirt-zach) ≈ "murder, blood guilt" allows killing in certain circumstances such as war, capital punishment, self-defense, etc.

Information sign More: Thou shalt not murder

23. 1 John 1:10 We say we have no sin
Verse route1 John 1:10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. [kjv]
Verse routeεαν ειπωμεν οτι ουχ ημαρτηκαμεν ψευστην ποιουμεν αυτον και ο λογος αυτου ουκ εστιν εν ημιν [gnt]

Whenever we say that we have no sin, we are making a self-referential reflexive statement.

Discuss the statement "I am good" in terms of reflexive self-reference.

24. 1 John 1:10
   1 John 1:10 
KJV: If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
Greek: εαν ειπωμεν οτι ουχ ημαρτηκαμεν ψευστην ποιουμεν αυτον και ο λογος αυτου ουκ εστιν εν ημιν
Latin: si dixerimus quoniam non peccavimus mendacem facimus eum et verbum eius non est in nobis
Wycliffe: And if we seien, we han not synned, we maken hym a liere, and his word is not in vs.
Luther: So wir sagen, wir haben nicht gesündiget, so machen wir ihn zum Lügner, und sein Wort ist nicht in uns.

25. Romans 3:23 All have sinned
Verse routeRomans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; [kjv]
Verse routeπαντες γαρ ημαρτον και υστερουνται της δοξης του θεου [gnt]

Church of true Christians
If sinners were not allowed in church, there would be no one allowed in church.

The Greek here for "all" is plural which means there may be exceptions. Who might be an exception?
The ancient Greek word "ἁμαρτία""error, mistake, fault, sin" as in, literally, "not a witness". The Greek for "glory" is that of "opinion". Anything that is "not a witness" for God "falls short" or "lags behind" of God's "opinion" or "expectation".

In logical reasoning, one should not universally quantify something without specifying the domain to which it applies and how it applies. The "for all" would appear to refer to "men" who are not "God" (as in "Jesus").

Information sign More: A martyred witness to a translation error
Information sign More: Whether this or that: What is your opinion on glory?
Information sign More: Expectation of a glorious Greek opinion on a doxology
Paraphrase: For all have not been a (good) witness (of God) and not approached the opinion of God

Information sign More: Whether this or that: What is your opinion on glory?

26. Romans 3:23 Glory of God
Verse routeRomans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; [kjv]
Verse routeπαντες γαρ ημαρτον και υστερουνται της δοξης του θεου [gnt]

Do we need to come up to the "glory" of God? Perhaps a pastor could help us with that seemingly unattainable quest.
Paraphrase: All (with possible exceptions) have not been a (good) witness (for God) and have lagged behind the opinion/expectation of God.

It appears we do not have to reach the level of God. God has an expectation/opinion of where we should be and we are lagging behind that expectation/opinion. This appears to be in line with Eastern Orthodox thought.

Information sign More: Sin and good people
Information sign More: Everything and all things: But wait, there's more

27. Luke 18:13 Myself a sinner
Verse routeLuke 18:13 And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner. [kjv]
Verse route ο δε τελωνης μακροθεν εστως ουκ ηθελεν ουδε τους οφθαλμους επαραι εις τον ουρανον αλλ ετυπτεν το στηθος εαυτου λεγων ο θεος ιλασθητι μοι τω αμαρτωλω [gnt]

A "sinner" can call himself a "sinner".

28. Luke 18:13
   Luke 18:13 
KJV: And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.
Greek: και ο δε τελωνης μακροθεν εστως ουκ ηθελεν ουδε τους οφθαλμους επαραι εις τον ουρανον επαραι αλλ ετυπτεν εις το στηθος αυτου εαυτου λεγων ο θεος ιλασθητι μοι τω αμαρτωλω

29. Matthew 27:42 Save oneself
Verse routeMatthew 27:42 He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him. [kjv]
Verse routeαλλους εσωσεν εαυτον ου δυναται σωσαι βασιλευς ισραηλ εστιν καταβατω νυν απο του σταυρου και πιστευσομεν επ αυτον [gnt]
Verse routealiossalvum … [v]

What do you see?While Jesus was on the cross, some mocked him as saving others but not himself.

In effect, Jesus was not saving himself to save others.

The Latin word "salvos""save" and is the origin of the English word "salvation".

