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Logical implications of inerrency
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Logical implications of inerrency
This content is being developed.

2. Sixteen binary logical operations
Truth 1
There are only 16 binary (two operand) logical operations. These can be enumerated. Here this is done in groups.

Each binary operation is of the form A op B where both A and B have the values of 0 (false) or 1 (true).

A op B
0 ? 0
1 ? 0
0 ? 1
1 ? 0
The result of the operation is under the op symbol. There are 16 such operations.

3. Logical constants
Truth 2
Some operations always return one value, true or false.

Such values are called constants because they never change.

Information sign More: Mathematical constants and Hebrew pi
Information sign More: The speed of light and other physical constants
Information sign More: Fundamental constants in the Bible
Information sign More: Standing together for systemic constancy

4. Logical values and negation
Truth 3
Some operations return one of the two values or the negation of one of the two values.

Negative operations mirror the positive operations since one could define everything in an opposite sense in which case the logic flips.

[type 1 and type 2 errors in statistics]

Information sign More: A prefix alpha to negate
Information sign More: Do not no way use double negatives

5. Logical conjunction and disjunction
Truth 4
Some operations are conjunction or disjunction, or the negation of those.

A computer consists of switches. The NOT AND operation is sometimes called NAND and a computer can be constructed of NAND gates.

[Shannon, computers]

Information sign More: Logical conjunction
Information sign More: Disjunction in Matthew
Information sign More: A conditional conjunction of constraints

6. Conjunction
The conjunction or intersection of A & B or A and B is true=1 if both of A and B are true=1, else the result is false=0.

Venn diagrams Expression tree Extended truth table
Sets A intersect B Conjunction Expression tree for A & B
A B | A & B ----------- 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 1 | 0 0 1 1 0 | 1 0 0 1 1 | 1 1 1

The result is in the column under the "&" operator.

Information sign More: Logical conjunction

7. Conjunction

The word "and" is a conjunction in that both parts (on either side) are needed.

Example: You need to buy milk and cookies at the store.
Distribute as follows. You need to do both.

Information sign More: Logical conjunction

8. Sets and Venn diagram
Sets A intersect B Conjunction

Logical conjunction (i.e., "And", "&", etc.) is related to the intersection operation of sets.

Here is a mathematical definition of set intersection.
Math equation for intersection
Note how the set intersection operator "" and the logical conjunction symbol "" are related. They are wide at the bottom and narrow/close at the top. This did not just happen. They are related.

Information sign More: Logical conjunction

9. Conjunction of constraints

 1   2   3   4   5   +   -   ▶ 

The parable of the sheep and goats appears to be the last and final division/constraint.

Information sign More: A conditional conjunction of constraints

10. Matthew 19:29 Disjunction
Verse routeMatthew 19:29 And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι πας οστις αφηκεν οικιας η αδελφους η αδελφας η πατερα η μητερα η τεκνα η αγρους ενεκεν του εμου ονοματος πολλαπλασιονα λημψεται και ζωην αιωνιον κληρονομησει [gnt]

The KJV (King James Version) does not directly translate the Greek word that means "whoever" and is a play on words with "hostile" or "bones".

The KJV translates as "forsaken" the Greek word that is "let go" and is often translated "forgiven".

The TR (Textus Receptus) adds "or wife" which appears to break the model.

The KJV translates as "receive" the Greek word that means "take" and is not used by Jesus in a good sense. The only thing you are to "take" appears to be yourself and your "cross".

Information sign More: Textus Receptus and model breaking
Information sign More: Disjunction in Matthew

11. Logical equality and inequality
Truth 5
Some operations return equality or the negation of equality which is inequality.

The inequality operation is sometimes called the exclusive or operation with abbreviation XOR (Exclusive Or). The cryptography (symmetric encryption) of the world is based on the exclusive or operation.
There are technology implications of security, one time pads, public and private keys, etc., with the buying and selling and the number and name of the beast in Revelation.

Future topic Details are left as a future topic.

Information sign More: The XOR operation and one-time pads

12. Equivocation deception between names and meanings
Verse routePhilippians 2:6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: [kjv]
Verse routeος εν μορφη θεου υπαρχων ουχ αρπαγμον ηγησατο το ειναι ισα θεω [gnt]
Verse routecumformarapinamaequalem … [v]

Verse route2:9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: [kjv]
Verse routeδιο και ο θεος αυτον υπερυψωσεν και εχαρισατο αυτω το ονομα το υπερ παν ονομα [gnt]

An "equivocation" is done when two "names" are made to be "equal" whereas the corresponding "things" or "meanings" are not "equal". The English word "equivocate" is from the late Latin word "aequivoco""call or name in the same way".

In Greek, if the context does not make it clear that two things are "equal" using "is", then the explicit Greek word "ισα""equal" is needed, as in the above verse.

