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Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart

2. Beatitudes summary
Here is a quick summary of the Beatitudes. Each starts with "Blessed are". To not be negative, most series of ARMS (Attractive Refrigerator Magnet Sermons) stop at number 6 or 7. The Sermon on the Mount then starts with "salt of the earth" and ends with the "house built on sand".

Information sign More: Attractive refrigerator magnet sermons
Information sign More: The Beatitudes

3. Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart
Verse routeMatthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. [kjv]
Verse routeμακαριοι οι καθαροι τη καρδια οτι αυτοι τον θεον οψονται [gnt]
Verse routebeati mundo cordevidebunt [v]

Ivory Soap is 99.44% pure and it floats! That specific number appears to have resulted due to a rounding error in calculations that was then adopted as part of a marketing slogan. [chaos theory]
In the Beatitudes, Jesus talks about the "pure" or "clean" in "heart" and "seeing" God. It appears that "pure" in "heart" refers to not having any ulterior motives used to do "evil" as in "oppress" others.

The important words are "blessed", "pure", "heart" and "see"

This should be answered in the sense of the Beatitudes and not in a general or otherwise sense.

4. Chaos theory
Book: The butterfly effect
Chaos theory: sensitive dependency on initial conditions of modeling of dynamical systems.

Analogy: It is as if a butterfly flapping it's wings resulted in a tornado (1972). His original analogy used a seagull and a storm.

Some pastors will confuse "potentiality" or "as if" or "analogy" with an "actuality" or "fact" and preach how a butterfly can create this effect and then preach that you should be like that butterfly, etc. The "liken" or "as if" word of analogy is used 16 times in Matthew (more times in other Gospels and by Paul, etc.).
Other chaos meanings: (KAOS is from the 1960's comedy Get Smart) An exact mathematical model is only an approximation of reality. Some pastors will preach Greek mythology chaos as if it were the statements made in Genesis.

Information sign More: Chaos theory and snowflakes
Information sign More: Genesis 1:6-8 A gaping gap between chasm and chaos
Information sign More: Exact math only approximates reality

5. Lua program
Here is a simple Lua program to add values of 1/10 as 0.1.
Here is the output of the Lua code.
The 17 places in the output is important to being exactly precise.

An exact mathematical model is only an approximation of reality.

Information sign More: Exact math only approximates reality

6. Revelation 1:14 Head and white hairs
Verse routeRevelation 1:14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; [kjv]
Verse routeη δε κεφαλη αυτου και αι τριχες λευκαι ως εριον λευκον ως χιων και οι οφθαλμοι αυτου ως φλοξ πυρος [gnt]

Falling snowflakeThere are only "white" "hairs" of the "head" (Jesus), not "black" "hairs". Are any two snowflakes the exact same pattern? How are snowflakes formed?

A snowflake is created as it falls to earth in a chaotic manner - a deterministic chaos. Most are symmetric as the temperature, pressure, etc., are approximately the same at any point in space.

The same argument that no two snowflakes are the same is the same argument that information (i.e., DNA via evolution) cannot arise by chance which means, by way of proof, that there is a creator God.

Information sign More: Matthew 5:33-37: Hairs of the head - yes no
Information sign More: Chaos theory and snowflakes

7. 2 Corinthians 6:6 Ignorant pureness
Verse route2 Corinthians 6:6 By pureness, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy Ghost, by love unfeigned, [kjv]
Verse routeεν αγνοτητι εν γνωσει εν μακροθυμια εν χρηστοτητι εν πνευματι αγιω εν αγαπη ανυποκριτω [gnt]

In this verse, the KJV (King James Version) translates what would appear to be "ignorant" but, instead, is "pureness". The Greek word means chaste and comes from another Greek word for "holy" or "sanctified".
Could this meaning have anything to do with "ignorant" as in "not knowing" as in a "blind faith"?

