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The idols Bel and Nabu
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. The idols Bel and Nabu

2. Exodus 20:3 Do not have any other gods
Verse routeExodus 20:3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me. [kjv]
Verse routeουκ εσονται σοι θεοι ετεροι πλην εμου [lxx]

C 1
The Greek word in the LXX (Septuagint) for "before" is "πλήν""with the exception of, except for".

The Greek for "other" is that of a "different other" rather than a "similar other".

This first commandment provides a working definition of "fornication" - serving other Gods.

3. Exodus 20:4 Do not make (and serve) idols
Verse routeExodus 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: [kjv]
Verse routeου ποιησεις σεαυτω ειδωλον ουδε παντος ομοιωμα οσα εν τω ουρανω ανω και οσα εν τη γη κατω και οσα εν τοις υδασιν υποκατω της γης [lxx]

C 2The Greek for "graven image" is that of "idol". An "image" can be "graven" as in "inscribed" or "written" without it being an "idol". What are each of the following?

The KJV (King James Version) translates (from the Hebrew) as "likeness" the Greek word in the LXX that is "similar".
The KJV translates (from the Hebrew) as "that is in" the Greek word in the LXX that is "such as". There are three examples provided: "heaven above", "earth beneath" and "water under the earth". The "ocean" is "water" but it is not "under" the "earth".

Information sign More: Average ocean depth
Information sign More: Exodus 20:1-26 The Ten Commandments

4. Reflexive idols in the way
Verse route1 John 5:21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen. [kjv]
Verse routeτεκνια φυλαξατε εαυτα απο των ειδωλων [gnt]

The word used by John for "keep" is that of "watch" and, in context, can be "prison". That is, do not "imprison" yourself with "idols".

An "idol" is something that diverts one from following God. Not following God is called "fornication". Thus, "fornication" and "idols" are closely related. Here are the first two of the Ten Commandments or "words". A common deception is that of a "false dilemma" whereby one creates two artificial choices to make someone thing that one must choose between the two choices provided. Creating "idols" is one way to create additional choices.

Jesus does not use the word "idol" but uses a more general form of an "idol" called "mammon"

Information sign More: False dilemma
Information sign More: Matthew 6:24 A wealth of logical ideas on mammon
Information sign More: Reflexive idols in the way

5. Idols in the way

 1   2   3   4   +   -   ▶ 
The ancient Greek word "εἴδωλον""phantom, image, idea, statue" and comes from "εἶδος""form".

6. Idol
In English, the words "idle" and "idol" are pronounced the same.

The English word "idol" means something representing a god that is worshiped - which could be a physical entity or something abstract in the mind (or both).

One idol in the Bible is in the apocryphal book of Daniel called "Bel and the dragon" where "Bel" is an idol that is worshiped.
The English word "idle" means "not working" in some way as in "idle words".

Information sign More: Matthew 12:30-37 Pardon the idle word counting

7. The idols Bel and Nabu
One popular idol in OT (Old Testament) times was "Bel" in "Babylon" which is related to "Baal" and "Babel". Other common idols in Babylon included "Nebo".

The name "Bel" is from the Akkadian and means "lord" or "master" as a title. The Latin and Greek name for "Bel" is "Belus".

In Babylon, "Bel" is short for "Bel-Marduk" where "Marduk" (unrelated to Marmaduke the cartoon dog) was the main god at the time of Daniel. The Akkadian "Belit" usually refers to the spouse of "Bel" called "Sarpanit".

The Babylonian god "Nabu" on "Nebo", with Mesopotamian roots, was associated with literacy and wisdom.

The word is from the Akkadian and means to "announce" or "prophesy".

Information sign More: Reflexive idols in the way
Information sign More: Daniel: Bel

8. Bel

9. Republic of Belarus

The name "Bel" does not appear to be related to Republic of "Belarus" a nation in Eastern Europe, formerly part of Russia, and whose capitol city is "Minsk". The name "Belarus" means "White Russia".

10. Idol
In English, the words "idle" and "idol" are pronounced the same.

The English word "idol" means something representing a god that is worshiped - which could be a physical entity or something abstract in the mind (or both).

One idol in the Bible is in the apocryphal book of Daniel called "Bel and the dragon" where "Bel" is an idol that is worshiped.
The English word "idle" means "not working" in some way as in "idle words".

Information sign More: Matthew 12:30-37 Pardon the idle word counting

11. Romans 11:4 Baal diphthongs
Verse routeRomans 11:4 But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal. [kjv]
Verse routeαλλα τι λεγει αυτω ο χρηματισμος κατελιπον εμαυτω επτακισχιλιους ανδρας οιτινες ουκ εκαμψαν γονυ τη βααλ [gnt]

The Israelites often worshiped the idol "Baal" which is a word cognate with "Bel".