Information sign More: Aristotle
Information sign More: Deceptions
Information sign More: Equivocation deception between names and meanings

13. Blood shed for you
Verse routeMatthew 26:28 For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. [kjv]
Verse routeτουτο γαρ εστιν το αιμα μου της διαθηκης το περι πολλων εκχυννομενον εις αφεσιν αμαρτιων [gnt]
Verse routeMark 14:24 And he said unto them, This is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι ειπεν αυτοις τουτο εστιν το αιμα μου της διαθηκης το εκχυννομενον υπερ πολλων [gnt]
Verse routeLuke 22:20 Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you. [kjv]
Verse route και το ποτηριον ωσαυτως μετα το δειπνησαι λεγων τουτο το ποτηριον η καινη διαθηκη εν τω αιματι μου το υπερ υμων εκχυννομενον [gnt]

In Greek, if the context does not make it clear that two things are "equal" using "is", then the explicit ancient Greek word "ισα""equal" is needed. This word is not in the above verse.

Does the context of these statements at the Last Supper using "is" constitute equality, as in transubstantiation? Is an explicit "equals" in Greek needed? Luke does not have an "is" for the "blood" but is more indirect.

Information sign More: Equivocation deception between names and meanings

14. Matthew 20:12 Inequality
Verse routeMatthew 20:12 Saying, These last have wrought but one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day. [kjv]
Verse routeλεγοντες ουτοι οι εσχατοι μιαν ωραν εποιησαν και ισους αυτους ημιν εποιησας τοις βαστασασιν το βαρος της ημερας και τον καυσωνα [gnt]

There appears to be no discussion on those hired at the other hours, just the "last" "hour".

The "first" have direct knowledge of the "last".

The ancient Greek word "ισα""equal" and is used when the context does not show exactly that what being compared is equal.

The reason for noting "equality" on "inequality" is to "measure" in order to determine who is "greater".

Information sign More: Matthew 20:1-19 Parable of the vineyard workers

15. Logical implication
Truth 6
Some operations are implication or the negation of implication.

This operation his implications with inerrency as it relates to the Bible.

16. Sixteen binary logical operations
Truth 7
Here are the sixteen binary logical operations color-coded.

17. Binary logical operations build

 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   +   -   ▶ 

18. Wittgenstein and logical operations
Here is the table from Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 5.101. This is often cited as TLP (Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus). He completed it in 1918 (as a Austrian soldier, artillery, Russian front, later Italian front, in World War I) and published it in 1921. An English translation and Latin title was published in 1922.
I created my own table of these operations in graduate school. It was many years until I found out that it had been done long before.

Information sign More: Ludwig Wittgenstein
Information sign More: Binary logical operations
Expression tree for A -> B

19. Logical implications of inerrency
The logical implication operation and associated expression tree and extended truth table are expressed as follows.

Logical implication Expression tree for A -> B
A B | A -> B ------------ 0 0 | 0 1 0 0 1 | 0 1 1 1 0 | 1 0 0 1 1 | 1 1 1

The logical formula A implies B is true if A is false or if A is true and B is true. Otherwise the implication is false. Note: 0 is false, 1 is true.

The term A is called the antecedent while B is called the consequent.

There are other equivalent ways to express logical implication that are the basis of logic programming systems such as Prolog.

20. Logical implication
Logical implication tree, extended truth table, and set diagram:

Expression tree for a -> b
A B | ( ! A ) | B ----------------- 0 0 | ( 1 0 ) 1 0 0 1 | ( 1 0 ) 1 1 1 0 | ( 0 1 ) 0 0 1 1 | ( 0 1 ) 1 1

Logical implication Logical implication Logical implication Some ways to write
logical implication:
(! A) | B (not A) or B A ⇒ B A implies B A imp B if A then B (bottom-up) B if A (top-down) B <- A (Prolog) B :- A (Prolog)

21. The Bible as a reality system
Implies 1
The Bible is a reality system. The Bible is not a logical system.

At the reality level, one deals with probabilities and conditional probabilities.

Information sign More: Greek truth as reality
Information sign More: Hebrew truth as reality

22. Hebrew truth as reality
Verse routeGenesis 2:3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. [kjv]
Verse routeאלהיםברא אלהים לעשות [he]
Verse routeκαι ηυλογησεν ο θεος την ημεραν την εβδομην και ηγιασεν αυτην οτι εν αυτη κατεπαυσεν απο παντων των εργων αυτου ων ηρξατο ο θεος ποιησαι [lxx]
Verse routeAnd God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it he ceased from all his works which God began to do. [bs3]

In Genesis 2:3, the end of the verse says that God rested from his work which "God created and made". This is the basis for the Hebrew word for truth which, like the Greek word for truth, «αλήθεια», has to do with the reality of our world. Levels of truthThe Hebrew word for truth, "אמת" has the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet at the beginning, the middle letter near the middle, and the last letter at the end.