Information sign More: Ignorance of agnostic lack of belief

8. Possible pun
The negation of the word for "knowledge" just happens to be similar to the word for "chaste". The distinction between hard and soft breathing at the start of a word disappeared in the first century BC.
In modern Greek, the omicron (short, small) and omega (long, big) sound the same. In ancient Greek, they would have somewhat similar but yet different sounds. It makes one wonder about puns in the ancient Greek language involving these two words.

Candidates for such puns would be words used only once by Paul that could have a double meaning.

Information sign More: Ignorance of agnostic lack of belief

9. 2 Corinthians 6:6

KJV: By pureness, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy Ghost, by love unfeigned,
Greek: εν αγνοτητι εν γνωσει εν μακροθυμια εν χρηστοτητι εν πνευματι αγιω εν αγαπη ανυποκριτω
Latin: in castitate in scientia in longanimitate in suavitate in Spiritu Sancto in caritate non ficta
Wycliffe: in chastite, in kunnyng, in long abiding, in swetnesse, in the Hooli Goost,
Gothic: in swiknithai, in kunthja, in laggamodein, in selein, in ahmin weihamma, in frijathwai unhindarweisai,
Luther: in Keuschheit, in Erkenntnis, in Langmut, in Freundlichkeit, in dem Heiligen Geist, in ungefärbter Liebe,

10. Pure ignorance
Verse routePhilippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. [kjv]
Verse routeτο λοιπον αδελφοι οσα εστιν αληθη οσα σεμνα οσα δικαια οσα αγνα οσα προσφιλη οσα ευφημα ει τις αρετη και ει τις επαινος ταυτα λογιζεσθε [gnt]

Ivory Soap is 99.44% pure and it floats! That specific number appears to have resulted due to a rounding error in calculations that was then adopted as part of a marketing slogan.

[chaos theory]
In a sense, the Greek word for "pure" (rough breath) can be a play on words with "ignorant" (smooth breath). This may or may not be important here.

Information sign More: Ignorance of agnostic lack of belief
Information sign More: Greek: rough and smooth breathing
Information sign More: Germanic g to English y
Information sign More: Philippians 4:8 Logical calculation

11. Cleansed
Verse routeMatthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. [kjv]
Verse routeμακαριοι οι καθαροι τη καρδια οτι αυτοι τον θεον οψονται [gnt]

Verse route11:5 … the lepers are cleansed, … [kjv]
Verse routeτυφλοι αναβλεπουσιν και χωλοι περιπατουσιν λεπροι καθαριζονται και κωφοι ακουουσιν και νεκροι εγειρονται και πτωχοι ευαγγελιζονται [gnt]

The ancient Greek word "καθαρός""clean, clear, pure".

A folk etymology is that the English name "Catherine" comes from the ancient Greek word "καθαρός""clean, clear, pure" but it comes from the ancient Greek word "Αἰκατερίνη""Goddess Hecate". It is possible that they are related. Related English names are "Caitlin", "Karen" and "Katrina".

Information sign More: Matthew 11:1-6: Trapped by an offensive misinterpretation of Jesus

12. Matthew 11:5-6 Bottom-up forward-chaining
Message of Jesus to John the Baptist (in physical prison):
Verse routeMatthew 11:5 The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them. [kjv]

Six noun‑verb pairs decoded
6. poor=fallenbeggars start gospel=good news preached
5. dead=asleep then raised=wake up you deadhead
4. deaf=not listening then hear=listen and understand repent
3. lepers=sinners then cleansed=be born againcleansed in the blood Ask
2. lame=passive then walk=active start walking in righteousness Seek
1. blind=not seeing then sight=look up/ahead and see God & others Knock
The top-down verses (in English) may be more understandable as a bottom-up progression (as events unfold in time) using the Greek meanings of the words. Approaches to change: (stop, repent, be cleansed and walk).

