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Sunday School 2021-2022
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Sunday School 2021-2022
Here are links to content from Sunday School in 2021-2022.

Other content:

2. 2021-10-10 Timothy and Ephesus intro

3. 2021-10-17 Acts Jason

4. 2021-10-24 Berea and case study

5. 2021-10-31 Saints and Halloween
Supporting material: (linked from above material) Other material:

6. 2021-12-05 Christmas week 1

7. 2021-12-12 Christmas week 2

8. 2021-12-19
No Sunday School due to use of the sanctuary for Christmas purposes.
Since the Sunday School met only 2 of the 4 weeks, below is material that was not used due to not enough time.

9. 2021-12-26
No Sunday School due to use of the sanctuary for Christmas purposes.

10. 2022-02-06 Search the scriptures
  • SPUM: VBS on June 29, 1962
  • Song: Take my life and let it be
  • Song: Open my eyes that I may see
  • Search the scriptures
  • A peace of the mouth of the sword
  • Matthew 7:3-5 Beams and motes: the devil is in the details
  • Song: Open my eyes that I may see
  • Months (Supporting content)

  • 11. 2022-02-13 Evil sick time
  • West Point vs. Penn State: October 5, 1974
  • Song: Jesus loves even me
  • Song: Jesus loves the little children
  • Orange you going to color it red
  • A strong case for Valentine's Day
  • Matthew 9:12 The healthy make a strong case for evil sick time
  • Tu quoque or you too fallacy (supporting content)
  • Thank you for giving thanks and for Thanksgiving (supporting content)

  • 12. 2022-02-20 Ephesians 6 Full armor of God
  • Song: Joshua fought the battle of Jericho
  • The battle between Joshua and Jesus
  • Song: Stand up stand up for Jesus
  • Ephesians 6: Defending the full armor of God
  • Thank you for giving thanks and for Thanksgiving (supporting content)

  • 13. 2022-02-27 Daniel Overview
  • Song: Jesus loves me
  • Daniel lesson intro
  • Daniel: overview
  • A biased view about being unbiased
  • Weapons technology
  • Matthew 24: Wars and rumors of wars
  • Daniel: lesson end

  • 14. 2022-04-03 Hezekiah, Isaiah, Babylon
  • Song: O God, our help in ages past
  • Song: Blessed assurance
  • SPUM: Doug Smith and the handbell choir
  • Caged birds: Hezekiah shows treasure to Babylon
  • The original Babel and Babylon
  • The idol Bel
  • Babylon in Revelation

  • 15. 2022-04-10 Before the cross
  • SPUM: John Snyder as missionary and pastor
  • Song: When morning guilds the skies
  • Song: O how I love Jesus
  • Sabbaths and High Sabbaths: Crucifixion week
  • Easter: Passover compass directions
  • Easter: golden eggs and the rising sun
  • Easter: the futility of rabbits
  • Jesus as Messiah and King
  • Song: This is the day
  • Lent, Ash Wednesday, Fastnacht Day, Mardi Gras (supporting content)

  • 16. 2022-04-17 At the cross
  • SPUM: Confirmation class in 1969
  • Song: Christ the Lord is risen today
  • Song: Christ arose
  • The mandate of Maundy Thursday
  • Daniel: world empires
  • Daniel prophecy
  • Song: This is the day

  • 17. 2022-04-24 After the cross
  • SPUM: Youth group early 1970's
  • Bible truth
  • Mount Moriah and Golgotha
  • Exodus 17:8-16 Battle with Amalek
  • Genesis 5: A hidden plan of inherited salvation
  • Luke: Feminism in Bible times - a start
  • Song: Jesus paid it all
  • Like a good neighbor, Jesus is there
  • Song: I come to the garden alone

  • 18. 2022-04-29 Daniel and Bel
    This Sunday School was done on short notice and notes added afterwards.

  • Daniel: Bel
  • Song: America the Beautiful

  • 19. 2022-06-05 Pentecost 1
  • SP EUB: VBS in 1954
  • Pentecost
  • A tongue in cheek model for Pentecost
  • Song: This is the day
  • Song: Pass it on

  • 20. 2022-06-12 Pentecost 2
  • Mount Gretna church camp
  • A security model for speaking in tongues
  • Song: Breath on me, breath of God
  • Song: O for a thousand tongues to sing

  • 21. 2022-06-19 Offenses as snares
  • SPUM: Ed Boll
  • Matthew 11:6: Idiomatic misinterpretations that offend
  • Song: He leadeth me
  • Song: To God be the glory

  • 22. 2022-06-26 Eyes as members
  • Elizabethtown bear mascot
  • Liberty Bell in Elizabethtown
  • Matthew 5:29-30 : The ayes came in handy, if not plucked out
  • Song: Battle Hymn of the Republic (Mine eyes have seen the glory)
  • Song: The church is one foundation

  • 23. 2022-08-07 Matthew 6 Seek ye first
  • Matthew 6: Seek to eat , drink and be married to Jesus
  • Song: Come Christians join to sing
  • Song: All creatures of our God and King