The Akkadian form "Belit" appears in Greek as the ancient Greek word "βελτις""Bel" where the "lt" diphthong is changed to "tl". This comes through from Hebrew to English with Greek and Latin influence.

As with many ancient gods, the names and meanings and relationships are often somewhat unclear and debated by scholars.

12. Romans 11:4
   Romans 11:4 
KJV: But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal.
Greek: αλλα τι λεγει αυτω ο χρηματισμος κατελιπον εμαυτω επτακισχιλιους ανδρας οιτινες ουκ εκαμψαν γονυ τη βααλ
Latin: sed quid dicit illi responsum divinum reliqui mihi septem milia virorum qui non curvaverunt genu Baal

13. Strongs - Baal and Beelzebub

14. Usage - Baal
*G896 *1 Βάαλ (bah'-al) : of Hebrew origin (1168); Baal, a Phoenician deity (used as a symbol of idolatry):--Baal.
Word usage per chapter Words: βααλ

*G954 *7 Βεελζεβούλ (beh-el-zeb-ool') : of Chaldee origin (by parody on 1176); dung-god; Beelzebul, a name of Satan:--Beelzebub.
Word usage per chapter Words: βεελζεβουλ=7

15. Matthew 12:24
Verse routeMatthew 12:24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils. [kjv]
Verse routeοι δε φαρισαιοι ακουσαντες ειπον ουτος ουκ εκβαλλει τα δαιμονια ει μη εν τω βεεζεβουλ αρχοντι των δαιμονιων [gnt]
Verse routeBeelzebubdaemoniorum [v]

16. Matthew 12:24
KJV: But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.
Greek: οι δε φαρισαιοι ακουσαντες ειπον ουτος ουκ εκβαλλει τα δαιμονια ει μη εν τω βεελζεβουλ βεεζεβουλ αρχοντι των δαιμονιων
Latin: Pharisaei autem audientes dixerunt hic non eicit daemones nisi in Beelzebub principe daemoniorum

17. Nabu or Nebo
The Babylonian god "Nabu" or "Nebo", with Mesopotamian roots, was associated with literacy and wisdom. The word is from the Akkadian and means to "announce" or "prophesy".
This god Nabu is not related to the idyllic Naboo colony in the Star Wars episodes.

The god "Nabu" is associated with the Latin god "Mercury", the Greek god "Hermes" and the Egyptian god "Thoth".

In terms of "prophecy", the god "Nabu" is sometimes associated with the Greek god "Apollo" as the "giver of prophecies".

18. Hermes and the Caduceus
The name of the chemical mercury comes from the Roman god Mercury who was a speedy messenger for the gods, particularly the main god Jupiter.

The Greek name for the Roman god Mercury is Hermes. Hermes is known as the god of commerce, oratory, deception, marketing, etc.

The Roman god Mercury or the Greek god Hermes travels around and carries the caduceus consisting of two snakes around a pole.

Information sign More: Come quickly: sooner or later

19. Hermes and the caduceus and Aesculapius
Verse routeJohn 3:14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: [kjv]
Verse routeκαι καθως μωυσης υψωσεν τον οφιν εν τη ερημω ουτως υψωθηναι δει τον υιον του ανθρωπου [gnt]

Serpent on the pole
doctors use:
god of commerce
nurses use:
god of healing
Historically, the single snake on the rod of Aesculapius became a sign of healing. Nurses have adopted this symbol healing as a symbol of their profession.
The double snake and the caduceus is a symbol of travel (from the wings) and commerce and is associated with and carried by the Greek god Hermes. Doctors have adopted this symbol of commerce as a symbol of their profession.

20. John 3:15 In and into
Verse routeJohn 3:15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. [kjv]
Verse routeινα πας ο πιστευων εν αυτω εχη ζωην αιωνιον [gnt]

The TR (Textus Receptus) changes "in" to "into".

21. John 3:14

   John 3:14 
KJV: And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:
Greek: και καθως μωσης μωυσης υψωσεν τον οφιν εν τη ερημω ουτως υψωθηναι δει τον υιον του ανθρωπου

22. John 3:15

   John 3:15 
KJV: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
Greek: ινα πας ο πιστευων εις αυτον μη αποληται αλλ εν αυτω εχη ζωην αιωνιον

23. European traditions

Northern European legends and myths associated some of the same activities with Odin (who was old and had a white beard). In Holland, shoes were left out with food for Odin's horse, and the next morning they had been replaced with candy and gifts.