Verse route11:6 And blessed is he, who soever shall not be offended in me. [kjv]
Verse routeblessidsclaundrid … [wy]
Verse routehappyoffended … [ty]

13. Matthew 11:5-6 Diagram
Ways 1
The ways that six items can be ordered is 6! = 6*5*4*3*2*1 = 720 ways. Of these six items in Matthew 11:6, only two sequences fit - forward or backwards. Is this a coincidence?
Verse routeMatthew 11:5 The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them. [kjv]
Verse route11:6 And blessed is he, who soever shall not be offended in me. [kjv]

14. Probability
Permute 1
The ways that six items can be ordered is 6! = 6*5*4*3*2*1 = 720 ways. Of these six items in Matthew 11:6, only two sequences fit - forward or backwards. That is, a probability of 1 in 360. There are 360 days in a prophetic year. Is any of this a coincidence?

Information sign More: Matthew 11:1-6: Trapped by an offensive misinterpretation of Jesus

15. Review of misinterpretations
Verse routeMatthew 11:5 The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them. [kjv]
Verse route11:6 And blessed is he, who soever shall not be offended in me. [kjv]
Verse routeblessidsclaundrid … [wy]
Verse routehappyoffended … [ty]

blind look up
lame walk
lepers cleansed
deaf hear
dead woken up
poor gospel preached
Having discovered a deeper meaning to Matthew 11:5, how might someone "misinterpret" what Jesus has said?

What should the church be doing?

What should believers be doing?
Discuss: Do churches or believers ever get "ensnared" or "misinterpret" in helping the poor, the blind, those without clothes, in prison, etc., and lose sight of the real purpose of Jesus? Many of those words used by Jesus have double meanings.

How many are like those picked by Gideon?

Information sign More: Matthew 11:1-6: Trapped by an offensive misinterpretation of Jesus

16. Vespasian
In 66 A.D., Roman General Vespasian was dispatched to quell the Jewish Revolt of 66 AD.

He became Roman Emperor in 69 A.D. after the demise of Emperor Nero and his son Titus (later a Roman Emperor) finished the military action around Jerusalem which resulted in the destruction of the Jewish Temple in the manner described by Jesus about 40 years earlier.
What is an invention for which Vespasian is credited? (As a way to increase Roman revenue).

Information sign More: Romans: Under the law as in sewer pipes

17. The smell of money
The smell of money is described by the Latin phrase "Pecunia non ole""money does not stink" which may have it's origins in the actions of Vespasian.
Paul would advise Timothy about the "love of money".

Verse route1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. [kjv]
Verse routeριζα γαρ παντων των κακων εστιν η φιλαργυρια ης τινες ορεγομενοι απεπλανηθησαν απο της πιστεως και εαυτους περιεπειραν οδυναις πολλαις [gnt]

Information sign More: Romans: Under the law as in sewer pipes

18. Matthew 5: A eulogy of some blessed words on being blissfully happy
Each of the Beatitudes in Matthew 5 start with the word "blessed". What does it mean to say someone is "blessed"?

Whisper chain happy to blessedThe Latin word "beati""happy, fortunate, blessed" and is the origin of the English word "beatitude" and the name of the "Beatitudes". Latin has one word as "fortunate" for which Greek has two separate words:
Observation: It is easier for a priest, pastor, etc., to wave their hands and "bless" you than to actually make you "happy".
Conflate of bless with blissIn English, both words are merged as one "blessed" and, historically, conflated with the word "bliss" which is associated with "joy".

Information sign More: Matthew 5: A eulogy of some blessed words on being blissfully happy

19. Matthew 5:8
   Matthew 5:8 
KJV: Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Greek: μακαριοι οι καθαροι τη καρδια οτι αυτοι τον θεον οψονται
Latin: beati mundo corde quoniam ipsi Deum videbunt

20. Matthew 5:8 Bless your heart
Verse routeMatthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. [kjv]
Verse routeμακαριοι οι καθαροι τη καρδια οτι αυτοι τον θεον οψονται [gnt]

Bless your heartThe phrase "bless" your "heart" is a southern saying that has several meanings.
One might hear it used about children who are not well-behaved.

Information sign More: Matthew 5: A eulogy of some blessed words on being blissfully happy

21. Matthew 5:8 Pure in heart
Verse routeMatthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. [kjv]
Verse routeμακαριοι οι καθαροι τη καρδια οτι αυτοι τον θεον οψονται [gnt]
Verse routebeati mundo cordevidebunt [v]

Matthew 5:8
Strong Used Unique Word Part of speech
The word "in" is inferred from the dative case and replaces the "the".