30. Matthew 27:42
KJV: He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him.
Greek: αλλους εσωσεν εαυτον ου δυναται σωσαιει βασιλευς ισραηλ εστιν καταβατω νυν απο του σταυρου και πιστευσομεν αυτω επ αυτον
Latin: alios salvos fecit se ipsum non potest salvum facere si rex Israhel est descendat nunc de cruce et credemus ei
Luther: Andern hat er geholfen und kann sich selber nicht helfen. Ist er der König Israels, so steige er nun vom Kreuz, so wollen wir ihm glauben.

31. Reflexive deception
Verse route2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. [kjv]
Verse routeπονηροι δε ανθρωποι και γοητες προκοψουσιν επι το χειρον πλανωντες και πλανωμενοι [gnt]
Verse routemaliseductorespeius erranteserrorem … [v]
Verse routeubilaiairzjaiairzjandans. [got]

Deceiver and deceivedTimothy was Bishop of Ephesus. In 2 Timothy 3:13, Paul warns Timothy of "evil" men "deceiving" and "being deceived". The word for "evil" appears to be that of being burdened down with the cares and concerns of this world.

Deception can be reflexive in that one may start to believe one's own lies. This often happens when, in deceiving others, one starts to believe the deception being used.

Information sign More: Overly burdened in the cares and concerns of evil

32. Vladimir Lenin
Verse route2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. [kjv]
Verse routeπονηροι δε ανθρωποι και γοητες προκοψουσιν επι το χειρον πλανωντες και πλανωμενοι [gnt]
Verse routeubilaiairzjaiairzjandans. [got]

Notice that the evil men are deceiving others but, apparently, and reflexively, deceiving themselves. Can deception be done be burdening down people with burdens that may not be necessary?

A lie told often enough becomes the truth. Vladimir Lenin (Russian revolutionary and politician)

Information sign More: Vladimir Lenin

33. 2 Timothy 3:13
KJV: But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
Greek: πονηροι δε ανθρωποι και γοητες προκοψουσιν επι το χειρον πλανωντες και πλανωμενοι
Latin: mali autem homines et seductores proficient in peius errantes et in errorem mittentes
Wycliffe: But yuele men and disseyueris schulen encreese in to worse, errynge, and sendinge in to errour.
Gothic: ith ubilai mannans jah liutai theihand du wairsizin, airzjai jah airzjandans.

34. 1 Timothy 1:8
Verse route1 Timothy 1:8 But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully; [kjv]
Verse routeοιδαμεν δε οτι καλος ο νομος εαν τις αυτω νομιμως χρηται [gnt]

Using the "law" "lawfully" is a self-referential reflexive way of using the law.

Can you measure a ruler (e.g., yardstick) using a ruler? How about the same yardstick reflexively? Does that make sense?

In general, one might use a higher standard ruler to measure a lower standard ruler. With the security after the 911 attacks, it became harder to transport the "official" platinum metal ruler standards around the world.

35. 1 Timothy 1:8
KJV: But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully;
Greek: οιδαμεν δε οτι καλος ο νομος εαν τις αυτω νομιμως χρηται
Latin: scimus autem quia bona est lex si quis ea legitime utatur
Wycliffe: And we witen that the lawe is good, if ony man vse it lawefulli;
Luther: Wir wissen aber, daß das Gesetz gut ist, so sein jemand recht brauchet,

36. Deceiving heart
Verse routeJames 1:26 If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain. [kjv]
Verse routeει τις δοκει θρησκος ειναι μη χαλιναγωγων γλωσσαν εαυτου αυτου αλλα απατων καρδιαν εαυτου τουτου ματαιος η θρησκεια [gnt]

Verse routeProverbs 18:2 A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself. [kjv]

One can deceive one's own heart reflexively

Information sign More: James 1: Interpretation and misinterpretation

37. Matthew 19:16-17 Only one is good
Verse routeMatthew 19:16 And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? [kjv]
Verse routeκαι ιδου εις προσελθων αυτω ειπεν διδασκαλε τι αγαθον ποιησω ινα σχω ζωην αιωνιον [gnt]
Verse route19:17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. [kjv]
Verse routeο δε ειπεν αυτω τι με ερωτας περι του αγαθου εις εστιν ο αγαθος ει δε θελεις εις την ζωην εισελθειν τηρει τας εντολας [gnt]

Jesus says that no one is "good" but God. If Jesus is God, then if no one is good but God, then is Jesus good? Is the inference of a reflexive relationship appropriate here? Jesus uses the Greek word for "bad" for those who are "fallen" and need the "good news" or "Gospel".