The Norse god Odin is similar to the Roman god Mercury or the Greek god Hermes or the Babylonian god Nabu. Odin, or Wodin, is the source of the English word "Wednesday" as Odin's day or Wodin's day.

Information sign More: Folk etymology
Information sign More: The doctrine of Santa Claus

24. Zeus
The Greek Zeus is the equivalent of the Roman Jupiter and the other Indo-European deities such as Thor and Odin.

25. Isaiah 46:1 Bel and Nebo
Verse routeIsaiah 46:1 Bel boweth down, Nebo stoopeth, their idols were upon the beasts, and upon the cattle: your carriages were heavy loaden; they are a burden to the weary beast. [kjv]
Verse routeבלנבו … [he]
Verse routeεπεσε βηλ συνετριβη δαγων εγενετο τα γλυπτα αυτων εις θηρια και κτηνη αιρετε αυτα καταδεδεμενα ως φορτιον κοπιωντι [lxx]
Verse routeBelNabo … [v]

*H1078 בֵּל (bale) : by contraction for H1168; Bel, the Baal of the Babylonians:-- Bel.

*H5015 נְבוֹ (neb-o') : probably of foreign derivation; Nebo, the name of a Babylonian deity, also of a mountain in Moab, and of a place in Palestine:--Nebo.

Isaiah talks of both "Bel " and "Nebo". The LXX translates "Nebo" as "Dagon" the "fish" god associated with the Philistines.

26. Isaiah 46:1
   Isaiah 46:1 
KJV: Bel boweth down, Nebo stoopeth, their idols were upon the beasts, and upon the cattle: your carriages were heavy loaden; they are a burden to the weary beast.
Hebrew: כרע בל קרס נבו היו עצביהם לחיה ולבהמה נשאתיכם עמוסות משא לעיפה׃
Greek: επεσε βηλ συνετριβη δαγων εγενετο τα γλυπτα αυτων εις θηρια και κτηνη αιρετε αυτα καταδεδεμενα ως φορτιον κοπιωντι
Brenton: Bel has fallen, Nabo is broken to pieces, their graven images are gone to the wild beasts and the cattle: you° take them packed up as a burden to the weary, exhausted, hungry, and at the same time helpless man;
Latin: conflatus est Bel contritus est Nabo facta sunt simulacra eorum bestiis et iumentis onera vestra gravi pondere usque ad lassitudinem

27. Jeremiah 48:1 Nebo
Verse routeJeremiah 48:1 Against Moab thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Woe unto Nebo! for it is spoiled: Kiriathaim is confounded and taken: Misgab is confounded and dismayed. [kjv]
Verse routeנבו … [he]
Verse routeτη μωαβ ουτως ειπεν κυριος ουαι επι ναβαυ οτι ωλετο ελημφθη καριαθαιμ ησχυνθη αμαθ και ηττηθη [lxx]
Verse routeNabo … [v]

*H5015 נְבוֹ (neb-o') : probably of foreign derivation; Nebo, the name of a Babylonian deity, also of a mountain in Moab, and of a place in Palestine:--Nebo.

Jeremiah mentions "Nebu" or "Nebo".

28. Jeremiah 48:1
KJV: Against Moab thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Woe unto Nebo! for it is spoiled: Kiriathaim is confounded and taken: Misgab is confounded and dismayed.
Hebrew: למואב כה אמר יהוה צבאות אלהי ישראל הוי אל נבו כי שדדה הבישה נלכדה קריתים הבישה המשגב וחתה׃
Greek: τη μωαβ ουτως ειπεν κυριος ουαι επι ναβαυ οτι ωλετο ελημφθη καριαθαιμ ησχυνθη αμαθ και ηττηθη
Latin: ad Moab haec dicit Dominus exercituum Deus Israhel vae super Nabo quoniam vastata est et confusa capta est Cariathaim confusa est fortis et tremuit

29. Jeremiah 50:2 Bel and Marduke
Verse routeJeremiah 50:2 Declare ye among the nations, and publish, and set up a standard; publish, and conceal not: say, Babylon is taken, Bel is confounded, Merodach is broken in pieces; her idols are confounded, her images are broken in pieces. [kjv]
Verse routeבבלבלמרדך … [he]
Verse routeαναγγειλατε εν τοις εθνεσιν και ακουστα ποιησατε και μη κρυψητε ειπατε εαλωκεν βαβυλων κατησχυνθη βηλος η απτοητος η τρυφερα παρεδοθη μαρωδαχ [lxx]

*H4781 מְרוֹדָך (mer-o-dawk') : of foreign derivation; Merodak, a Babylonian idol:--Merodach. Compare H4757.
*H1078 בֵּל (bale) : by contraction for H1168; Bel, the Baal of the Babylonians:-- Bel.
*H894 בָּבֶל (baw-bel') : from H1101; confusion; Babel (i.e. Babylon), including Babylonia and the Babylonian empire:--Babel, Babylon.