22. Sin
Verse routeMatthew 15:19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: [kjv]
Verse routeεκ γαρ της καρδιας εξερχονται διαλογισμοι πονηροι φονοι μοιχειαι πορνειαι κλοπαι ψευδομαρτυριαι βλασφημιαι [gnt]

According to Jesus, sin starts in the "heart" or "brain" and not in the "eye", "hand", "foot", etc. The Greek for "thoughts" is that of "logical calculation". The Greek for "evil" is that of "oppression" (of others and/or yourself).

Eye cutout 3The "eye" is a sensor that passes the visual signal along. Removing the eye is like "shooting the messenger" who brought a message that is not desired.

Information sign More: Matthew 5:29-30 : The ayes came in handy, if not plucked out
Information sign More: Shoot the messenger
Information sign More: John 8:1-20 A top-down view of the woman caught in adultery

23. Matthew 15:17 Give way to more food
Jesus makes a distinction between the "belly" and the "heart" using the Greek word for "understand" that does not have a negative connotation.
Verse routeMatthew 15:17 Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught? [kjv]
Verse routeου νοειτε οτι παν το εισπορευομενον εις το στομα εις την κοιλιαν χωρει και εις αφεδρωνα εκβαλλεται [gnt]

The ancient Greek word "ἀφεδρών""toilet" and comes from "ἕδρα""seat", as in "cathedral", "polyhedron", etc.
The prefix "ἀπο""away from" which has an idea of a "separating distance".

The English word "draught" is an older and obsolete word for "outhouse" as a "toilet".

The ancient Greek word "χωρέω""give way, make way". That is, what goes in pushes out what is there such that what is in "gives way" or "makes way" to what is coming in.

Information sign More: John 21:24-25 Giving way to the gospel writing style of John
Information sign More: Matthew 15:1-21 Blind leading the blind

24. A strong case for Valentine's Day
Verse routeMatthew 9:12 But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. [kjv]
Verse routeο δε ακουσας ειπεν ου χρειαν εχουσιν οι ισχυοντες ιατρου αλλα οι κακως εχοντες [gnt]
Verse routeat Iesus audiens ait non est opus valentibus medico sed male habentibus [v]

The Latin word "valentibus""strong" and is the source of the Latin name "Valentine" meaning "strong". From Saint Valentine (there were two of them) comes the holiday known as Saint Valentine's Day an February 14.
Valentine's Day has become a marketing bonanza and commercial celebration of love and romance.

[valence in chemistry in 1884, Emperor Valens and the Goths in 378]

Information sign More: A strong case for Valentine's Day

25. Proverbs 25:2-3
Verse routeProverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter. [kjv]
Verse route25:3 The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. [kjv]
Verse routeουρανος υψηλος γη δε βαθεια καρδια δε βασιλεως ανεξελεγκτος [lxx]

Proverbs has a saying that applies to problem solving in general. What might the following mean? Can "unsearchable" be equated with "infinite"?

Information sign More: Ephesians 3:18 : From lowest depth to highest height

26. Deceiving heart
Verse routeJames 1:26 If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain. [kjv]
Verse routeει τις δοκει θρησκος ειναι μη χαλιναγωγων γλωσσαν εαυτου αυτου αλλα απατων καρδιαν εαυτου τουτου ματαιος η θρησκεια [gnt]

Verse routeProverbs 18:2 A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself. [kjv]

One can deceive one's own heart reflexively

Information sign More: James 1: Interpretation and misinterpretation

27. Matthew 6:19 Play on words
Verse routeMatthew 6:19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: [kjv]
Verse routeμη θησαυριζετε υμιν θησαυρους επι της γης οπου σης και βρωσις αφανιζει και οπου κλεπται διορυσσουσιν και κλεπτουσιν [gnt]

Play- on-word paraphrase: It is a myth that through a serpent you can treasurize your treasure here on the earth where you and your food disappear and clever deceptive thieves dig a channel and take away something or bring in something (to achieve their deceptive goals).