38. Matthew 19:16
KJV: And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?
Greek: και ιδου εις προσελθων ειπεν αυτω ειπεν διδασκαλε αγαθε τι αγαθον ποιησω ινα εχω σχω ζωην αιωνιον

39. Matthew 19:17
KJV: And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.
Greek: ο δε ειπεν αυτω τι με λεγεις αγαθον ουδεις αγαθος ει μη ερωτας περι του αγαθου εις εστιν ο θεος αγαθος ει δε θελεις εισελθειν εις την ζωην τηρησον εισελθειν τηρει τας εντολας
Some ideas can be done reflexively that might not be what was intended.

40. Matthew 5:15 Light a candle
Verse routeMatthew 5:15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. [kjv]
Verse routeουδε καιουσιν λυχνον και τιθεασιν αυτον υπο τον μοδιον αλλ επι την λυχνιαν και λαμπει πασιν τοις εν τη οικια [gnt]

41. Matthew 5:15
   Matthew 5:15 
KJV: Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.
Greek: ουδε καιουσιν λυχνον και τιθεασιν αυτον υπο τον μοδιον αλλ επι την λυχνιαν και λαμπει πασιν τοις εν τη οικια

42. Self-inflicted suffering
Verse routePhilippians 1:29 For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake; [kjv]
Verse routeοτι υμιν εχαρισθη το υπερ χριστου ου μονον το εις αυτον πιστευειν αλλα και το υπερ αυτου πασχειν [gnt]

Verse route1 Peter 2:21 For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: [kjv]
Verse routeεις τουτο γαρ εκληθητε οτι και χριστος επαθεν υπερ υμων υμιν υπολιμπανων υπογραμμον ινα επακολουθησητε τοις ιχνεσιν αυτου [gnt]

Martin Luther, and others, would, at times, self-inflict pain on themselves to "suffer for Christ".

Consider the following verses.

Is this an appropriate response? Why or why not? Explain.

43. Philippians 1:29
KJV: For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake;
Greek: οτι υμιν εχαρισθη το υπερ χριστου ου μονον το εις αυτον πιστευειν αλλα και το υπερ αυτου πασχειν
Latin: quia vobis donatum est pro Christo non solum ut in eum credatis sed ut etiam pro illo patiamini
Wycliffe: but to you cause of heelthe. And this thing is of God. For it is youun to you for Crist, that not oneli ye bileuen in hym, but also that ye suffren for hym;
Luther: Denn euch ist gegeben, um Christi willen zu tun, daß ihr nicht allein an ihn glaubet, sondern auch um seinetwillen leidet,

44. 1 Peter 2:21
   1 Peter 2:21 
KJV: For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:
Greek: εις τουτο γαρ εκληθητε οτι και χριστος επαθεν υπερ ημων ημιν υμων υμιν υπολιμπανων υπογραμμον ινα επακολουθησητε τοις ιχνεσιν αυτου
Latin: in hoc enim vocati estis quia et Christus passus est pro vobis vobis relinquens exemplum ut sequamini vestigia eius
Wycliffe: For to this thing ye ben clepid. For also Crist suffride for vs, and lefte ensaumple to you, that ye folewe the steppis of hym.

45. Compare you to yourself
According to Paul, instead of comparing our work to others, one should compare one's work to one's own work.

Verse routeGalatians 6:4 But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. [kjv]
Verse routeτο δε εργον εαυτου δοκιμαζετω εκαστος και τοτε εις εαυτον μονον το καυχημα εξει και ουκ εις τον ετερον [gnt]

The word for "prove" here is that of "testing" and not a mathematical "proof".

46. Galatians 6:4

KJV: But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another.
Greek: το δε εργον εαυτου δοκιμαζετω εκαστος και τοτε εις εαυτον μονον το καυχημα εξει και ουκ εις τον ετερον
Latin: opus autem suum probet unusquisque et sic in semet ipso tantum gloriam habebit et non in altero
Wycliffe: But ech man preue his owne werk, and so he schal haue glorie in him silf, and not in an othere.
Luther: Ein jeglicher aber prüfe sein selbst Werk, und alsdann wird er an sich selber Ruhm haben und nicht an einem andern.

47. Exercise
In exercise physiology, such as strength training, one should keep records of one's workouts and compare one's performance to oneself, and not to another person.

If someone lifts a lot of weight, one should not try to match that weight (which may cause injury). Rather, one should try to improve one's own performance to a prior performance.

48. Thought question
CandleCan you think of any other reflexive relationships that might not be an appropriate interpretation of scripture?

49. End of page

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