Jeremiah associates "Bel" with "Babylon". The god "Merodach" is another name for "Marduke".

30. Jeremiah 50:3 North
Verse routeJeremiah 50:3 For out of the north there cometh up a nation against her, which shall make her land desolate, and none shall dwell therein: they shall remove, they shall depart, both man and beast. [kjv]
Verse routeοτι ανεβη επ αυτην εθνος απο βορρα ουτος θησει την γην αυτης εις αφανισμον και ουκ εσται ο κατοικων εν αυτη απο ανθρωπου και εως κτηνους [lxx]

Aurora borealis

Babylon will be taken from a peoples from the "north". The the English term"aurora borealis" comes from the Latin word for "dawn" or "sunrise" and the Greek word "north" (which comes through Latin).

31. Jeremiah 50:2
KJV: Declare ye among the nations, and publish, and set up a standard; publish, and conceal not: say, Babylon is taken, Bel is confounded, Merodach is broken in pieces; her idols are confounded, her images are broken in pieces.
Hebrew: הגידו בגוים והשמיעו ושאו נס השמיעו אל תכחדו אמרו נלכדה בבל הביש בל חת מרדך הבישו עצביה חתו גלוליה׃
Greek: αναγγειλατε εν τοις εθνεσιν και ακουστα ποιησατε και μη κρυψητε ειπατε εαλωκεν βαβυλων κατησχυνθη βηλος η απτοητος η τρυφερα παρεδοθη μαρωδαχ

32. Jeremiah 50:3
KJV: For out of the north there cometh up a nation against her, which shall make her land desolate, and none shall dwell therein: they shall remove, they shall depart, both man and beast.
Hebrew: כי עלה עליה גוי מצפון הוא ישית את ארצה לשמה ולא יהיה יושב בה מאדם ועד בהמה נדו הלכו׃
Greek: οτι ανεβη επ αυτην εθνος απο βορρα ουτος θησει την γην αυτης εις αφανισμον και ουκ εσται ο κατοικων εν αυτη απο ανθρωπου και εως κτηνους

33. Jeremiah 51:44 Bel in Babylon
Verse routeJeremiah 51:44 And I will punish Bel in Babylon, and I will bring forth out of his mouth that which he hath swallowed up: and the nations shall not flow together any more unto him: yea, the wall of Babylon shall fall. [kjv]
Verse routeבל בבבל … [he]
Verse routeκαι εκδικησω επι βαβυλωνα και εξοισω α κατεπιεν εκ του στοματος αυτης και ου μη συναχθωσιν προς αυτην ετι τα εθνη [lxx]

Later in Jeremiah prophesies that "Bel" will be punished in "Babylon". The LXX does not have the word for "Bel"

34. Jeremiah 51:44
KJV: And I will punish Bel in Babylon, and I will bring forth out of his mouth that which he hath swallowed up: and the nations shall not flow together any more unto him: yea, the wall of Babylon shall fall.
Hebrew: ופקדתי על בל בבבל והצאתי את בלעו מפיו ולא ינהרו אליו עוד גוים גם חומת בבל נפלה׃
Greek: και εκδικησω επι βαβυλωνα και εξοισω α κατεπιεν εκ του στοματος αυτης και ου μη συναχθωσιν προς αυτην ετι τα εθνη

35. Dan as judge
The Israeli tribe of Dan were the judges, which is what Dan means.

The Hebrew word "דן" (judge/Dan) ≈ "Dan".
דן - Dan

The Hebrew name "Dan" means "judge". The Hebrew name "Daniel" means "God" be my "judge".

Information sign More: Genesis 49:1-33 Jacob's blessings

36. God
One word for God in Hebrew is "El", as in "El Shaddai". אל - God

37. Daniel
Thus, the name "Daniel" means "God be my judge" or "God the judge" (or something similar). דניאל - Daniel

38. Daniel 1:7 Names
Verse routeDaniel 1:7 Unto whom the prince of the eunuchs gave names: for he gave unto Daniel the name of Belteshazzar; and to Hananiah, of Shadrach; and to Mishael, of Meshach; and to Azariah, of Abed-nego. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι επεθηκεν αυτοις ο αρχιευνουχος ονοματα τω δανιηλ βαλτασαρ και τω ανανια σεδραχ και τω μισαηλ μισαχ και τω αζαρια αβδεναγω [lxx]

Many people change their names when moving to a new country and language. Daniel is exiled to Babylon his name is changed to help in the adapt to the culture. Later, his friends have their names changed. Their Hebrew and Babylonian (Akkadian) names were the following.