Information sign More: Matthew 6:19-21: A treasury of treasures of which to treasure

28. Matthew 6:21 Treasured memories
Verse routeMatthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. [kjv]
Verse routeοπου γαρ εστιν ο θησαυρος σου εκει εσται και η καρδια σου [gnt]
Verse routegold-hordheorte. [wes]

Heart and treasure
One abstract or mental use of "treasure" is that of memories, such as a "treasured memory". This is to be contrasted with physical treasures as might be valued by someone tempted to be a pirate.
Is the "heart" a physical or abstract (i.e., information or mental) concept?

Physical treasure is part of time and space (and matter, etc.) as we know it. How might the "love of money" be related to the "treasure" of the mind?

Information sign More: Matthew 4:1-11 Examining evil temptations
Information sign More: Do not mention temptations nor attempt to be a pirate
Information sign More: Matthew 6:19-21: A treasury of treasures of which to treasure

29. John Seeing God
Verse routeJohn 1:18 No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. [kjv]
Verse routeθεον ουδεις εωρακεν πωποτε μονογενης θεος ο ων εις τον κολπον του πατρος εκεινος εξηγησατο [gnt]
Verse routevidit … [v]

Verse route1 John 4:12 No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us. [kjv]
Verse routeθεον ουδεις πωποτε τεθεαται εαν αγαπωμεν αλληλους ο θεος εν ημιν μενει και η αγαπη αυτου τετελειωμενη εν ημιν εστιν [gnt]
Verse routevidit … [v]

What does it mean to "see" God? This "see" is not the "see" used in the Beatitude.

The modern Greek word "οψόνται" (o-PSON-teh) ≈ "see" and whose root is the source of English words such as "optical", "optometry", etc.

The Latin word "videbunt""see" and is the source of the English word "video".

Let us first look at some verses that do not use this word (in the Greek).

30. John 1:18
   John 1:18 
KJV: No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.
Greek: θεον ουδεις εωρακεν πωποτε ο μονογενης υιος θεος ο ων εις τον κολπον του πατρος εκεινος εξηγησατο
Latin: Deum nemo vidit umquam unigenitus Filius qui est in sinu Patris ipse enarravit
Wessex: Ne ge-seah naefre nan man god bute se akennede sune hyt kydde. þe ys on hys fader bearme.
Wycliffe: No man sai euer God, no but the`oon bigetun sone, that is in the bosum of the fadir, he hath teld out.

31. 1 John 4:12
   1 John 4:12 
KJV: No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.
Greek: θεον ουδεις πωποτε τεθεαται εαν αγαπωμεν αλληλους ο θεος εν ημιν μενει και η αγαπη αυτου τετελειωμενη εστιν εν ημιν εστιν
Latin: Deum nemo vidit umquam si diligamus invicem Deus in nobis manet et caritas eius in nobis perfecta est

32. Acts 7:56 Stephen
Verse routeActs 7:56 And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι ειπεν ιδου θεωρω τους ουρανους διηνοιγμενους και τον υιον του ανθρωπου εκ δεξιων εστωτα του θεου [gnt]
Verse routevideo … [v]

The modern Greek word "θεωρώ" (theh-o-RO) ≈ "regard, see, consider".

33. Acts 7:56
   Acts 7:56 
KJV: And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.
Greek: και ειπεν ιδου θεωρω τους ουρανους ανεωγμενους διηνοιγμενους και τον υιον του ανθρωπου εκ δεξιων εστωτα του θεου
Latin: et ait ecce video caelos apertos et Filium hominis a dextris stantem Dei

34. Jesus and Peter
Verse routeMatthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. [kjv]
Verse routeμακαριοι οι καθαροι τη καρδια οτι αυτοι τον θεον οψονται [gnt]

Verse route2 Peter 1:8 For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. [kjv]
Verse routeταυτα γαρ υμιν υπαρχοντα και πλεοναζοντα ουκ αργους ουδε ακαρπους καθιστησιν εις την του κυριου ημων ιησου χριστου επιγνωσιν [gnt]
Verse route1:9 But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins. [kjv]
Verse routeω γαρ μη παρεστιν ταυτα τυφλος εστιν μυωπαζων ληθην λαβων του καθαρισμου των παλαι αυτου αμαρτιων [gnt]

The Greek word «μυωπαζων», appearing only here, for "cannot see" is related to the English word "myopic".