Information sign More: Hebrew truth as reality

23. Acrostic
"אמת" (emet) ≈ "truth"
"לעשות" (la-a-so-wt) ≈ "created, made"
"אלהים" (el-o-him) ≈ "God, Elohim"
"ברא" (bra) ≈ "made, created"
Taking the last letter of the three words as an acrostic, and making a new Hebrew word, one gets the Hebrew word "אמת" which means "truth". אמת - truth
If the first letter of the Hebrew word for truth is removed, the resulting word is "dead" (noun) or "dying" or "diseased" (adjective).

Information sign More: Hebrew truth as reality

24. Greek truth as reality
Verse routeJohn 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι γνωσεσθε την αληθειαν και η αληθεια ελευθερωσει υμας [gnt]

Levels of truthJesus is the "truth" as in the "reality". The Greek word for "truth" means, literally, "not nothing" or "not oblivion" or "not forgotten". Thus, "truth" is "reality" and not logic nor opinion.

25. Interpretations of reality to logical systems
Implies 2
A logical system can relate to reality if an interpretation is created from reality to the logical system.

At the logical level, one works with discrete values of 0 (false) and 1 (true).
Predictions can then be attempted using the logical system.

[philosophers, natural philosophers]

26. Model build

 1   2   3   4   +   -   ▶ 

To discredit an opinion, one can find errors in the opinion. The same does not work well with a model. If a model does explain all phenomena sufficiently well, one needs to find a better model that handles those phenomena.

In desperation, those tied to opinion may question whether a model exists to explain the phenomena (even when presented with a model).

Note that some, such as flat earthers, may not accept any model but rely primarily on their opinion.

Information sign More: Circle of the flat earth
Information sign More: Models and reality

27. Interpretations and models
Book: Foundations of Logic ProgrammingPrecisely defining models can confuse some people.

Definition: An interpretation of a first order language L consists of the following.
[Aristotle quote]

28. Interpretations and models
Book: Foundations of Logic ProgrammingDefinition: Let I be an interpretation of a first order language L and let F be a closed formula of L. Then I is a model for F if the truth value of F with respect to I is true.
Definition: Let T be a first order theory and let L be the language of T. A model for T is an interpretation for L which is a model for each axiom of T.
Some precise ways of dealing with symbols, languages, interpretations, models, etc., can be found in the field of logic programming. The above definitions are on pages 12-13 of: Lloyd, J. (1984). Foundations of logic programming. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. This book (about 125 pages) was used in a graduate computer science course in logic programming that I took years ago.

Information sign More: Constraint logic: unification and resolution
Information sign More: Models and reality

29. Force the Bible to be a logical system
Implies 3
Some will force the Bible to be a logical system.

Discuss: Why might that be the case?
[flat earth, etc.] [Aristotle, deceptions]

30. Bible with many logical implications
Implies 4
The Bible will then have many logical implications.
An inconsistent logical system will allow any proposition to be proven true and every proposition to be proven false. Thus, it is useless as a logical system.

[complete vs. consistent]

31. Bible implications shown as false
Implies 5
Showing any implication false makes the Bible false.
Note that this depends on the interpretation used. An adversary may create plausible or implausible interpretations. ... more to be added ...

Future topic Details are left as a future topic.

32. Showing a logical implication true
Implies 6
Showing a logical implication true (in some sense, such as plausible reasoning) does not make the Bible true. It only addresses that particular implication.
Note the two 1 ( green ) values in column B. This is showing the Bible truth true (in some sense). Note the 1 (blue) and 0 (red) in column A. Going right to left (converse fallacy), there is a 0 (false) and 1 (true) value in column A.

This logical line of reasoning is a bottom-up approach that does a lot of unneeded and extra work and will not get one to where one wants to be - showing the Bible is true.

[top-down approach, John 1]

This is related to the converse fallacy which is usually part of a reality system and involves probabilities and conditional probabilities.

Information sign More: Converse fallacy: If A then B does not mean If B then A
Information sign More: John 1:1-19 Top-down Gospel message

33. Converse fallacy: If A then B does not mean If B then A
Before and after Attitude and behavior

In the converse fallacy, valid reasoning of the type "if A then B" is improperly reversed to be "if B then A". This fallacy happens often in real life and is used in marketing, sales, politics, pastors, etc. Sometimes it is deliberate deception. Sometimes the person using it has deceived themselves. Aristotle points out this reasoning fallacy in his Sophistic Refutations.

Other names for this fallacy include "hasty generalization", "affirming the consequent", "fallacy of accident". In this fallacy, what is "necessary" is not "sufficient".