39. Daniel 1:7
   Daniel 1:7 
KJV: Unto whom the prince of the eunuchs gave names: for he gave unto Daniel the name of Belteshazzar; and to Hananiah, of Shadrach; and to Mishael, of Meshach; and to Azariah, of Abed-nego.
Hebrew: וישם להם שר הסריסים שמות וישם לדניאל בלטשאצר ולחנניה שדרך ולמישאל מישך ולעזריה עבד נגו׃
Greek: και επεθηκεν αυτοις ο αρχιευνουχος ονοματα τω δανιηλ βαλτασαρ και τω ανανια σεδραχ και τω μισαηλ μισαχ και τω αζαρια αβδεναγω

40. Aku
The Babylonian god "Aku" was the god of the moon.

41. Deuteronomy 6:4-9 Teach your children
Verse routeDeuteronomy 6:9 And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι γραψετε αυτα επι τας φλιας των οικιων υμων και των πυλων υμων [lxx]

Mezuzah on AmasonBefore entering the "promised land" about 600 years earlier, God had many instructions for the Israelites. Some of those involved "teaching your children".

Part of this teaching resulted in the Hebrew "mezuzah" that verses put on paper or parchment and put on a door post.

The prayer is usually the "Shema". In particular, Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and 11:13-21.

Information sign More: Deuteronomy 6:4-9 Teach your children

42. Nebopolassar
Nebopolassar was the father of Nebuchadnezzar.

Nebopolassar means "Nabu protect the son". He ruled from 626 BC until his death in 605 BC.

His accomplishments include the destruction of the Assyrian empire to whom Jonah had preached about 150 years earlier.

43. Nebuchadnezzar
The Babylonian name "Nebuchadnezzar" means, in Akkadian, "Nabu watch over my heir".

Nebuchadnezzar ruled the Chaldean empire from 605 BC until his death in 562 BC.

He is officially "Nebuchadnezzar II" but no one appears to remembers the first one,, so the "II" is often dropped. He is known as "Nebuchadnezzar the Great".

44. Carchemish
At the Battle of Carchemish in 605 BC, Nebuchadnezzar defeated the Egyptians and the remnants of the Assyrian Empire.

Shortly afterwards, his father Nabopolassar died and Nebuchadnezzar became king, and had to quickly return to Babylon.


45. Projects
Most of Nebuchadnezzar's projects were building projects rather than military accomplishments.

This is based, in part, on the inscriptions that have been discovered.

46. Nebonitis
After Nebuchadnezzar died, a power struggle ensued. In a few years, the king was "Nebonitis" which means "Nabu is praised". It appears that he may have been related through marriage as he kept much of the previous infrastructure, including Daniel and others, in place.

He ruled from 556 BC until the fall of Babylon in 539 BC and described in Daniel 5 and the "handwriting on the wall".

47. Belshazzar
There is speculation that "Nebonitis" was put in place by a plot against "Labashi-Marduk" by "Belshazzar". Nebonitis may have been a figurehead or had some other role.

That appears to be why Belshazzar offered Daniel third in the kingdom rather than second since Nebonitis, away at the time, was officially first in the kingdom and he was second. It was customary to offer second in the kingdom.

48. Names
Daniel has the Babylonian name "Belteshazzar" which means "Bel protects his life".

The last king of Babylon, at the "handwriting on the wall" episode, has the name "Belshazzar" which means "Bel protect the king".

In a strange way, Daniel's life was protected, not by Bel, but by God, and the king's life was forfeited as Bel had no way to protect him.

49. Herodotus
Herodotus reports some 200 years later that Cyrus had his general divert the Euphrates River so that the water in the moats protecting Babylon were lowered to knee deep and the soldiers walked into Babylon and took over without much of a fight.

50. Daniel: Bel
The "Bel" part of the Apocryphal book "Bel and the dragon" is about how Daniel skillfully and tactfully demonstrates convincingly to his superior, the King, that he is being deceived by the religious elite who are using the required sacrifices to their own benefit.
Discuss: Daniel sprinkled dust on the floor so that the footprints of deception became obvious in the morning. Has Jesus sprinkled dust with what he said such that the footprints of the deception become obvious at a later time?

Information sign More: Daniel: Bel

51. End of page

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