35. 2 Peter 1:8
   2 Peter 1:8 
KJV: For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Greek: ταυτα γαρ υμιν υπαρχοντα και πλεοναζοντα ουκ αργους ουδε ακαρπους καθιστησιν εις την του κυριου ημων ιησου χριστου επιγνωσιν

36. 2 Peter 1:9
   2 Peter 1:9 
KJV: But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins.
Greek: ω γαρ μη παρεστιν ταυτα τυφλος εστιν μυωπαζων ληθην λαβων του καθαρισμου των παλαι αυτου αμαρτιων

37. Matthew Seeing God
Verse routeMatthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. [kjv]
Verse routeμακαριοι οι καθαροι τη καρδια οτι αυτοι τον θεον οψονται [gnt]

Verse route24:30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι τοτε φανησεται το σημειον του υιου του ανθρωπου εν ουρανω και τοτε κοψονται πασαι αι φυλαι της γης και οψονται τον υιον του ανθρωπου ερχομενον επι των νεφελων του ουρανου μετα δυναμεως και δοξης πολλης [gnt]

Verse routeMark 13:26 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι τοτε οψονται τον υιον του ανθρωπου ερχομενον εν νεφελαις μετα δυναμεως πολλης και δοξης [gnt]

The Greek and Latin words used here for "see" are the same ones as in the Beatitude.

38. Matthew 24:30
KJV: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Greek: και τοτε φανησεται το σημειον του υιου του ανθρωπου εν τω ουρανω και τοτε κοψονται πασαι αι φυλαι της γης και οψονται τον υιον του ανθρωπου ερχομενον επι των νεφελων του ουρανου μετα δυναμεως και δοξης πολλης
Latin: et tunc parebit signum Filii hominis in caelo et tunc plangent omnes tribus terrae et videbunt Filium hominis venientem in nubibus caeli cum virtute multa et maiestate

39. Seeing Jesus
Verse routeMatthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. [kjv]
Verse routeμακαριοι οι καθαροι τη καρδια οτι αυτοι τον θεον οψονται [gnt]

Verse route28:10 Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me. [kjv]
Verse routeτοτε λεγει αυταις ο ιησους μη φοβεισθε υπαγετε απαγγειλατε τοις αδελφοις μου ινα απελθωσιν εις την γαλιλαιαν κακει με οψονται [gnt]
Verse routevidebunt [v]

40. Matthew 28:10
KJV: Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me.
Greek: τοτε λεγει αυταις ο ιησους μη φοβεισθε υπαγετε απαγγειλατε τοις αδελφοις μου ινα απελθωσιν εις την γαλιλαιαν κακει με οψονται
Latin: tunc ait illis Iesus nolite timere ite nuntiate fratribus meis ut eant in Galilaeam ibi me videbunt

41. Mark 13:26
   Mark 13:26 
KJV: And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.
Greek: και τοτε οψονται τον υιον του ανθρωπου ερχομενον εν νεφελαις μετα δυναμεως πολλης και δοξης
Latin: et tunc videbunt Filium hominis venientem in nubibus cum virtute multa et gloria
Wessex: Ðanne ge-syeð hyo mannes suna cumende on ge-nipum mid mycelen maigne & wuldre.