Information sign More: Converse fallacy: If A then B does not mean If B then A

34. Aristotle: Sophistic Refutations
Rain and ground wet Fever and hot

English: since it happens that the earth becomes drenched when it has rained, if it is drenched, we think that it has rained, though this is not necessarily true. (Loeb#400, p. 31)
Greek: καὶ ἐπεὶ συμβαίνει τὴν γῆν ὕσαντος γίνεσθαι διάβροχον, κἂν ᾖ διάβροχος, ὑπολαμβάνομεν ὗσαι. Τὸ δ´ οὐκ ἀναγκαῖον. Sophistic Refutations [167a]
English: any more than it follows that a man who is hot must be in a fever because a man who is in a fever is hot. (Loeb#400, p. 31)
Greek: γέγονεν, ὥσπερ οὐδ´ εἰ ὁ πυρέττων θερμός, καὶ τὸν θερμὸν ἀνάγκη πυρέττειν. Sophistic Refutations [167a]
Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems Causality
Judea Pearl uses the same example about the rain and wet ground in his work.

Information sign More: Judea Pearl
Information sign More: Converse fallacy: If A then B does not mean If B then A

35. Bible as a reality system
Implies 7
The Bible is not a logical system. The Bible is a reality system.
There are many inconsistencies in the Bible. There are many mistranslations in the Bible. The Bible text is a spread-spectrum, fault tolerant, error-correcting system. One must use prudence in determining the message of the Bible.

36. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 God-breathed writings
Verse route2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: [kjv]
Verse route3:17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. [kjv]

As an informal mathematical proof resulting in a complete or even result, consider the following paraphrase.

Paraphrase: For all writings such that that writing is God-breathed, that writing is helpful for ... such that the man of God is complete/even, ready to accomplish any good work.
One common thread in the laundry list of sins of the last days appears to be that of a breakdown in relationships within the body of believers.

Information sign More: 2 Timothy 3:13-17 All writings are surely written

37. Versed in magical attention
Blivet Fork
To pull a rabbit out of the hat, the magician must deceive the eye and the mind in order to put the rabbit into the hat.
There are many ways to divert the attention of those in the audience in order to accomplish this trick of deception.

Some pastors will do this by focusing attention on part of a verse (e.g., details of the original Greek) to draw attention away from other parts of that verse or nearby verses. Some pastors will make a stupid joke to get the audience to laugh and then quickly skip over a verse that does not agree with their political or social change leanings.

When one starts to look at the entire context of the verses, things may not look as clear as portrayed.

Information sign More: Easter: the futility of rabbits

38. Inerrancy progression

 1   2   3   4   5   +   -   ▶ 
Two people can see the same thing in different ways. Sometimes both are true in some sense.

Jesus say he is the way, truth (reality) and the life.

Information sign More: An errant look at Biblical inerrancy and infallibility

39. Errors
Obzerved and desired behavior False goal

Have you ever heard about "changing" the "error of your ways"?

An error and a change are both defined as a difference between the observed behavior and the expected or desired behavior.

A warning is similar to an error except that it is not considered as important an issue as an error.

To identify an error requires a specification and one should not use the operational code as a specification.

Inerrancy reasoning fallacy: You cannot know that the Bible has an error unless you know what the Bible is supposed to say.

Information sign More: An errant look at Biblical inerrancy and infallibility
Information sign More: Errors and changes

40. Email analogy
Suppose an email message (Bible) arrives that claims to be from your boss (God).

You find some spelling and grammer errers, but can still understand the message. Due to inerrancy considerations, you might reason as follows. Does it matter? Is the authentication more important than any spelling or grammar mistakes in the message?

Discuss: Why do some people spend more time arguing about spelling and grammer errers and fixing them than in actually doing what the message says to do?

[spoofing, man in the middle attack, Shannon, Hamming]

Information sign More: Mathematical constants and Hebrew pi

41. Group deception method
Here is one way to create a movement based on deception, including deceptive movements based on the Bible. There are regular meetings of this society to encourage the faithful and convince them that any attack on the message is an attack on the whole movement and that they need to defend that message at all costs.

The worldly existence of both the top leader and the leaders under the top leader depend on this deception.

Information sign More: Circle of the flat earth

42. Animal model
Bird Sit Fish Walk Pig Stand

Let us use an animal and body part model for this group deception method.

43. Salt of the earth verses
sheep Sheep
Verse routeMatthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. [kjv]

birds Bird
Verse route5:15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. [kjv]

fish Fish
Verse route5:14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. [kjv]

pigs Pig
Verse route5:13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. [kjv]

House on sand wordsThese ideas will be in the summary of the houses built on rock and sand at the end of the Sermon on the Mount.
Words in these verses may be code words, have double meanings, be play on words, etc. The Greek words may have been changed (mistranslated), omitted, etc. [top-down view]

Information sign More: Matthew 5:13-16 Animal crackers
... more to be added ...

44. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640