  • 24. 2022-08-14 2 Peter 2 - déjà vu all over again
  • Fairs
  • 2 Peter 2:1-22 Déjà vu all over again
  • Song: Come Thou Almighty King
  • Song: The solid rock

  • 25. 2022-08-21 Luke 19 Stature
  • Elizabethtown square
  • Luke 19: A short discussion on stature
  • Song: My faith looks up to thee
  • Song: Standing on the promises
  • Song: Stand up stand up for Jesus

  • 26. 2022-08-28 Back to school
  • Back to school
  • Back to being idle at school
  • Song: Be thou my vision
  • Song: Have thine own way Lord

  • 27. 2022-09-25 Philippians Joy
  • SPUMC renovations: 2000
  • A joyous thank you for the grace of a gaudy favor
  • Song: I've got the joy
  • Song: Amazing grace
  • Song: Joy to the World
  • Thank you for giving thanks and for Thanksgiving
  • Song: Give thanks
  • Song: Joyful joyful we adore thee

  • 28. 2022-10-02 Philippians
  • SPUM: Wesley Friendship Class history
  • Philippians 1a: A gracious favor of joy to Philippi

  • Songs in the notes:

    29. 2022-10-09 Philippians
  • SPUM: Wesley Friendship Class history
  • Philippians 1a review
  • Philippians 1:16-18 syllogism
  • Philippians 1b: A gracious favor of joy to Philippi
  • Song: All hail the power
  • Song: Fairest Lord Jesus

  • Songs in the notes:

    30. 2022-10-16 Philippians
  • SPUM: Wesley Friendship Class history
  • Philippians 1 review
  • Philippians 2:1-2 consolation
  • Philippians 2:3-5 strife and vain glory
  • Song: Doxology

  • 31. 2022-10-23 Philippians
  • Wesley Class: 1998
  • Negatives: 1963-1972
  • Philippians 2a review
  • Philippians 2:5-8 form of God and Aristotelian causes
  • Song: To God be the glory

  • Songs in the notes:

    32. 2022-10-30 Philippians, Halloween
  • Choir: 1972
  • October 31: Halloween
  • Song: What can wash away my sin
  • Philippians 2a review
  • Philippians 2:9-11 every knee shall bow

  • Songs in the notes:

    33. 2022-11-06 Philippians, woman apostle, Martin Luther
  • The orchestra in 1967
  • Philippians 1 and 2: review
  • Philippians 2:12-13 working things out
  • Romans 16: A woman apostle
  • Social media post gone viral
  • Song: Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus

  • Songs in the notes:

    34. 2022-11-13 Veterans Day
  • Library group in 2001
  • SPUMC veterans [Veteran Harry Reed]
  • November 11: Veterans Day

  • Songs related to Veterans Day.

    35. 2022-11-20 Thanksgiving
  • Needlework circle in 1978
  • Spanish Flu memories
  • Thank you for giving thanks and for Thanksgiving
  • Thanksgiving
  • Song: Give thanks
  • Song: Count your blessings
  • Song: Jingle Bells
  • Song: For the Beauty of the Earth

  • Songs in the notes:

    36. 2022-11-27 Advent

    37. Christmas etymology
    The word "Christmas" (modern English) is
    On Christmas Eve, at the end of the service, the fast would end and everyone would be "dismissed" for the celebrations (12 days) and to do their "mission", being "sent out".

    [ninth hour]
    Does the "X" in "X-mas" take "Christ" out of "Christmas"?

    Information sign More: Merry X-mas
  • Music group - October 7, 2001
  • Assorted Christmas photos
  • Merry X-mas
  • Happy Holidays and the Wassail
  • Christmas advent season
  • John: The reason for the season
  • Song: Joy to the World

  • Songs in the notes:

    38. Christmas etymology
    The word "Christmas" (modern English) is
    On Christmas Eve, at the end of the service, the fast would end and everyone would be "dismissed" for the celebrations (12 days) and to do their "mission", being "sent out".

    [ninth hour]
    Does the "X" in "X-mas" take "Christ" out of "Christmas"?

    Information sign More: Merry X-mas

    39. 2022-12-04 Live nativity
  • Live nativity about 1985
  • USS Haynsworth
  • Naive about the nativity
  • Candy canes
  • Hosting strange and hostile guests and ghosts
  • Song: What child is this?
  • Song: Joy to the World
  • Song: Hark the herald angels sing

  • Christmas songs related to the nativity:

    40. 2022-12-11 Music at Christmas 1
  • Music and Christmas
  • Music background
  • Jazz and music
  • Music: amusing music
  • Here are some early Christian hymns and carols.

    41. 2022-12-18 Music at Christmas 1
  • Church Christmas photos
  • Live nativity about 1985
  • Jolly yuletide tidings
  • Song: I will sing unto the Lord
  • Caroling and hymns
  • Song: Deck the halls
  • Song: I saw three ships
  • Song: O come, o come, Emmanuel
  • Song: Good Christian Men Rejoice

  • Here are some early Christian hymns and carols.

    42. 2022-12-18

    43. End of page

    by RS : 1024 x 640