42. Seeing his face
Verse routeMatthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. [kjv]
Verse routeμακαριοι οι καθαροι τη καρδια οτι αυτοι τον θεον οψονται [gnt]

Verse routeRevelation 22:4 And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι οψονται το προσωπον αυτου και το ονομα αυτου επι των μετωπων αυτων [gnt]
Verse routevidebunt faciemnomenfrontibus … [v]

[Name above all names]

43. Revelation 22:4
KJV: And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads.
Greek: και οψονται το προσωπον αυτου και το ονομα αυτου επι των μετωπων αυτων
Latin: et videbunt faciem eius et nomen eius in frontibus eorum

44. The game of cleaning both sides of the bowl
Sometimes justifying your actions with Bible verses does not work.
Verse routeMatthew 23:26 Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also. [kjv]
Verse routeφαρισαιε τυφλε καθαρισον πρωτον το εντος του ποτηριου και της παροψιδος ινα γενηται και το εκτος αυτου καθαρον [gnt]
Verse routemundacalicisparapsidismundum [v]

The cupA bowl is somewhat like a cup. When washing dishes after making pancakes (using ground grain flour) the bowel may have dried flour on it. I have been told that although the inside of the cup is clean, the outside of the cup has gritty grain on it which is unacceptable.

I tried using the above verses to justify thoroughly cleaning the inside of the cup and not fully cleaning the outside of the bowl, but that analogy was not accepted. How can we wash the inside to be "white as snow"?

Information sign More: Song: Are you washed in the blood?
Information sign More: Song: What can wash away my sin
Information sign More: Song: Jesus paid it all
Information sign More: Matthew 23:26 Cleaning the cup and bowl

45. Seeing God
Verse routeMatthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. [kjv]
Verse routeμακαριοι οι καθαροι τη καρδια οτι αυτοι τον θεον οψονται [gnt]

Jesus uses some of the same words later in Matthew.
Verse route23:25 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites ! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess. [kjv]
Verse routeουαι υμιν γραμματεις και φαρισαιοι υποκριται οτι καθαριζετε το εξωθεν του ποτηριου και της παροψιδος εσωθεν δε γεμουσιν εξ αρπαγης και ακρασιας [gnt]
Verse route23:26 Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also. [kjv]
Verse routeφαρισαιε τυφλε καθαρισον πρωτον το εντος του ποτηριου και της παροψιδος ινα γενηται και το εκτος αυτου καθαρον [gnt]

As Jesus often does, there are double-meanings in the words translated as "platter" and "excess" but only one of the double-meanings for each word appears in the corresponding verse in Luke translated as "platter" and "wickedness", respectively.

Information sign More: Matthew 23:26 Cleaning the cup and bowl

46. 1 John 3:2
Verse route1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. [kjv]
Verse routeαγαπητοι νυν τεκνα θεου εσμεν και ουπω εφανερωθη τι εσομεθα οιδαμεν οτι εαν φανερωθη ομοιοι αυτω εσομεθα οτι οψομεθα αυτον καθως εστιν [gnt]

47. 1 John 3:2
   1 John 3:2 
KJV: Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
Greek: αγαπητοι νυν τεκνα θεου εσμεν και ουπω εφανερωθη τι εσομεθα οιδαμεν δε οτι εαν φανερωθη ομοιοι αυτω εσομεθα οτι οψομεθα αυτον καθως εστιν

48. Psalms 107:42
Verse routePsalms 107:42 The righteous shall see it, and rejoice: and all iniquity shall stop her mouth. [kjv]
Verse routeοψονται ευθεις και ευφρανθησονται και πασα ανομια εμφραξει το στομα αυτης [lxx]

49. Psalms 107:42
KJV: The righteous shall see it, and rejoice: and all iniquity shall stop her mouth.
Hebrew: יראו ישרים וישמחו וכל עולה קפצה פיה׃
Greek: οψονται ευθεις και ευφρανθησονται και πασα ανομια εμφραξει το στομα αυτης

50. Psalms 115:5
Verse routePsalms 115:5 They have mouths, but they speak not: eyes have they, but they see not: [kjv]
Verse routeστομα εχουσιν και ου λαλησουσιν οφθαλμους εχουσιν και ουκ οψονται [lxx]
Verse routeoculosvidebunt [v]

