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1. Matthew
Here is content related to the book of Matthew.

2. Matthew 2

3. Matthew 4

4. The Beatitudes
This is a series on the Beatitudes from Matthew 5 in the process of being created. It was started in 2021 (February through May). It was updated in 2024 (January through March).

Information sign More: The Beatitudes

5. Matthew 5

6. Animal crackers
Here are links to additional content on Matthew 5:13-16 which begins with the "salt of the earth".

7. Matthew 5

8. Matthew 6

9. Matthew 7a

10. Matthew 7b

11. Matthew 7: Houses built on sand and on rock
House on sand wordsHere are some links to a series of pages on the houses built on sand and on rock.
Here are some songs related to houses build on sand or rock.

12. Matthew 9

13. Matthew 10

14. Matthew 11

15. Matthew 12

16. Matthew 13

17. Matthew 16

18. Matthew 17

19. Matthew 18:1 Greatest and least in the kingdom
Matthew 18 contains a self-contained discourse centered around the idea of "great". This includes interactions between members of the church as a gathering of believers. Another common theme is that of many-to-one relationships or associations.

Information sign More: Chapter and verse divisions
Information sign More: Matthew 18:1 Greatest and least in the kingdom

20. Matthew 21

21. Matthew 23

22. Other links
This is a series on the parable of the sheep and goats in the process of being created.

23. Matthew 24: Olivet discourse

24. Matthew 27

25. End of page

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