51. Psalms 115:5
   Psalms 115:5 
KJV: They have mouths, but they speak not: eyes have they, but they see not:
Hebrew: פה להם ולא ידברו עינים להם ולא יראו׃
Greek: στομα εχουσιν και ου λαλησουσιν οφθαλμους εχουσιν και ουκ οψονται
Latin: os habent et non loquentur oculos habent et non videbunt
Luther: Sie haben Mäuler und reden nicht; sie haben Augen und sehen nicht;

52. Proverbs 20:20
Verse routeProverbs 20:20 Whoso curseth his father or his mother, his lamp shall be put out in obscure darkness. [kjv]
Verse routeκακολογουντος πατερα η μητερα σβεσθησεται λαμπτηρ αι δε κοραι των οφθαλμων αυτου οψονται σκοτος [lxx]

53. Proverbs 20:20
KJV: Whoso curseth his father or his mother, his lamp shall be put out in obscure darkness.
Hebrew: מקלל אביו ואמו ידעך נרו באישון חשך׃
Greek: κακολογουντος πατερα η μητερα σβεσθησεται λαμπτηρ αι δε κοραι των οφθαλμων αυτου οψονται σκοτος
Latin: qui maledicit patri suo et matri extinguetur lucerna eius in mediis tenebris
Wycliffe: The liyt of hym that cursith his fadir and modir, schal be quenchid in the myddis of derknessis.
Luther: Wer seinem Vater und seiner Mutter flucht, des Leuchte wird verlöschen mitten in Finsternis.
Spanish: El que maldice a su padre o a su madre, su lámpara será apagada en oscuridad tenebrosa.

54. Revelation 3:11
Verse routeRevelation 3:11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. [kjv]
Verse route ερχομαι ταχυ κρατει ο εχεις ινα μηδεις λαβη τον στεφανον σου [gnt]

55. Revelation 3:11
KJV: Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
Greek: ιδου ερχομαι ταχυ κρατει ο εχεις ινα μηδεις λαβη τον στεφανον σου

56. Historical interpretation of church history

 1   2   3   4   +   -   ▶ 

☐ Literal ☐ Christian living
☐ Figurative ☐ Heresies over time
☐ Historical ☐ Prophetic details

[spread spectrum communication]
[self-similar like fractals]
[linear combinations]
Note that the time of Roman persecutions was that of the universal church as a collection of small "mustard seeds" while the time of Roman acceptance was that of the universal church as "tree with birds making a home in the branches".

Information sign More: Church history and linear combinations

57. Review: Matthew 13 Pearl of great price parable 6
Verse routeMatthew 13:45 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: [kjv]
Verse route13:46 Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it. [kjv]

Pearls Two laws
Why might a "great one of the earth", as a business transaction, "sell" everything, but not himself, to obtain "one" pearl?
If everything is sold to buy one pearl, which pearls are thus not obtained?

Might the two most important laws identified by Jesus be two "pearls". Both are needed. What happens if one obtains only one of these "pearls"?

Information sign More: Matthew 13:45-46 KP6 Parable of the pearl of great price

58. Church at Philadelphia
Verse routeRevelation 3:7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; [kjv]

Sign: Come in we're open Horizontal key Sign: Sorry we're closed

In Revelation, the "church" at "Philadelphia" has "the" "key" of David. What is "opened" or "closed"? Might it be related to the following?

59. Great Awakening
The "Great Awakening" is usually taken as a series of religious conversion waves from the 1700's into the 1900's. Each wave was less in magnitude.

60. John Wesley's rule of life

61. John Wesley's idea of holiness

62. Matthew 5:9 Making and appeasing peaceful peacemakers
Verse routeMatthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. [kjv]
Verse routeμακαριοι οι ειρηνοποιοι οτι αυτοι υιοι θεου κληθησονται [gnt]

Chess pieces

Is there any conscientious objection to continuing on the topic of making peace? Let us piece together some ideas.

These questions arise from Matthew 5:9 in the Beatitudes, given on a mountain to the disciples with both altitude and attitude. Is that right, dude?

Ambiguous request: Let me be an instrument of your peace.

Information sign More: Matthew 5:9 Making and appeasing peaceful peacemakers

63. End of page

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